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Is there any command to unlock the notes of a specific map?


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I cant answer on this topic but i research the same thing. I lose my save on the island, and want to unlock only notes for the island, not SE, AB and Extinction. On this topic, people talk about Index, someone drop a link but cant acces now. 

On 1/25/2020 at 6:02 AM, invincibleqc said: but

There is no command that unlock the notes of a specific map. There is only a command to unlock a specific one:
giveexplorernote <index>

but if i want to unlock all the island dino note and explorer notes, i put giveexplorernote XXX (Number? like "1-200", or "200")
Thanks to help me. 

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Not sure if the "Id" on the Wiki relates to the "index" of that command but if it does you could chain a list of commands using the id's from the wiki for each map?


cheat giveexplorernote 141|cheat giveexplorernote 6|cheat giveexplorernote 233|cheat giveexplorernote 7|cheat giveexplorernote 8|cheat giveexplorernote 64.... etc.

Not sure on the limit for chained commands so you might need to do it over multiple lines for each map if it does work.

There is GiveAllExplorerNotes - but not sure if that's specific to the map you're currently on or ALL.

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51 minutes ago, MirageUK said:

There is GiveAllExplorerNotes - but not sure if that's specific to the map you're currently on or ALL.

It will give you the explorer notes for all maps in the game.
In ASE you might avoid it by deinstalling maps, in ASA all maps are currently part of the main game.
So your only chance to get all explorer notes for a single map is by chaining the commans for single explorer notes of the specific map.

Edited by MADxHAWK
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Yeah, i try yesterday "giveexplorernote X", so giveexplorernote 1, and its Titanomyrma notes, but, one by one its so long. But its the only way i find now. 
the giveexplorernote 1-10 doesnt work (to give 10 notes for example)

For the IDs of the notes, it's not very serious in the end because, by making an index by index, I would see when there are only 2 or 3 notes left so as not to go over and get spoiled on a note of (logically) SE


So sad, dont exist something like: "giveexplorernote Theisland" and bam, all The island notes open. And go find in exploration for another maps.

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