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Community Crunch 430: Introducing Archelon from ARK: Additions!


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20 hours ago, ChrisBManos said:

To answer the "toothier" part here, the mouth looks like this:

Inside a turtle's mouth : r/natureismetal

The leatherback turtle for example has points on the tomium of its upper lip, with backward spines in its throat (esophagus) to help it swallow food and to stop its prey from escaping once caught.

Okay…hear me out. 

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Thanks but no thanks Wildcard, I’m done with your product and company.  I’ve invested too much time and money into your company to get repeatedly let down.  You need to make these server sunset announcements more clear in game because I don’t use the forums.  I’m on NA-PVP-TheIsland2017 and had no clue about the sunsetting.  Been investing a ton of time on there for months just to end up losing everything.  I’ve stuck around despite all of the setbacks I’ve faced from the numerous glitches in game.  This news completely tarnished any hope or respect I’ve had left.  I work full time, have a family and kids, and don’t devote my life to gaming where I would be checking forums for news like this. You need to consider all demographics when making announcements because as I said this is a huge and final letdown for me.

Edited by NeedBout3Fiddy
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So with all the low population servers closing are those players supposed to go play on the completely tek foundationed off maps with tribes that only spend their time hunting bobs? its been hard enough playing on the dead maps just trying to get access to the tributes, i don't see how new or smaller tribe of players can even "play" after this close. 
I think that if they should add a few official cluster types: a solos, duos and/or trios and a no tek, it would help a lot with many players complaints of being overwhelmed  by larger tribes. Even in smalls a tribe of 2 cant keep up with a full team of 6 even playing aroundd the clock. These types are good for those of us who only have a few friends to play with, and with the fear of insiding its so hard to trust other players you don't know to reach a full tribe. I however don't think we should add an ORP though,  the fear of losing your base is what makes this game fun. But if you dont have that many tribe members, in the current game official game mode, you just cant keep up. If we had a trios for example, a tribe of 2 vs a tribe a 3 isnt a huge advantage or disadvantage and would make the game still challenging but a bit more fair. 

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why the servers that were supposed to be remain available doesn't work too...


  • EU-PVP-TheIsland2048
  • EU-PVP-TheIsland2050
  • EU-PVP-TheIsland2062
  • EU-PVP-TheIsland2069
  • Asia-PVP-TheIsland2106
  • NA-PVP-TheIsland2231
  • EU-PVP-TheIsland2350
  • NA-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9018
  • EU-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9056
  • NA-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9080
  • EU-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9117
  • Asia-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9141
  • NA-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9145
  • OC-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9202
  • NA-PVP-SmallTribes-TheIsland9272
  • NA-PVP-Consoles-TheIsland1000
  • EU-PVP-Consoles-TheIsland1067
  • EU-PVP-ConsolesSmallTribes-TheIsland8012
  • EU-PVP-ConsolesSmallTribes-TheIsland8079
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I love it how they keep pushing new crap nobody asked for really. UE5.4 was promised for mid October. Why the silenced about it? Again missing your own deadlines? Ugh. I've got 2500 logged in SP across ASE and ASA combined. I really want to love this game but the Devs really need to get a better publisher so this game can get proper love again. Snail games is just eroding it bit by bit. Work on the performance and engine first! Before coming with nonsense copy paste dinos nobody asked for. 

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15 hours ago, NeedBout3Fiddy said:

Nice, thanks wildcard, you sunset the servers a day prior, at least mine.  Spiteful much? Was trying to hop on to transfer to a friends server so he can have my tames/items.

At the time you posted this it was already the 15th in Germany, where Nitrado is based. You can blame WC for not being clear about the exact time (including timezones) but to be fair ASE was also deleted at midnight UTC.
You had 2 weeks to arrange this so why are you now complaining over a few hours? You know how instable the game is so prepare in time.

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On 10/12/2024 at 5:03 PM, CptYarrr said:

Ya'all gotta stop complaining. Remove all ARK content and go play something your time is worth. The game is dead, no matter how much crapcontent they keep on adding. They still need to fix stuff as old as ASE.

I love this game, I spent years playing prim plus and it was the most fun I've had in years. All I need is an official mode with no tek on it. We had both in ASE. I don't feel like I'm asking for much and it would appease so many players. But at its current state I just feel like I can't even play official. 

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21 hours ago, aikkam said:

sorry but without ORP how can you think of defending a base with 2 or 3 people? do you want to do 8 hour shifts each? this is pure madness, pushing people to play so much is like pushing them to commit suicide, those who play so much should start worrying about the tomb they will soon occupy not about ark 

It's probably because I only ever played primitive plus on ASE and on that game mode even a solo can build enough plants to make a tribe a 5 take hours to get in, and if you're actively defending, they aren't getting in on prim plus. I do see how tek renders all that pointless though.

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20 hours ago, aikkam said:

even playing 24/7 what? even considering this as a possibility is pure madness. spending so many hours in a row for a game destroying your body for what? now it's clear why fewer and fewer people are playing ark, the few willing to go that far are killing themselves. 

That's what I'm doing now just to try and survive on smalls. Day after day I'm hunted and I hide. I can't do bosses because every cave is either taken or completely blocked off. Alphas with nothing better to do than look for me are the norm it seems.

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12 hours ago, MMaas said:

At the time you posted this it was already the 15th in Germany, where Nitrado is based. You can blame WC for not being clear about the exact time (including timezones) but to be fair ASE was also deleted at midnight UTC.
You had 2 weeks to arrange this so why are you now complaining over a few hours? You know how instable the game is so prepare in time.

My issue is I had no alert in game and don’t utilize the forums.  I only found out the day prior from someone talking about it in global chat.  My issue was with them communicating the message out.

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6 hours ago, NeedBout3Fiddy said:

My issue is I had no alert in game and don’t utilize the forums.  I only found out the day prior from someone talking about it in global chat.  My issue was with them communicating the message out.

Your very first post on this forum was 2 weeks ago, concerning the closing of servers.
So may I call it BS to claim you only found out the last minute?

In ASE the startup menu was used for announcments, if they did "forget" to do that in ASA they deserve some blame. Still you knew it already 2 weeks ago.

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We definitely needed another tame like the archelon, and im excited for astreos too! Man, I need to get a better xbox to actually run the game. Does anyone know if steam deck oled would run ark ascended well or no? becasue ive been considering selling my current steam deck and buying an oled so i can play ark ascended but i dont know if it would run. Does anyone know?

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On 10/15/2024 at 10:48 AM, BloodyGent said:

UE5.4 was promised for mid October. Why the silenced about it? Again missing your own deadlines? Ugh.

Mmm :

Unreal Engine 5.4: The upgrade work is mostly complete. However, we're still putting it through our internal QA processes as there are a lot of changes that we need to make sure are stable before we can release this out to the wild. We're currently targeting sometime between October 15th and November 15th as the launch window for this update.

Source https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/articles.html/community-crunch-425-aberration-launch-and-your-new-buddy-cosmo-r2363/

"Sometime between October 15th and November 15th" is not equivalent to "promised for mid October"... And you wrote your rant on October 15th lol.


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7 hours ago, MMaas said:

Your very first post on this forum was 2 weeks ago, concerning the closing of servers.
So may I call it BS to claim you only found out the last minute?

In ASE the startup menu was used for announcments, if they did "forget" to do that in ASA they deserve some blame. Still you knew it already 2 weeks ago.

You‘re mistaken, my first post was Monday… 

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22 hours ago, Frisbee said:

I love this game, I spent years playing prim plus and it was the most fun I've had in years. All I need is an official mode with no tek on it. We had both in ASE. I don't feel like I'm asking for much and it would appease so many players. But at its current state I just feel like I can't even play official. 

I love the game as well, yet with all stuff being added and not the fixes the most people are literally begging for, its like a slow death. 

Day 1 ASE player here.

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51 minutes ago, PrimalNacho said:

Anyone else waiting for Archelon? 

Bit of a delay.


LiveOps Update: Hey folks, the console update is stuck in the platform release pipeline and our partners are currently looking into it. We plan to release it into the wild as soon as it's unblocked. Stay posted
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