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Here’s what players want to see in the next patch:

Adjustment of the event volume on Extinction, as players had to lower the game volume to 5% to avoid ear discomfort.

Fix for Gachas spawning inside walls.

Fix for Managarmrs spawning and getting stuck in the sky.

Revision of the x2 rates for breeding and other aspects, because players have lives outside their screens too.

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Now if only I could open a menu without crashing! I passed on 3 premium mods already because the game in an unplayable state, especially if you want to play with mods n such, ya know, like promised when sold the game. 

I wonder if they can get Nekatus to go in and finish their other maps for them like they said they would?? I'm looking at you Ice Palace on the center, under the floating island, giant floating rocks, Ab crashing constantly for everyone, etc, etc..ugh.

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Déjà qu'il règle les problème avec extinction car pour les joueur ps5 c est injouable sa fige on crash en boucle et le problème et toujours pas réglé c'est même pire. On a remarqué que sa venais des mode donc obliger de tout désinstallé et encore sa continue de buger. donc avant de demander encore du fric au joueur réglé les bug merci 

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7 minutes ago, Ferchi said:

Fix the mesh, the game is a little over a year old, but those bugs you copied are about to turn 10yo

Yea i remember in ASE how annoying was still playing titan music in snow/desert biome. Even when titan was killed or tamed, the music was playing on and on..

Of course this bug, (like the thousands of other ones) was copied to ASA. This music still annoy people.

Edited by slejo
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