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Losing character without any obvious reason.

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After playing Ark Ascended for 279 hours, I have encountered character lost only 3 times. It's rare, but it's there.

- first time was because hardcore mode was on. (I probably turned it on accidentally overlooking that it might be smth to do with dino level at that time)
Imo the game should add hardcore-mode-on icon somewhere on the main screen when starting the game in SP because it could be accidentally turned on and will result in losing character when it happens)

- Second time was due to a crash in Aberration. This at least has a reason, but I ever had a crash without character being lost, so...

- Third time today is the most annoying one, yesterday I just finished my game session coz I wanted to sleep, saved the game, quit the game then backed it up in a rar file, it's just a normal procedure with no weird thing happening like crash or smth. This morning I run the game and start the game and the game put me in character creation screen, which means my character is lost. 

Luckily I know the solution to this, by going to G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ARK Survival Ascended\ShooterGame\Saved\SavedArksLocal\Aberration_WP and I noticed before this that a map folder that has LocalPlayer.arkprofile and LocalPlayer.profilebak is the latest map my character is at, and this time those files are missing so I did lost my character to unknown reason, no crash no nothing, just a normal save and quitting the game. So I open another rar file and take those files from another rar and put it in the Aberration_WP folder and I got my character back. Again luckily I have made it as a habit to keep at least one latest backup when deleting old backups so I can restore my char, I should probably keep more but it would be more work renaming the saves to keep track but safer.

The solution is actually easy, but why would the game lose  my character at random and at no obvious reason like a crash or smth. I was always afraid this might happen randomly everytime I closed my game, it never happened, but today it actually happens. It is rare but the chance of it to happen is there no matter how small.

I hope Single Player will get its own method for moving from map to map to avoid this since this is a very common problem and the cause is unknown and there is no way to reproduce it (even a crash not always result in losing character I ever experienced it once and my char was not lost).

Why a SP game have to deal with moving localplayer file while it could be structured differently. Sure the game was made as a Multi Player game only at first, but single player has become a thing and I bet quite many play that way, why not add a separate method that can negate this problem 100%. We never lose character randomly like this in real SP games.

Edited by DonaldDuck
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