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Community Crunch 440: ARK: Survival Ascended Content Roadmap!


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I just realized that if it's confirmed that the 2 Genesis maps don't have any Community voted creatures, it'll mean that they are essentially turning 2 free creatures we were promised into 2 of the five new paid Fantastic creatures.

It borders on thievery. At the very least these are not honest methods to make money.

I know we never get replies from WildCard in the comments of Community crunches (I guess reading news on the official website makes us less worthy than asking questions on third party platforms like X or Discord, where dollie apparently provides information that appears nowhere else ?), but at least I hope it's clarified and addressed later. Sooner than later, ideally.

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1 hour ago, LordPoof said:

Now imagine being a PVP player and getting dropped by the devs since the beginning of ASA. I miss the crossark ORP servers because you could play pvp and have a life at the same time and it was more reliable than official, that's not even including the removal of metas with no replacements and the removal of most valid building locations on maps like extinction (which is why server pop numbers for extinction PVP and PVP in general dropped so quickly in ASA) and even the nerfing of some of the most PVP utilized dinos like the velo without even a bat of the eye. That's why the majority of players are still on ASE (which are higher in total player numbers than ASA).

No, the REAL reason people are still on ASE because they have a fatal mental disorder known as "Entitlement", and are still bitter about having to pay for a remastered game (and need I remind you, many most of them are the same people who would pay ten times more for a top tier tame on official servers on ASE back in the day ASE had official servers.) Not everyone is a 300bl. sweaty PvP scrub. That's the biggest issue with ARK, the divide between PvP obsessed players, and everyone else.

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5 hours ago, TyranntX said:

No, the REAL reason people are still on ASE because they have a fatal mental disorder known as "Entitlement", and are still bitter about having to pay for a remastered game (and need I remind you, many most of them are the same people who would pay ten times more for a top tier tame on official servers on ASE back in the day ASE had official servers.) Not everyone is a 300bl. sweaty PvP scrub. That's the biggest issue with ARK, the divide between PvP obsessed players, and everyone else.

How is it entitlement if I simply decide to keep playing what I have and just waiting till the direction of their new remasterd game is more clear? I just don't like what they have shown sofar so I'll keep waiting.
Your assumption about certain stereotypes might be true for some but "some" is not "most" and "most" people I've met on either PvP and PvE would certainly not pay 10x more for just one creature. In fact, most of them consider P2W for loosers. Trying to explain other peoples mental state in the way you do here is telling more about yours than anything else.

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I love people who talk about "entitlement" like it's a bad thing... when, it is, in fact, that players are entitled to the content THEY ALREADY PAID FOR. In October of 2023. Like, legally, we have paid for this. But instead we are asked to pay for other stuff and the product we already are the paying customers of is further delayed.

It's not a bad thing to demand more clarity about a product that basically we gave an advance for to WildCard. It's our money we're asking about. I understand being patient but two, three years until players have access to the content they paid for is way too much, especially when WildCard, in dire need of cashflow, keeps pushing less ethical content. So basically, the devs/artists who should be working on the content we have already paid for (and/or potentially the free creatures that WildCard already promised we would vote on), are instead put on other projects like the 5 Fantastic Tames to make money in the short term... As someone else said about it, it was the ONE GOOD THING about WildCard : the lack of being microtransactioned to death.

Forgive me if I play ASE in the meantime, a game that not only is fully paid for, but also has all of the content I paid for.

Edited by ladyteruki
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6 hours ago, ladyteruki said:

I love people who talk about "entitlement" like it's a bad thing... when, it is, in fact, that players are entitled to the content THEY ALREADY PAID FOR. In October of 2023. Like, legally, we have paid for this. But instead we are asked to pay for other stuff and the product we already are the paying customers of is further delayed.

It's not a bad thing to demand more clarity about a product that basically we gave an advance for to WildCard. It's our money we're asking about. I understand being patient but two, three years until players have access to the content they paid for is way too much, especially when WildCard, in dire need of cashflow, keeps pushing less ethical content. So basically, the devs/artists who should be working on the content we have already paid for (and/or potentially the free creatures that WildCard already promised we would vote on), are instead put on other projects like the 5 Fantastic Tames to make money in the short term... As someone else said about it, it was the ONE GOOD THING about WildCard : the lack of being microtransactioned to death.

Forgive me if I play ASE in the meantime, a game that not only is fully paid for, but also has all of the content I paid for.

First. They did not pay for ASA, they paid for ASE. ASA is a Remaster of ASE. and is therefore a completely different game. So why the hell would you expect to NOT have to pay for ASA? That's like expecting to get Skyrim Special Edition for free just for owning the Original. Which is the definition of... Entitlement.

Second. DLC's are not microtransactions, no matter how cheap they are. Especially since you don't even have to buy them to play the game. Unless of course, you're a PvP try hard who is responsible for making the PVP servers a toxic wasteland to begin with. Also, need I remind you that the people complaining about imaginary microtransactions are the same people who would pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to mega tribes for top tier tames without so much as batting an eye. Yet a $5 fire cat is enough to send them into a tirade.

Third, Games, even Early access ones, take time to develop. The Original ASE took YEARS to get all the content it has now. If players can wait that long for one game, they can do it again for ASA, because again games take time to develop. We literally just got Extinction not too long ago, and you have the audacity to demand more, when you don't even play (or likely even OWN) ASA? How is that NOT Entitlement?

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Honestly, it's getting harder and harder not to insult the intelligence (or more accurately lack there of) of people who keep screeching "ASA BAD." We get it, you're not buying ASA. This neck of the forum is for people who either do plan on buying, or own it already. So go stand on your soap box somewhere else.

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Just now, LordPoof said:

Wow talk about oblivious. Myself nor the majority on any PVP server I've ever played on have NEVER paid IRL money for anything unlike your snobby a$$ it's getting harder and harder to be nice to people like you who are clueless with your head shoved up your butt doing nothing but making statements and making assumptions.and you want to talk about the lacking of intelligence of someone? Let's talk about yourself real quick little homie, how are we the people that have an issue with ASA unintelligent when you're literally the over here blindly defending a game that literally the majority of ark players have a problem with? Have you never heard of battle metrics or literally any other server tracker? Are you this delusional? Youre over here defending a cash grab scam that the majority of people don't even want to play not to mention assuming everyone who isn't on your side didn't buy it, homie I bought it and HATE it. I put thousands of hours in ASE, and more than what it was worth for ASE, and I publicly criticize it and try to push them in the right direction, you can thank world bosses for me btw. Oh and before I forget to add in, I'm trying to get them to bring back ORP crossarks so you can play PVP without being a 300lb sweat which btw I may be a sweat but can bench almost 300lb so you wanna keep trying with the name calling? ALSO ASA is supposed to be a REMASTER which means it's supposed to be a upgraded version of the game, not a new name read a dictionary. It honestly blows my mind to know there's privileged kids out there that are causing this game to die I'm one of arks oldest players, been off an on playing since beta, and you are definitely the biggest bob I've met, it's obvious you're insecure over here attacking people with a different opinion than you, it makes it funnier that the opposing opinion of yours is also the majority opinion you're giving off entitled crybaby vibes homie just fyi.


Hate to break it to you but that did in fact happen, LOOK-IT-UP! And Clueless? I'm not the nobody crying about a game I don't own on a section of the forum for people who do own it. You are unintelligent because you have been crying about ASA for the entirety of ASA, expecting it to MAGICALLY make WC drop ASA and MAGICALLY go back to OLDER HARDWARE FOR A GAME THAT'S ALREADY FINNISHED! Also, PEOPLE-PAY-FOR-REMASTED-GAMES!!! People paid for the Remaster of Dead Island, People paid for the remaster of Halo, and they paid for ALL the Remastered editions of Skyrim. And Even WHEN you buy the product, you are not entitled to anything free. 

And before I forget, congratulations you proven the fact there is a dived between the toxic (and very much unliked and unwanted) PVP crowd and everyone else. You get OTHER game modes exist, RIGHT? You get said game modes have bugs too, RIGHT? You get YOU are the actual minority, RIGHT (if you weren't WC would have listened LONG before now)?


If you Hate ASA, REFUND IT, go back to ASE and sod off. No one is holding you at gun point to be here and no ne is forcing you to keep playing. But you likely won't do that because your dumb pride won't let you lose to people who clearly have more valid points than you'll ever make.

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1 minute ago, TyranntX said:

Extinction IS a flatlands map, why do you think it's so popular like Aberration?

You obviously never played it on ASE, why do you think it's numbers dropped so quickly for PVP and even other official servers quit lying the only real reason it's currently so popular is the easy ele (like always) and it's the newest map out currently 😂 the numbers will drop far before the next new map.

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10 minutes ago, LordPoof said:

You obviously never played it on ASE, why do you think it's numbers dropped so quickly for PVP and even other official servers quit lying the only real reason it's currently so popular is the easy ele (like always) and it's the newest map out currently 😂 the numbers will drop far before the next new map.

You are speaking to some one who thinks PVP is the weak link of the entire Survival game concept. I couldn't care less about your imaginary battlefield, Some of us (IE the players that WC SHOULD and ARE listening to) just want to chill and tame dinosaurs and mythical beasts, not mindlessly tame "That one beach bob with a level 15 dodo". Oh, that's right, I forgot PVP scrubs like you don't believe in (and/or are deathly allergic to) other game modes.

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6 minutes ago, TyranntX said:


Hate to break it to you but that did in fact happen, LOOK-IT-UP! And Clueless? I'm not the nobody crying about a game I don't own on a section of the forum for people who do own it. You are unintelligent because you have been crying about ASA for the entirety of ASA, expecting it to MAGICALLY make WC drop ASA and MAGICALLY go back to OLDER HARDWARE FOR A GAME THAT'S ALREADY FINNISHED! Also, PEOPLE-PAY-FOR-REMASTED-GAMES!!! People paid for the Remaster of Dead Island, People paid for the remaster of Halo, and they paid for ALL the Remastered editions of Skyrim. And Even WHEN you buy the product, you are not entitled to anything free. 

And before I forget, congratulations you proven the fact there is a dived between the toxic (and very much unliked and unwanted) PVP crowd and everyone else. You get OTHER game modes exist, RIGHT? You get said game modes have bugs too, RIGHT? You get YOU are the actual minority, RIGHT (if you weren't WC would have listened LONG before now)?


If you Hate ASA, REFUND IT, go back to ASE and sod off. No one is holding you at gun point to be here and no ne is forcing you to keep playing. But you likely won't do that because your dumb pride won't let you lose to people who clearly have more valid points than you'll ever make.

Touch some grass bob they wouldn't refund it 😂 I also love how you say I didn't own the game and then by the end of your post say I own the game. Also I know how to work UE5 it's not hard to copy paste things. Literally the majority of your post contradicts itself so please stop making a fool of yourself especially because I'm not a nobody, also every single one of those remastered games you mentioned were all finished with ALL THE SAME GAME MODES. And talk about crying, bruh you're literally over here quoting everyone with an opposing opinion of yours crying and screaming it's pathetic 😂 also before you start calling the PVP community toxic go look at your own community, it's got less than mine of you include all players ASA and ASE, and all of your paying people irl money for tames and resources is honestly pathetic and truly unwanted, I'm in all the groups, I see it constantly, y'all constantly complain of being scammed and ripped off all because you don't know how to play an are lazy. And no I'm not the minority bruh, I'm the majority, the majority just doesn't want to pay for dinos and new broken and rushed maps that aren't worth playing on, if y'all were the majority would wildcard be this bad off for money right now? If it's sooooo popular and good why were them and snail games stocks almost lost a couple months ago due to dropping to too low of a value, why are they constantly admitting to needing money? None of these other Remastered games and studios are doing that. Wild. Either way go cry more, do some research, touch some grass, and get a life I'm not going to continue arguing with a kid who's trying to live in a fantasy world blindly defending something they know nothing about. Cry and whine all you want I'm not replaying anymore to you I feel I've made my point more than clear, brought up nothing but actual proven statistics and facts, and you're still over here crying.

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1 minute ago, LordPoof said:

Touch some grass bob they wouldn't refund it 😂 I also love how you say I didn't own the game and then by the end of your post say I own the game. Also I know how to work UE5 it's not hard to copy paste things. Literally the majority of your post contradicts itself so please stop making a fool of yourself especially because I'm not a nobody, also every single one of those remastered games you mentioned were all finished with ALL THE SAME GAME MODES. And talk about crying, bruh you're literally over here quoting everyone with an opposing opinion of yours crying and screaming it's pathetic 😂 also before you start calling the PVP community toxic go look at your own community, it's got less than mine of you include all players ASA and ASE, and all of your paying people irl money for tames and resources is honestly pathetic and truly unwanted, I'm in all the groups, I see it constantly, y'all constantly complain of being scammed and ripped off all because you don't know how to play an are lazy. And no I'm not the minority bruh, I'm the majority, the majority just doesn't want to pay for dinos and new broken and rushed maps that aren't worth playing on, if y'all were the majority would wildcard be this bad off for money right now? If it's sooooo popular and good why were them and snail games stocks almost lost a couple months ago due to dropping to too low of a value, why are they constantly admitting to needing money? None of these other Remastered games and studios are doing that. Wild. Either way go cry more, do some research, touch some grass, and get a life I'm not going to continue arguing with a kid who's trying to live in a fantasy world blindly defending something they know nothing about. Cry and whine all you want I'm not replaying anymore to you I feel I've made my point more than clear, brought up nothing but actual proven statistics and facts, and you're still over here crying.

What Facts? Everything You said is leterally just "I'M A PVP Bro, with no valid opinions" on repeat.

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9 minutes ago, aikkam said:

you have NEVER been able to speak without insulting, if this forum was really only for ark fanatics like you they would be quicker to close it, when you are able to explain your opinion by arguing it will be very nice to read your opinion, up until now you have limited yourself to saying that ASA is beautiful, but if you are asked why you do not know how to answer and you limit yourself to barking like a mad dog. can you list some reasons why Asa is so much superior? no you can't otherwise you would have already done it, try to explain why in your opinion 25 dollars or euros for 5 creatures is a bargain when with 30-40 I can buy the basic ASA or the Bob dlc that introduced 3 creatures, new mechanics like cars or collecting genes from wild creatures, new weapons, new tools, new structures and skins, come on I'll do an experiment all together, let's assume we only have 30 dollars and euros and we have to choose whether to take the bob dlc or the 5 creatures what do you choose trying to get the best content/cost ratio? 

Thank you for helping try to speak some sense into this kid, it was irritating like speaking to a brick wall not a single other thing to be said from him besides attacking people who don't agree without any facts or valid argument 😂

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7 minutes ago, LordPoof said:

Thank you for helping try to speak some sense into this kid, it was irritating like speaking to a brick wall not a single other thing to be said from him besides attacking people who don't agree without any facts or valid argument 😂

Sense? I've had that guy Blocked since yesterday. I've been saying the same thing to people like you for years now, and the only thing they ever manage to barf up is "PVP This" or "PVP THAT". Sorry, but until you admit that PVP is NOT the only game mode here, and is inferior to all the other ones. I can't take anything you say seriously.

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1 hour ago, TyranntX said:

First. They did not pay for ASA, they paid for ASE. ASA is a Remaster of ASE. and is therefore a completely different game. So why the hell would you expect to NOT have to pay for ASA? That's like expecting to get Skyrim Special Edition for free just for owning the Original. Which is the definition of... Entitlement.

Originally ASA was supposed to be free….

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