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Community Crunch 427: Extinction Release, Major Post-Launch Update and More!


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Since we aren't allowed to use a cuss word without being banned, why in God's name would you feel so comfortable posting this embarrassment. Aberration is so broken and you refuse to acknowledge that. I'm not spending any more money on dog dukie of dlc. Fix the game, stop being so pathetic. Why is this company so happy being an embarrassment 

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Dupers have ruined this game before all the maps have even been released and wildcard IGNORE the problem because they can’t do anything about it.. pvp is pointless without duping now as every tribe are just cheating. Wasn’t even this bad on ase but ever since crossplay, the duping has got worse. I just can’t justify spending my cash on dlc when cheaters out there getting everything for free. 

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7 hours ago, Blackmage2015 said:

So it’s official they are jumping to the end of ark 1 so they can get to ark 2. At least that’s how it appears. I’m okay with that. 

We found someone's who wants ARK 2! Everyone elses hype died the moment it was said that it's nothing like ARK and instead, is chasing trends. When that fails, they'll come back to ASA just like they did with ASE when atlas failed.

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9 hours ago, kyro08 said:

We found someone's who wants ARK 2! Everyone elses hype died the moment it was said that it's nothing like ARK and instead, is chasing trends. When that fails, they'll come back to ASA just like they did with ASE when atlas failed.

Which is really something that has been confusing me.

Because if Atlas failed, then why are they trying to turn ASE into Atlas by making it ASA?

Nearly every "improvement" they've made on ASA has just been stuff they've done on Atlas and then ported the ideas and/or resources into ASA. 

And it really is a shame to, because personally I don't think that Atlas "failed" from a fundamental standpoint. Just like ASE is still my favorite dinosaur game out there, so to is Atlas still my favorite "pirate adventure on the high seas" game.(Unless you count Assassin's Creed Black Flag which will probably always be the best pirate adventure on the high seas game.) But Atlas is bigger and more open high seas so in some ways it has advantage over ACBF. From what I could tell, having played Atlas since its start, why it "failed" was initially due to the open seas of the game being faaaarrrrrrr too big with nothing to do within them as you traveled between points of land for literal days. And I mean literal days, if you were unlucky enough to not catch a good headwind. This one major problem could have been easily fixed and it would have been great, but when they did try to "fix" it they didn't really do it right; and on top of that they started adding in tons of changes and additions to the game which no-one wanted and some of which they originally promised they never would but then did anyway. All these terrible additions and changes are what I believe lead to the real failure of the game.

I say all of this because; the terrible additions and changes that ruined Atlas are nearly all of exactly what they are adding as "improvements" to ASA. The first "improvements" that they added to ASA when it launched were all the good things that they "fixed" or did better in Atlas over ASE. Ever since then, all the rest of the "improvements" have been the things that made Atlas worse. 

Why does this dev team insist upon making their games worse rather than better? Is what deeply confuses me. 

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So I love aberation on survival evolved, but for me using my series S xbox, all the Ascended maps look super trash and glitchy, more than what i've seen from others. how am i supposed to play the game when the terrain won't load and the graphics on mine look worse than evolved? Can Anyone help me out because I really want to play the game and enjoy it.

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1 hour ago, ElFluppi717 said:

Me: Buys ASA because Ragnarök is only a few months away
WC: *delays the release of Aberration, and therefore Ragnarök is delayed*
Me: ok just a few more months...
WC: announces Extinction before Ragnarök.

I literally just bought ASA to play rag...

You plus tons of others. That's called false marketing and Snail gets away with it as usual.

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22 hours ago, ElFluppi717 said:

Me: Buys ASA because Ragnarök is only a few months away
WC: *delays the release of Aberration, and therefore Ragnarök is delayed*
Me: ok just a few more months...
WC: announces Extinction before Ragnarök.

I literally just bought ASA to play rag...


21 hours ago, CptYarrr said:

You plus tons of others. That's called false marketing and Snail gets away with it as usual.

OK... Then why did you/they buy it before it was even announced?

To be fair imho that is just as stupid as pre-ordering ARK 2 and hoping it will release soon in a playable state. By now you should know what (not) to expect inspite of all good intentions. Snail/Wildcard only are getting away with it due to idiots buying it.

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1 hour ago, MMaas said:


OK... Then why did you/they buy it before it was even announced?

To be fair imho that is just as stupid as pre-ordering ARK 2 and hoping it will release soon in a playable state. By now you should know what (not) to expect inspite of all good intentions. Snail/Wildcard only are getting away with it due to idiots buying it.

The reason why I bought it is because I was under the impression it looked better then ASE. That Unreal Engine would significantly improved it. That my 4090 RTX finally would be worth the investment. That their roadmap would be lived up to all promisses. That the bugs in ASE wouldnt be in ASA, because people should learn from their own faults. That the hope of Snail finally being there for their playerbase. That tickets would be looked into. That the game and their patches would actually be tested before being dropped. 


If you want me to continue, just say the word. 

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33 minutes ago, CptYarrr said:

The reason why I bought it is because I was under the impression it looked better then ASE. That Unreal Engine would significantly improved it. That my 4090 RTX finally would be worth the investment. That their roadmap would be lived up to all promisses. That the bugs in ASE wouldnt be in ASA, because people should learn from their own faults. That the hope of Snail finally being there for their playerbase. That tickets would be looked into. That the game and their patches would actually be tested before being dropped. 


If you want me to continue, just say the word. 

Long list... Why on earth have you faith in this company to deliver any of these, given their track record of Snail's admin abuse, missing deadlines, never getting out of early acces, closing tickets before fixing the issues and many more things that most other companies do better? Just the change of hearts about UE5 updates changed to a "new" game instead of the prommised update and all the red flags about mismanagement were enough for me to go to full "wait & see" mode.

Sure we all hope things would have improved but your list is so long it will need nothing short of a miracle to become reality.
Still have my hopes to maybe one day playing ASA but in the current state of game as well as company it is a hard no.

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On 9/24/2024 at 1:11 AM, ElFluppi717 said:

Me: Buys ASA because Ragnarök is only a few months away
WC: *delays the release of Aberration, and therefore Ragnarök is delayed*
Me: ok just a few more months...
WC: announces Extinction before Ragnarök.

I literally just bought ASA to play rag...

Yeah rag my favorite also..i don't mind extinction too..but i hope rag drops next after extinction..if no rag after extinction..i'll be freakin p...off big time.


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6 minutes ago, IndridCold1966 said:

I need info on getting a refund for the pyromane. Not what I paid for. It would be like paying for ski a in Fortnite, then they just change them. Crappy business practice. And at least now I know NOT to but anymore. So please post info on how I get refund please and thank you. 

You can request a refund from whomever you purchased the pyro from: Microsoft, Steam, Epic or Sony.

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On 9/24/2024 at 6:07 PM, MMaas said:

Long list... Why on earth have you faith in this company to deliver any of these, given their track record of Snail's admin abuse, missing deadlines, never getting out of early acces, closing tickets before fixing the issues and many more things that most other companies do better? Just the change of hearts about UE5 updates changed to a "new" game instead of the prommised update and all the red flags about mismanagement were enough for me to go to full "wait & see" mode.

Sure we all hope things would have improved but your list is so long it will need nothing short of a miracle to become reality.
Still have my hopes to maybe one day playing ASA but in the current state of game as well as company it is a hard no.

So, your telling us you dont own/play the game?


Plus, if you read my posts in the past few years, you'd see I've zero faith in Snail/WildCard.

Edited by CptYarrr
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