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Community Crunch 419: 'Steampunk Ascent' Cosmo Concept


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  • Wildcard Admin


Hey survivors! We hope you're all soaking up the summer sun!
We've got some news that's ready to jump right into your day. Meet Cosmo, our latest creature for Bob's Tall Tales: Steampunk Ascent!



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"It's hard to squish a friend who jumps into your heart as well as your hand." - Bob (probably)

Cosmo, a little beacon of light in a dark and aberrant subterranean land, will be available as your loyal companion in the Aberration edition of Bob's Tall Tales: Steampunk Ascent!


Buy the expansion pass now on Steam, XBOX or PlayStation!





We're currently targeting the release of the Unreal Engine 5.4 upgrade as part of the Aberration and Bob's Tall Tales: Steampunk Ascent on September 4. UE 5.4 improves the efficiency of the rendering system, making it much more parallelized for an approximate 20% overall performance boost on all platforms. It also improves memory management, reduces hitching/stalling, and provides more forward-looking graphics improvements, such as better, longer-range Lumen results - which will all be immediately noticeable when the upgrade is released. If the upgrade is delayed past September 4 due to risk management, the Aberration release will proceed as planned, and the ASA UE 5.4 upgrade will be released as soon as possible.

Simultaneously, we're also working on preparing an AMD FSR 3.1 integration for the September 4 release on all platforms. It is a better, cross-platform version of "frame generation," which uses AI to interpolate frames, resulting in a perceived doubling of framerate with minimal artifacting - and it works on both AMD AND NVIDIA cards. It will be enabled by default when we release it, but it can, of course, be turned off. We will deprecate support for NVIDIA Framegen once FSR 3.1 releases, as FSR 3.1 works on consoles and, thus, is a better technical focus for our team. 

When these two features are released, we expect ASA will run far better and have lower system requirements. Finally, by the end of the year, we'll release a "low system requirements" launch option, which will, with some graphical sacrifices, lower the effective 30 FPS system requirements down to the NVIDIA 1080 series of cards.




Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-browser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

This video features:






Transfers on The Center Official servers will open at 10am PST/1pm EST July 26th allowing players to move items, creatures, and characters onto the map without restriction! Get your Fasolasuchus ready to explore the majestic Red Woods!


Expire Servers Reminder.png  

On April 8th, we deployed a new type of server across the network (for the various game types) that we refer to as "Expire" (which is what you can search for in the session filter). 

These servers will be online until 10 am PST / 1 pm EST on August 3rd. We're preemptively using our allocation for Aberration to host some additional sessions that players can travel onto to farm, tame, and experience The Center Gameplay. The same transfer restrictions apply in that you are only able to download your character, but you can freely take anything off. This is to help reduce load off some of the other servers, or provide players an option for those who just want to jump onto The Center temporarily.

Please note that these servers will no longer exist after 10 am PST / 1 pm EST on August 3rd, so if you intend to use them, remember to transfer your items/creatures/characters off before that date, as nothing will be saved beyond that time period.



Switch News.png



We've hit a snag with the Genesis Part 2 release and are unfortunately delaying the release to July 31st, alongside the Rhyniognatha, which will be found spawning around The Island.

The DLC and patch have passed certification with Nintendo, but some backend issues are preventing a smooth launch. We know this is not exciting news to hear but it's important to ensure all players around the globe can play upon its release. We thank you for your patience.





ARKpocalypse servers have been wiped today!

What are ARKpocalypse?

  • ARKpocalypse are monthly-wipe servers with higher than usual rates.

Next wipe: August 16th 2024

You can join them by searching in the server browser! Happy Surviving!







This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, July 22nd.

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding




Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form



Creator: captain fatdog feat. Sanyxs‬ & FenderFTW‬

Sanyxs‬ and FenderFTW‬ join Captain Fatdog to spread swamp fever to the other Monarky teams. Then they compete in a 'Hatch Frame Fall Guys' event!


Creator: Striff

Striff made a complete guide to the new Deinosuchus from taming to its abilites.



Happy Summer Bash by @falco_luna



Dinossss by @rianeko_mabi



"I really hate the goddamn swamp!" by @TekARK_02



Made a dossier for one of my original species by wannabewyvern



Land of the Damned by thermo_trento



Cookies, Rockwell's special recipe. by nanostel



Chip the Argentavis by QueenColossus




Photo Mode by betaraptor01



Photo Mode by @savkyn



Smthing smthing Rex Rider by xxshanexsmithxx



Better be on your guard... by @nezulosaurus



My newest Battleship build!by slither06



Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

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is this the Real Winner of the Community Vote for Aberration ? Coz I refuse to believe that weird chicken won the voting.... Jumping Spider was meant to win that lol

I'm happy it is getting in the game in some form lol

Hopefully not many ppl with complain as usual coz it's in a DLC Dino xD

I already own the DLC since SE anyway, all the extra is worth it.

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Look, I try not be a Negative Nancy here in the forums, but I've gotta say something on this: I really try to avoid anything "AI" related. In fact, if you know anything about "AI," you know what it really is: Statistical Analysis. I refuse to refer to those tools as anything but "statistical analysis tools."

Frame interpolation =/= better framrate

Frame interpolation =/= better graphics

In fact, I recall a great Youtube video about this, and the entire thing was hand-animated by the person who narrates it. I highly recommend you watch it before you start jumping on the statistical analysis tool bandwagon:


(EDIT: The creator of the video does acknowledge that the dialogue around statistical analysis tools has changed quite a bit and that the framerate issue isn't the forefront problem anymore. I still think it's a discussion worth having, even if the issue of artists left without work is more important issue.)

Edited by Oreochema
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I want to say the truth here, how I genuinely feel about this... I'm hurt, and I'm honestly exhausted with trying to put on this fake happy face to make everything seem like it's perfectly fine when it's not, deep down it doesn't feel right that a creature I had dreamed of seeing in my absolute favorite game of all times one day, now has a small shoulder version of it that has no reference, mention, or anything to denote the obvious inspiration behind it, with how many people admired the idea of Maevia. Now, it's being added to content that you are required to purchase in order to enjoy, are we doing the submission events for you to take our ideas and monetize them? Is this what it has come to? 

If it's wrong of me to feel this way, I am sorry, I feel as though this has rubbed salt in the wound for those who fought with me to get a jumping spider to the game that everyone could love and appreciate.


For those who wanted a rideable version : I want you to know that a mod is heavily in the works by several wonderful people who are busting their butts to get a quality Maevia out there for you all to enjoy! This maevia will be coming with the original perks, including a few new variants ;) and it will have its own pygmy version with abilities based on the original Maevia! Keep those chins up, it will just take quite a bit of time. For now, we can at least enjoy Cyrus' awesome jumper and this new upcoming shoulder bro!!! ❤️

Edited by Sovira
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16 minutes ago, LUYIXUS said:

Please do not remove NVIDIA Framegen, the quality is much better than fsr3.

Fsr3 does not use AI that is why it works on consoles and also old graphics cards.

I'm not against fsr3, quite the opposite, it would be great for the game but don't remove nvidia framegen, keep both please

Yeah, enable both and leave us decide what we prefer to use

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12 hours ago, Sovira said:

For those who wanted a rideable version : I want you to know that a mod is heavily in the works by several wonderful people who are busting their butts to get a quality Maevia out there for you all to enjoy! This maevia will be coming with the original perks, including a few new variants ;) and it will have its own pygmy version with abilities based on the original Maevia! Keep those chins up, it will just take quite a bit of time. For now, we can at least enjoy Cyrus' awesome jumper and this new upcoming shoulder bro!!! ❤️

Oh this is good news! So glad you've been able to get your original concept realised. Cyrus' jumper is certainly awesome, but it just didn't hit quite the same as the original.

That said...I really hope this peacock spider does something other that just being yet another light pet (come on 4 was already more than enough). I really hope it has a grapple/tame helper/some reason to tame it rather than just being an alternate cosmetic choice (or more ideally that this is the male and the female would actually be ridable, but I don't see it happening).

Edit: saw your edit and honestly agree with you. This isn't the maevia most of us wanted, and it feels..unpleasant to have something so close but ultimately not what we wanted (a rideable jumping spider). I really wish they'd got in touch with creators of the popular runner ups, and discussed adding their creatures via the DLCs instead of doing it this way.

Edited by Kaiarra
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2 hours ago, ladyteruki said:

Oh hello, Maevia Eureka. Fancy meeting you here... in shoulder pet form ?
I'm a bit confused by the term "Cosmo" which seems to imply that it's a character name, not a species name. Is it not a tame like the Oasisaur, it's a companion more similar to HLNA ? Intriguing.

This was my thought too upon reading it. It says "Latest creature", but that could just be unfortunate wording (and it doesn't say TAME).

It's called Cosmo, not THE Cosmo like we had "Concept for the Fasolasuchus" or "the Oasisaur" etc, which implies it's more of a given name. a HLNA style pet was my first thought. Besides, it's on the wrong shoulder!

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AMD's FidelityFX Frame Interpolation is not AI, and looks very bad.. I think if you followed the initial reviews of FSR 3.1, you'd know that reviewers have doomed it already.... Trees and stuff looks really bad at a distance, very blurry and grainy graphics replace every single detail. There is a modded version of FSR 3.1 released by, you guessed it, modders. It looks waaaaaaaaaay better than the Official AMD implementation in games.

FSR 3.1 is not AI as the fact it doesn't require a GPU with actual AI cores (Tensor Cores, NVIDIA) and whatever the brilliant name that AMD calls them.. FSR 3.1 works on GTX 10 and older because yes, IT ISN'T AI. It's based on AMD's Super Resolution tech, sort of like NVIDIA's old Image Scaling (NIS). That is the one and only reason it works on consoles and ancient GPUs..

Now back to reality, time to do some digging Wildcard, because you clearly haven't done your homework. FSR is not a magic fix, and it is not very stable with UE5 or later, and it is just another AMD failure where they trick gamers and devs that their solution is better than NVIDIA DLSS because "all cards can run it" which of course is true when in fact, it doesn't require Tensor Cores or RT cores. Yes, great for outdated console GPUs, less great for powerful PCs.

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"We will deprecate support for NVIDIA Framegen once FSR 3.1 releases, as FSR 3.1 works on consoles and, thus, is a better technical focus for our team. "

Wow, just wow.

From AMD's:
"FSR 3 Frame Generation runs best when interpolating from a minimum of 60 fps pre-interpolation (e.g. after upscale). Whilst FSR 3 can roughly double any input frame rate, going below 60 is not recommended. This is due to interpolation visual artifacts being more prominent at lower frame rates. Sub 30fps frame rate pre-interpolation should be absolutely avoided."

You perfectly know its not gonna work. In the best case ppl with older cards will have to play with a lot of artifacts and very poor latency.

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1 hour ago, nipe said:

AMD's FidelityFX Frame Interpolation is not AI, and looks very bad.. I think if you followed the initial reviews of FSR 3.1, you'd know that reviewers have doomed it already.... Trees and stuff looks really bad at a distance, very blurry and grainy graphics replace every single detail. There is a modded version of FSR 3.1 released by, you guessed it, modders. It looks waaaaaaaaaay better than the Official AMD implementation in games.

FSR 3.1 is not AI as the fact it doesn't require a GPU with actual AI cores (Tensor Cores, NVIDIA) and whatever the brilliant name that AMD calls them.. FSR 3.1 works on GTX 10 and older because yes, IT ISN'T AI. It's based on AMD's Super Resolution tech, sort of like NVIDIA's old Image Scaling (NIS). That is the one and only reason it works on consoles and ancient GPUs..

Now back to reality, time to do some digging Wildcard, because you clearly haven't done your homework. FSR is not a magic fix, and it is not very stable with UE5 or later, and it is just another AMD failure where they trick gamers and devs that their solution is better than NVIDIA DLSS because "all cards can run it" which of course is true when in fact, it doesn't require Tensor Cores or RT cores. Yes, great for outdated console GPUs, less great for powerful PCs.

Why do you need an upscaler on powerful PC? An upscaler is exactly what those who have weak or old video cards need. The AMD FSR is just right for this. Think at least a little about others, and not just about yourself.

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1 hour ago, nipe said:

Интерполяция кадров FidelityFX от AMD — это не ИИ, и выглядит очень плохо. Я думаю, если бы вы следили за первоначальными обзорами FSR 3.1, вы бы знали, что рецензенты уже обрекли его на провал... Деревья и прочее выглядят очень плохо на расстоянии, очень размытая и зернистая графика заменяет каждую отдельную деталь. Существует модифицированная версия FSR 3.1, выпущенная, как вы уже догадались, моддерами. Она выглядит намного лучше официальной реализации AMD в играх.

FSR 3.1 — это не ИИ, поскольку для нее не требуется графический процессор с настоящими ядрами ИИ (Tensor Cores, NVIDIA) и как бы там ни было, как их называет AMD... FSR 3.1 работает на GTX 10 и старше, потому что да, ЭТО НЕ ИИ. Она основана на технологии AMD Super Resolution, что-то вроде старого Image Scaling (NIS) от NVIDIA. Это единственная причина, по которой он работает на консолях и древних GPU.

Теперь вернемся к реальности, время покопаться в Wildcard, потому что вы явно не сделали свою домашнюю работу. FSR — это не волшебное решение, и он не очень стабилен с UE5 или более поздними версиями, и это просто очередной провал AMD, когда они обманывают геймеров и разработчиков, говоря, что их решение лучше, чем NVIDIA DLSS, потому что «все карты могут его запустить», что, конечно, правда, когда на самом деле ему не нужны ядра Tensor или RT. Да, отлично подходит для устаревших консольных GPU, но не очень хорошо для мощных ПК.

Just to let you know. The RX 7000 has AI accelerators. And AMD is working to bring AI to FSR in 2024.

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