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Extinction Ascended and Bob's Tall Tales: Wasteland War are now live!


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No it's fully on wildcard, wildcard has already put in several delays and it's not their first time dropping a new map on ANY of these platforms and not even their first time dropping this map. It's crazy how every other developer can plan ahead for this but they somehow can't, and do absolutely nothing to make up for it except lie and act like they're doing transfers any differently than what they normally do when a map drops.

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Dollie and the rest of the wildcard team, you guys are not at fault for this fiasco. You're doing a great job and deserve a better hand than what you got for this. Coming from one of your games biggest critics, I'm on your side you're doing great and don't let the toxic people in this community hold you down from making the best survival game out there. I take back all that I've said and I hope my apology is seen by all of the devs.

Edited by LordPoof
The devs deserve to hear some support through this.
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All I hear, every time a new game or update comes out is how tricky certification is on consoles. You know it, we know it even the dinos know it. So tell me how you pushed back the release date so far into the holiday window, blow the launch then blame microsoft for somthing that this gaming company has done time and time again. #accountability, #incompetence 

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As a legacy player from bob charter to name ability played from beginning to the end whenever that will be... we all talk trash to them when poop is reptared up.... but I can say just take the severs down put a pause and letting everything go though cause xbox tribes Will lose stuff then poop talk you all and have to deal with the fact you all need to comp us xbox players cause we are losing our stuff to simple logistics that we're over looked please take what's being said cause we all will play even if we get pissed at you all... and some still come back to play just fix the problem back date the severs and wait to release till everyone can play


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I am hoping someone from Wildcard can answer my question, someone is bound to be seeing the comments lol but is there a chance that the update for Xbox would be done before Christmas? Annoyed that i can't play online at the moment but i am not going to slag off the company nor Microsoft, as it would not make the game update any faster.

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I've had it with this game I used to love ASE we were used to the delays there since PC did come out first. But with ASA they promised that would no longer be the case. That was a lie as console players had to wait a month before being able to play the island. Then they couldn't even follow their own road map on release dates for the other maps. Then we  came to this month the original date was the 16th pushed back to the 19th an look it's almost the 21st with nothing to report, not even an estimated time for it to release and extinction was my favorite map so I have been looking forward to this map since release.  And now PC and Playstation get to play but yet we on xbox are still wait to even hear about a time or date. I'm done putting my hard earned money and time into this game.

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Haha, welchen schaden nimmt man wenn PC und playstation vorerst auf dem Server sind.. Wir machen uns Sorgen das nirgendwo Platz sein wird, da viele unnötig zu viel abpilern. Wer war da als ark evolved erschienen und die beta gekauft um euch zu unterstützen, nicht playstation und PC. Das zum Thema das man gleichzeitig startet. 

Jedes Mal der gleiche Mist, Karten kommen nicht pünktlich, dann wieder bei Event mal 2.....und beim spielen komm dann auch Probleme.. Ihr wisst wie man das Spiel mies macht. Man kann sich echt nicht mehr freuen. Die Freude auf extintcion ist auf jeden Fall nicht mehr. Man kommt ja so noch nicht mal ins Spiel um überhaupt zu spielen. Das ist echt scheiße 


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I agree with you 1000% LordPoof, it's a joke at this point   Is it too late to get a refund for this game????  Total b/s with lame ass excuses, "it's everyone else's fault but ours, we're trying" come on now years of the same bs from WC.  I'll bet once we do get extinction, it will shut down for at least half a day for some bug with the map.  Like come guys it's almost 2025 you've been around long enough to get your sht together.

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Yeah, "Reach new heights and remote locations by climbing and teleporting with the ultimate security bot"... The same security bot which has the same issues as on ASE (no armor, no breeding and crafting skill bonus at the same time, can't be healed with the scout unlike the mek, still can be cought with bolas, can't force feed it anything or do anything to quickly restore its health outside of the snow owl), and now on ASA it gets the new one: these don't drop blueprinths anymore, meaning you can only craft level 1 bots, and then level them up, and that's it! No more BP hunting, like it was before, no more 5 teleporting charges due to them scaling with the max level capping at the lvl 175 (which you can't reach anymore), no more solo blue OSD defense, since they can't get the stats. The only improvement I saw was they now can't be grabbed by capros, which is indeed great. My favorite Extinction tame was just annihilated for no good reason. What was the point of even showing it on the promo, when in reality it became much worse than it was in the previous game?

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Literally made an account to say please sell this game to a competent company. Never have I ever been so expectedly disappointed every single time there was an update with a game and still continued to play. If my only giga and carcha eggs are gone when I log on and I’m not compensated this will be my last time interacting with this game. Grinded to trade for them just for the devs to ark me. Rollback isn’t fair to the people you’ve given access and not rolling back isn’t fair to the people who can’t access the game that is currently running. Goodluck not losing a ton of players. Nice fumble 

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