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General Thoughts/Problems with Mobile Version


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@GroveStreetJordanI just downloaded the new mobile version and noticed a couple issues, both bugs in the game and things controls/interface ect properly ported over. Overall, I think your team did a very good job with it and these things don't have to do with the core gameplay (which I have had no issues with). I am playing on an IPad Pro with an Xbox controller.


First the UI layout is a bit lacking. Unlike ark on other platforms, there is no food or water displays. Additionally, the hotbar only lets you hold 8 items as opposed to 10. Not sure why the LB shift doesn't include the YXAB buttons like it does on other versions. When going to open up structures, you have to hold on the item for more options and then go to access inventory. Pressing X doesn't immediately open the inventory of the other item. Whilst in the inventory, some actions are a bit clunky. The speed for using items (such as berries) takes forever, and Thats all pretty minor though.





Moving onto the more major issues, players don't seem to naturally heal. The only way I've been able to heal my character, is through us of items such as cooked meat. This makes items like the blood extraction syringe almost useless and makes the game quite annoying at times. I'm unsure if I'm doing it wrong or if its a bug, but I seem unable to passive tame. I have the mejoberries in my last slot but it wants me to pay keys to tame the lystro. Finally, the breeding times are ridicules. It takes 5 hours to be able to breed dodos again, and those are some of the fastest breeders in the game. While this is reasonable for online play, its not reasonable for the offline single player experience. The options to change breeding times and other items listed under the advanced settings normally, aren't present for single player.




Thank you again for the overall awesome port. I'm enjoying it so far and would like to buy the DLC maps, but it looks a little too rough around the edges right now.

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The only problems I see is there’s no auto save because the game kicks me out and the app closes it’s self and when I go back in I’ve lost what progress I’ve made so I constantly have to go to the menu to save myself every few minutes because it will close out the app a few times every 20 to 30 mins plus I also use the console command and it will spawn in what I’ve input but I do it again and it gives me something else or nothing at all I’ve tried spawning in a tek skiff and it speaks it into my Inventory, and when I try to do it, it says one skiff has been consumed, but there’s no skiff I’ve even Spawned skiff blueprints and craft them And as soon as the crafts Them they disappear from the tek fabricator, and now I can’t find them to spawn And when I tried to ascend, it takes me right back to the beginning and won’t let me Download previous character when I’m given the option to. It takes away the data and makes me restart a new one and I lose everything please if y’all can look into these problems thank you

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Previous Ark has keyboard support. When i use my physical keyboard, letter "w" was forward in the game etc.

But with this new ultimate edition letter "w" writes w at chat but doesn't work as forward in the game.

I guess Gamepads are supported but not keyboards.

Any plan to add keyboard controls like wasd to the game?

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@GroveStreetJordanin addition to the mating cooldown times being ridiculous (5 hours for a dodo), the baby raise times make it impossible to imprint. Breeding is completely unplayable in single player. The game needs the sliders from pc ark that allow us to tweak mating cooldown, imprint timer, and baby maturation speed.ImageImage

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Previous Ark has keyboard support. When i use my physical keyboard, letter "w" was forward in the game etc.

But with this new ultimate edition letter "w" writes w at chat but doesn't work as forward in the game.

I guess Gamepads are supported but not keyboards.

Any plan to add keyboard controls like wasd to the game?

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I'm playing single player.  I got a cryopod in a raptor clause drop.  I put my best Rex in it so I could fly across the map and then drop it to ride around.  Upon trying to release the Rex, I found that cryopods require nearby fridge.  Since when in ASE?  That is an ASA thing.  So, I go to craft one and find out it can only be crafted with 1,000 keys.  What the ____?  So, now my best Rex is held hostage unless I pay a bunch of real money.  What a crock of ____!  Way to ruin the game and try to squeeze money out of players.

Edited by DinoFan
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On 30.12.2024 at 04:15, DinoFan said:

Ich spiele im Einzelspielermodus. Ich habe bei einem Raptor-Abwurf einen Kryopod bekommen. Ich habe meinen besten Rex hineingesteckt, damit ich über die Karte fliegen und ihn dann fallen lassen konnte, um herumzureiten. Als ich versuchte, den Rex freizulassen, stellte ich fest, dass Kryopods einen Kühlschrank in der Nähe benötigen. Seit wann in ASE? Das ist eine ASA-Sache. Also will ich einen herstellen und stelle fest, dass man dafür nur 1.000 Schlüssel braucht. Was zum ____? Also wird mein bester Rex jetzt als Geisel gehalten, es sei denn, ich bezahle einen Haufen echtes Geld. So ein Haufen ____! So ruiniert man das Spiel und versucht, den Spielern Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen.

Mann hätte sich da vorher informieren müssen bevor Mann sowas macht 😜 

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i lost my progress i put my phone on charging after the charged i open the game i saw was spwan on random location after i get to my base location my dinos nothing was there so i uninstal game and reinstalled it i lost my save data  also ark ultimate mobile my level was 101 dinos 50 to 55 in game name was Rishiwagh

Same thing happened with 7 guys also this is major bug please fix the issue so i we can start playing again because this just broke me and those 7 also

Edited by RishiWagh
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Hast du dein Spielstand manuell gespeichert oder einfach die App radikal beendet.

Wenn du das Spiel radikal beendet hast kann sowas vorkommen das der Fortschritt nicht gespeichert wird da der autosave Intervall zu hoch ist bzw die Abstände sind zu groß.

Bei mir passiert das auch ab und zu das die App sich einfach schließt und denn Fortschritt von ungefähr 5-8 min nicht mehr da ist.

Daher speichere ich immer ab sobald ich denke ich hab viel erreicht und ich kann so denn Fehler der aktuell nunmal ist umgehen.

Aktuelle Fehler die bei mir aufgefallen sind ist das manche Ressourcen nicht respawnen sie bleiben einfach weg,das Spiel stürzt ab und an ab, einige Grafik Fehler und als letztes die Einstellungen die Man macht bleiben nicht gespeichert die Grundeinstellung und die Einstellungen bei der Karte sind betroffen bei der Karteneinstellungen kann Mann nur bis Fadenkreuz runterscrollen danach geht's nicht weiter.


Mein Handy ist ein Xiaomi 13 T Pro 12 GB Arbeitsspeicher 512 GB interner Speicher und ein Prozessor MediaTek dimensity 9200+.

So das war's von meiner Seite.

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