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Gene and Trait System


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Wildcard has introduced a new Gene and Trait system, which sounds really exciting and innovative. However, Genes can't be bred or passed down; instead, they have to be collected by taming wild creatures and extracting their Genes. These Genes come in tiers and also scale with the creature’s level. Unfortunately, this feature isn’t part of the base game—it’s locked behind the Bob’s Tale DLC pay wall, meaning you need to own the DLC to even interact with the Gene system. This creates a significant advantage for DLC players in both PvE and PvP, leaving non-DLC players at a clear disadvantage. It’s pay-to-win.

For those who care about the future of Ark as a franchise, it's important to send a strong message. Avoid purchasing the game, its DLCs, or any premium mods, and most importantly, leave a negative review to ensure Wildcard hears the feedback loud and clear.

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You know, I keep seeing adverts, while I play Candy Crush, to buy in game content to help me beat the puzzles and I wonder who the hell is buying these. Bear in mind this is comfort break entertainment here and I just want something to keep me occupied while, erm, occupied but, someone must be buying this stuff.


Same goes for ASA DLC.


What they have succeeded in doing so far is selling DLC to SOME of the people still playing ASA. However, the market of people to sell to has been in steady decline since the launch day for ASA. There will have been a spike this month but it needs to be sustainable.

If there is to be a future for Ark as a franchise it needs to be marketable as a working product and it is struggling to be that and has been for a while.

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I've uninstalled the game today. Ofcourse i can pay for the DLC and enjoy how they changed the game with the gene system, and enjoy all the new quality of life updates that are DLC only. But there's no guarantee from Wildcard that for the next map they introduce new DLC, and invent a new system for that DLC only.. 

Also the way they choose to communicate, that is, not be open about these changes or their plans.. For instance, i wanted to use the barrel storage for milk today, and it has suddenly become DLC only aswell now, while that isn't even mentioned anywhere, i've had enough..

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5 hours ago, TonyTempah said:

You know, I keep seeing adverts, while I play Candy Crush, to buy in game content to help me beat the puzzles and I wonder who the hell is buying these. Bear in mind this is comfort break entertainment here and I just want something to keep me occupied while, erm, occupied but, someone must be buying this stuff.


Same goes for ASA DLC.


What they have succeeded in doing so far is selling DLC to SOME of the people still playing ASA. However, the market of people to sell to has been in steady decline since the launch day for ASA. There will have been a spike this month but it needs to be sustainable.

If there is to be a future for Ark as a franchise it needs to be marketable as a working product and it is struggling to be that and has been for a while.

I'm sorry, but this is a very apples:oranges comparison.  Candy Crush isn't a multiplayer game.  Yes, you can pay to win in single player games, but there's an underlying issue with pay2win content in multiplayer games that just isn't present in a singleplayer game:  The advantage offered to those who play over those who don't within the ecosystem in which those players are supposed to be competing.  It's one thing to pay to skip puzzles in candy crush.  Is it stupid?  Absolutely.  Is it unfair?  meh... Maybe, but who cares?  If I played candy crush and suffered through the puzzles while some whale dumped $100000 to not have to solve a single one, why does it matter to me?  How does it actually affect me?  It doesn't.  If I'm playing on a server in a PvP game where I'm going up against players that essentially have God mode because they funded Snail Games' CEO's newest car, well... that directly affects me...  I'm now at a competitive disadvantage in a gamemode that's all about the competition with the other players.  You cannot accurately compare the two situations to one another because of this.


Pay2Win in singleplayer is whatever.  Pay2Win in multiplayer is bad 100% of the time.  (An "MMO" that doesn't really involve interactions with other players is still single player... before someone tries to bring up the games with that whole concept.)

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What's baffling to me is that Wild Card already has a framework for microtransactions here.  They could release all this stuff as regular premium mods, which would require that all players on a server using them would need to purchase the mod to even play on that server... problem solved...  Premium mods are fine (given they're of a level that warrants their cost...) because everyone has to pay to play altogether.

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Well, the problem there is that they have the massive overhead of 1000s of official servers on a game with no residuals...  They NEED the microtransactions just to attempt to stay out of the red.  Add to that the fact that Snail Games is notoriously terribad with money...  But as I said... releasing this as just regular premium mods would not end up with any less sales numbers, but would certainly also not end up with all the horrible PR they've gotten over the way they have actually released it all....  Same for the pyromane and any other things like that.  They'd realistically sell more due to the more positive public opinion, instead. 

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