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pve DemonArk - CLUSTER( center/ext - Diff 5, 4 tame, 4x mat, 4x egg, 4x havest-mods


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Hello all 

DemonArk is a new server for those who like a slower style of play.

Max wild dinos is 150, we currently are using only 3 mods all are a quality of life improvements. the server stats are as stated in title. If you like a more chilled out and helpful community to chill with and get to know then please leave a message on this page or message me via discord ferrus#6199 and i will be happy to answer any questions.

i hope to see you on the server  soon

Server settings 

Map       - Center and Extinction
Diff         - 5
Taming  - 4
mature   - 4
egg        - 4
harvest  - 4 

we are a more mature community with discord and team speak in use all the time ( you will find someone on one of the voice coms most of the time ) but everyone is welcome to come join the serve. We hope to add to people to our community of gamers and find new friends to game and have fun with. We will not tolerate any type of griefing or trouble makers on the server, so please be nice to each other

there is no downloading of any items or dinos from another server at any time, anyone breaking this rule be given the opportunity to remove said items b4 they will be delete by admins.

if you have any questions or you would like to join the server then please ask away here or message me on discord ferrus#6199

see you soon 


P.S - Remember to un tick ' show password protected servers' as some people have had trouble finding server with it ticked. 

Edited by ferrus
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  • ferrus changed the title to DemonArk - CLUSTER - Diff 5, 3.5 taming, 4x mature, 4x egg, 2x harvest - modded
  • ferrus changed the title to DemonArk - CLUSTER( center/ext - Diff 5, 4 tame, 4x mat, 4x egg, 4x havest-mods

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