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Wood Foundations Superior to Stone Foundations

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Is WildCard aware that wood foundations are currently superior to stone foundations? 

A friend and I attempted to test a mod's structure strength compared to their vanilla counterparts. What we learned is that each of them has 15k health. We also learned that x1 C4 will obliterate a stone foundation vs. x1 C4 on a wood foundation leaving it with roughly 3k health. I doubt this is intended and I wonder if others are aware. 

For the noobies: don't waste time trying to get stone structures. Stick with wood until you can make metal lol.

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2 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:

Always been that way. Explosives do more damage to stone than wood. 


Yup and wood is much more susceptible to Dino damage. There's a trade off with each, giving them different uses.

I go stone 99% of the time. Better look (imo) and wood feels more fragile because more things can damage it.

Building in caves makes this discussion moot because 1 c4 takes out even metal foundations. 

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3 hours ago, St1ckyBandit said:

Yup and wood is much more susceptible to Dino damage. There's a trade off with each, giving them different uses.

I go stone 99% of the time. Better look (imo) and wood feels more fragile because more things can damage it.

Building in caves makes this discussion moot because 1 c4 takes out even metal foundations. 

Too true! It's unfortunate that the only "safe" places to build on official servers are in caves.

My friends and I have been playing the game for a while and noticed it. So we were curious to whether or not it was meant to be. 

The whole building with wood thing was a joke lol.

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