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asa Ceratosaurus taming Seriously?


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So after taking a break i returned to ASA and wanted to tame the Ceratosaurus. After a killingspree to get the Cerato Venom Spines i managed to make 10 Hemaglobin Cocktails. 
Finding a 150 Ceratosaurus i thought nice, lets give it a try.
But Seriously Wildcard, 1 in words ONE Hemaglobin Coctail gives just 2% Drunk?
Lets do some Math:
1 Hemaglobin Coctail =
15 Bloodpacks
10 Narcotics
10 Cerato Venom Spine
One Hemaglobin Cocktail gives 2% Drunk  = 50 Hemaglobin Cocktails to get 100% =
50 x 15 Blodpacks = 750 Bloodpacks
50 x 10 Narcotics = 500 Narcotics
50 x 10 Cerato Venom Spine = 500 Cerato Venom Spine

One killed Ceratosaurus give 1-3 (3 was the most i got) Cerato Venom Spine. Lets take an average of 2  and you need to kill 250 +/- a few Ceratosaurus to get 500 Spines, Not to talk about the 750 Bloodpacks what you didnt even need for a max. level Bloodstalker.
And no, the amount of getting drunk didnt increased with more Cocktails. With the 10 Cocktails i didnt got it over 20% drunk. 

Thats Insane. There are way better and stronger creatures much easier to tame. Thats definetly not worth it.  

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No idea what kool-aid you drinking. But 1 cocktail does not only give 2% drunk. Feed your dino the cocktail and let your dino go ham on the tank you fed it to. The Cerato will slowly gain drunkenness. The goblin cocktail lasts a decent amount of time. If anything a lvl 150 will cost you maybe 3 cocktails? Its been a while since I've tamed one.

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I have good rex with high armour saddle, can get average 20-25% drunk if get in good spot where cera can constantly attack, watch countdown and get ready to feed another cocktail when run out or cera can sober up quickly. The fun part is hand feeding no sober bar to know when to start over again, mainly 1x, 2x can do on 1 drunk session.

Good luck

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well it seems it was a bug, ive tried again after a destroy wild dinos

On 10/18/2024 at 5:00 AM, KNITEpanda said:

No idea what kool-aid you drinking.

I've never tamed one before cause i had to disable them when they were released. As soon as they spawned in my framerate dropped  from 60+ to 10-15fps.
Now ive tried to tame one and no, one cocktail gave 2% after that the drunk did not increase until i used another cocktail.
after watching some videos and reading trough this thread, ive tried again after i did a dinowipe, and now its working as intended.

So no need to be disrespectful or did your parents fail raising you to a decent human being? 

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9 hours ago, MADxHAWK said:

well it seems it was a bug, ive tried again after a destroy wild dinos

I've never tamed one before cause i had to disable them when they were released. As soon as they spawned in my framerate dropped  from 60+ to 10-15fps.
Now ive tried to tame one and no, one cocktail gave 2% after that the drunk did not increase until i used another cocktail.
after watching some videos and reading trough this thread, ive tried again after i did a dinowipe, and now its working as intended.

So no need to be disrespectful or did your parents fail raising you to a decent human being? 

Finding decent human beings is going to be hard for you on this website. I've never had a pleasant conversation with anyone on here.

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I believe sometimes the taming method bugs out and it drops/resets the Drunk percentage especially if the Cerato does knockback on your creature, if it runs around a lot between bites or you don't activate a new cocktail before the previous runs out. As such, you really need a high drag weight creature where the Cerato just sits there biting but doesn't knock back. I think you generally need 6-8 cocktails ( as it's likely to wake up before fully tamed if it's like a 135+) and a large herbivore with veggie cakes. Overall, Cerato is a novelty but isn't really worth the effort/cost to tame and use. Only real use I've found is for boss fights where you use carnivores then just use a single one with everything pumped into its health as an alternative to the Daeodon.

Edited by KingOfAshes
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