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Community Crunch 433: ARK x Power Rangers Wave 2, Cryopods Update, and more!


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On 11/9/2024 at 1:30 AM, NYYankee said:

Zero problems with cryos for long term storage. Zero problems with cryos for breeding.

"Speed was a decision made so travel and fights couldn't be trivialized. It sure as hell aint a "realistic survival experience" for a human to outrun a utahraptor. 
- But its ok to cryo out a giga in every dangerous situation? xD Sorry but if they remove the cryo fridge they can remove the speedlimit also. With the cryo change they already showed that they have no clue about balancing and what it means to play a "survival game".

"Cryos deploying anywhere feels unbalanced."
- It IS unbalanced. It makes every survival situation a joke.

"but is also just not fun"
- everyone defines fun different. Its more fun to do caves and other stuff where you have to decide what dino you choose and how to bring it there safely. How you explore the cave and how you get through it. All of this is gone now.

"So wildcard is experimenting."
- Ehm.. no. They do not experiment. They have simply given up their balance decision. To all those who don't want survival at all and would rather get everything over with brain-dead and boring "gameplay".

"But also breeding without the ability to reroll impronts anf"
- This function was never something in ASA. They fixed that in the beginning.

Buddy it’s not that serious. It’s pve. Pillars with windmills in fridges all over the map wasn’t much better. Most people that play pve don’t have the time. So they need some shortcuts. Chill

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