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Metal pillars trap disappeared


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2 hours ago, jtsuki said:

I can go there with wyvern within  few seconds.

You can, but do you actually do it? There's a reason Joe's asking this question. When you say you get wyvern's milk "very often", when was the last time you were there, as it a day ago, 5 days ago, 12 days ago? He's trying to figure out whether you accidentally waited too long and the decay timer removed it, it's a legit question. This happens to people all the time - someone logs in every day but they forget to go refresh the decay timers on their taming trap or secondary base, maybe they go there once every 5 days but they skipped a visit and didn't realize it. Even if you log in every day that trap might have despawned from the decay timer if you didn't visit it recently enough.

So, when was the last time you visited that location before it despawned?

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