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Community Crunch 432: Fear Ascended, Extra Life, UE 5.4 News, and More!


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Can we please get clarification Dollie@not dollie

Are we only going to be able to get fear evolved creatures from club ark?  I'm hoping I'm wrong as this will be really 😢 

Can you confirm there is no dodorex as there is no mention of it so I'm hoping you have another fabulous suprise, so people can stop whining. 

Can we not have better than 2x please. 3x would be far better, not everyone gets to take advantage of the 2x weekends as we have other commitments like family and real life. 3x for your work aged players would be greatly appreciated and a huge benefit to everyone 😘


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1 hour ago, Shelly2262 said:

Are we only going to be able to get fear evolved creatures from club ark?

They clearly state the event colored dinos will be on official servers:

"Wild event dino colors will bleed through to official servers, adding a ghostly touch to the wilderness."

Edited by Joebl0w13
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On 10/25/2024 at 6:38 PM, MikeHoncho91 said:

While I was hoping for more positive news on the 5.4 update, I really just want this game to run the best, so take your time, despite the negative opinions.  Yall are still doing great work! 


Also, first off I cannot express how much I absolutely NEED the werewolf skin. 


And umm, wasteland war, what the hell is that?? 

Wasteland War is the name of the DLC for Extinction. Like Steampunk for Ab and Western for Scorched.

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11 hours ago, KingOfAshes said:

Everything you've delivered has been late, half baked and undercooked regardless of how much time you seem to spend on it. Time doesn't make up for a broken and inefficient kitchen just like an Engine upgrade won't solve the complete lack of optimisation effort. 

You know, when ASA launched on PS5 even though frame rate was pretty bad and screen tearing was doing my head in, I was pleasantly surprised by the visuals and thought if this was the starting point then gradually it'll get better. A year later the graphic setting have fallen off a cliff instead with every patch lowering features down to the absolute minimum. It's almost unrecognisable from the release version. Popping/rendering is now back to being just 2ft away from the player, shadows and ground textures are a pixelated mess looking like minecraft blocks, lighting is just big blobs of mist with no definition flickering in and out of existence (just look how drops looked like on release vs now). Textures are lower res and struggling to render in. It might as well be ASE on PS4. Hell, ASE on Xbox which was effectively on High&Ultra settings looked far better than this mess. No stability to speak of despite the constant downgrades. Large bodies of water look far worse than ASE...hell ATLAS, a game you made really, had far better water and should have just used that over this crap. 

It is what it is on one hand, but on the other hand you need to realise there are limits to people's empathy, understanding and patience. But you seem to be treating it as if it was infinite and delays to promised deliverables 90% of the the time is just part of BAU. 

I can't possibly get any excitement  or hope for Extinction, which historically run like crap in ASE, when I see what you've done with the other maps since SE. It's guaranteed to look and run even worse in ASA so just like AB, no matter how good BTT part 3 might be, it'll be another overhyped let down.

Do better.

People play with graphics? Lol

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What is the point of taking the event to club ark? Do you really think it will revive it? Hell, no. Yes, people will get there for event stuff for a bit, and it will be as dead as now after event end. What's the point? Why would you work on something people are not interested in, something people are not excited about? Just close it and make ingame content or fix stuff. People will love it way more if you will fix a bug instead of adding a new minigame. 

And the rates for extra life are a joke... 
This event happens once a year, and you couldn't make it worth it? 

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So I run a clustered private server.  I cannot go to Ark club.  So the only thing I can get is colors?  How do I get Ark Club?  And if the answer is to rent another server, how is that fair.  8 years of playing, and now we only get colours.  Gotta be more for us.  I am disappointed (in my fathers tone).  This is really not a good move for this event.  Sincerely, 17 ark players on this cluster.  All sad.  
and what about turkeys or Christmas event, what’s gonna happen with that?  I don’t care about some of the other things going on, we are stable and playing at decent video and almost no crashing.  Teleporter issues, but. I don’t blame anyone cuz I run a few mods.  
With a saddened heart, The reptilian realm users.  :( 

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So disappointed again..what a joke ( Fear Event to club ark )..ever since SE ASA this game i love has fallen apart and im now at the point of looking for another game to play..i never bought Bob Tails thinking i'll get it when ya start fixing stuff and moving in the right direction..but you just keep destroying this game i love..enough is enough..goodbye and good riddance.


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We need to add another map with wyvern eggs to take all the priority off scorched earth. Whether that's Val or Rag it doesn't really matter, but a second map to be able to go to for eggs would be helpful, the trenchs are so trapped, usually by the tribe in the oil cave.

Got wiped before the event, so looks like I'll miss holloween and the extra life this year, but it's odd to see it only in club ark. Zomdodos destroying beach bobs was like the greatest part of the old event🤣🤣 

Hope to see a solos/duos added soon, the 1 v 6 I went through last night was pretty brutal, taking a break until extinction when I can hopefully sneak back into a cave. HAPPY SURVIVING!

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On 10/27/2024 at 11:41 AM, Smilodon350 said:


We dont get Fear Evolved or "Fear Ascended" on normal maps in ASA. Nothing other than a color event? Seriously?

And we cant go back to ASE and experience it there either? 

The best event in Ark, ruined. 

PS - I hate Club Ark with a burning passion, it needs to die in a fire. I like survival games, not arcade games. Gating the event there really ruins the entire thing. 

The only reason I tolerate club ark is because otherwise there was quite literally no way for me to do bosses on official smalls, cause I couldn't get the tributes. But club ark allowed me to win them to run bosses, sure I still had to collect trophies but that's not super impossible like getting the tributes from a well dug in cave base.

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Diving into fear evolved disappointment.

How are you not even putting event items on official servers ? 

No one wants to grind mini games on club ark, 2x on yearly events, and nerfed extra life rates.

This a race to see how fast we can kill this game off ?

And add a simple loop to check server item UIDs so official and 6 man isn't full of duped loot. Would be great. Thanks. 

Edited by BK
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On 10/25/2024 at 5:44 PM, PhoenixFlamingStar said:

Wait, I think I'm misunderstanding something. Is Fear Ascended only going to be for Club Ark? If that's the case, I'm disappointed. What about those of us that don't use Club Ark? Are we SOL for this event? I see we're getting dino colors but is that it? The other features are for Club Ark? If that is the case, I'm severely let down.

I really hope this is just a misunderstanding on my part.

This, right here, if this is Club Ark exclusive it isn't a disappointment, it's a slap in the face.

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For ASE server admins, here is a server-api plugin that restores Dodo Wyvern for ASE players in Scorched Earth map: https://github.com/alessiot89/FearEvolvedForever/

For crafting, we (in our pve server) overridden the recipes using food instead of the decorations (that I don't think it's possible at all to spawn).

Edited by darkradeon
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22 hours ago, UDGxKnight said:

I thought for sure we would get another Fantastic Tame DLC 

Pattern recognition, my friend.. Fantastic Tames have been on non canon maps so far only, with Tall Tales being on the canon ones. They will probably release a new edition for ext and I wouldn't be surprised for part 3 on gen

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