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Battle rig additions



Additions for battle rigs! ASIDE FROM THEM NOT WORKIN-



Spiked hood: a barbaric looking hood with a light armor but sharp spikes, bonus spike damage!

Armored hood: a tank like hood that will slow you down a bit but adds extra armor 

Tek hood: a sleak untouched hood of a tek ATV adds extra armor and bonus speed thanks to its high powdered engine 


Spiked Chassis: a sharp center with extra Spikes

Tank Chassis: takes both the trunk and the Chassis, this adds a extra 200 armor and damage resistances but slows down your vehicle significantly. And puts a turret in the center! And adds a another to the back! 

Cargo Chassis: takes both the trunk and Chassis! This cooled storage allows you to throw out cryos!, 50% weight reduction on everything, and keeps food fresh!!! 

Armored Chassis: a thick Armored Chassis that adds extra armor At a cost of more

Boat Chassis: takes up the trunk and the Chassis! Allows you go float on the water! A little gun boat!! 

Simi Chassis: takes up a the trunk and the Chassis! Adds a platforms to build on the back off!

Booster Chassis: takes up the trunk and Chassis! This adds speakers, fireworks and flamethrowers!!!! Adds a AOE boost when activated needs gas! Removes gun 

tek Chassis: a nearly untouched old tek ATV Chassis, holds 4 people, sheild system that adds armor and lowers per attack. Needs element to power 




Tek trunk: a tek renfoced trunk.  Nearly spotless! Allows deployment or cryos near by!

Ammo trunk: a trunk with much less armor but allows you to reload so long as there's ammo in the inventory 


Armored tiers: tiers for a true tank! Made from mostly treads into a wheel shape. They shread the ground and add extra armor At the cost of speed 

Tek tiers: a nearly spotless start or the art tek tier!!! Able to go up steep and harsh terrain like tek boots


Front attachment: 

Front facing grappling hook: a hook to tow things from the front! 

Drill: a heavy drill able to mine element veins, resources and break structures!!

Tek Deflector: able to Deflect targets and send targets flying away from you 

Back attachments 

Goo sprayer: allows you to spray sticky goo that slows targets down

Back motar: a grenade launcher that when turned on will launch a cluster of Grenades



Tek turret: a salvage tek turret works like a tek saddle 

Heavy machine gun: uses snipers rounds and is a high caliber machine gun

Shreader: a 4 shot machine gun that uses pistol bullets 

Shotgun turret: a real shotgun turret Deadly close range but not so much from afar 

Motar: using cannon balls it fires cannon balls and can work like Artillery

Flack cannon: uses Grenades it works like a trope turret! Bonus against flyers and manas



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