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List of QOL and little additions



List of QOL and little additions 

New additions: 

Power ampfier: able to attach to your generator and it increase the range of power of your generators at the cost of more fuel



able to walk when over encumbered like an atlas

Tek structures give Radation imminently when inside on abberation 

Angler gel can be crafted down into a primitive from of propellant 2

Oil jars can be lit and thrown 

 Able to break down titanoboa and megalina venom into bio toxins 

Able to drink hemoglobin cocktail. Gives you poison and bleed immunity 

Able to turn rare flowers into a pharmone extract. A substitute for ammonite bile. 

Able to build/snap tree platforms on trees in ab and ext. 

Able to put salt in food box's, fridges and bins

Alpha megalodon, alpha wyvern and alpha death worms give 100 black pearls 

Force feeding prime meat and mutton to carnivores gives extra health 

Female wyvern can be milked for 1 milk every 4 hours 

Honey can be used to tame herbivores faster not as good as Alegre but better then berries 

Drops now break anything they land on. 

Crafting polymer and electronics now gives you 2 for the price of one

Simple bullets give 3 now instead of 2

Fabrators now craft everything a smithy can, crafts faster, and slots increase too 150 

Stam brews now lower torpor, add extra stamina regen buff and 



armor additions

Riot provides protection from Armor piercing attacks and provides 200 armor as protection

Tek has 360 armor base. Protection from armor piercing attacks and reduce range weapon damage

Chitin can be repaired in your inventory at a higher cost. 

Flack makes elements harsher to endure.  (Nerf) 


Weapon buffs for pvp and pve

Bows go through 25% of armor ,Crossbows go through 50% 

Harpoon launchers go through 100% armor plus bleed

ARs deal bonus Armor damage and increased damage. Deals more damage per shot like phaser. Buff to damage by 50%

Longnecks go through 35% armor per shot. 

Balistas go through all armor and give a bleed effect. And able to load tranq shots. 

Snipers can take holo scopes 

Advanced pistols holds 15 rounds, increased damage by 25%



Map changes 

All maps: 

Wind % like on scorched is on all maps

Dino levels are higher

Beating bosses give world buffs


The island

Metal, crystal and obsidian nodes found underwater on the island 

Increase spawns of kangaroo, 

Megalina, arthros, spiders, bats and meglos spawn on the surface 

Black pearls found deeper underwater 


tint of rocks changed to a darker color



Silicate nodes can be found in scorched Earth on mountains 

Giga/carar spawns on scorched

Black pearls found in wyvern trench

Clay nodes found near water

Pyromanes can spawn more on the map

Metal nodes in the dunes

Rex's spawn in more areas Like the badlands 

Megalos, Megalina, quetzls, troodons, allos, diensuc, dimetrodons ,dimorhs, gigantoraptors, oviraptor spawn on the map


Elements dust and shards can be mined deep in the drake nest 

Nodes now craft 10 per craft, hyper nodes give 20

Abberation stegos, Trikes, ankys and dodie are immune to Radation 

Abberation spiders spawn everywhere 😳 

Gas nodes don't emit when a pump is placed 

Glow tails spawn in the green zone

Pyromanes only spawn on the surface

Alpha reaper kings can be found in the halls of the reaper queen

Queens spawn with colors now

Rockwell now unlocks vacuum tube's and tek rifle


Scrap nodes can be found on ext

black pearls can be found in the forbidden zone on ex

Giga spawns in the snow dome and desert Dome

Loot crates can be found in the wasteland and forbidden zone as "salvage" 

Deins- the giant croc spawns in the trench and desert dome 

Mantis spawn in the sulfur fields 

More alpha spawns in the city and wasteland






Edited by Udam
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