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Please Add In-game Store



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3 hours ago, Brettskii said:

I am so excited to hear that the center is on schedule. that was one of the first maps that i was really prepared for during ase but never got the time to play. I am also really happy to read that you are keeping that new server feel a little longer, i will be voting for june 28th! Now that everything is on schedule.....you should explore a battle pass with priority que for the new servers so we don't get a bunch of bots taking up the slots. Maybe while the pass is "active" give us a bigger dino limit for our tribes. Just some food for thought, we really want the battle pass system and a RMT in game store. I understand baby steps, so this would be a pretty good start!




Stop spamming this crap.


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25 minutes ago, Brettskii said:

Hey fellas! My favorite game and crew hopefully hinting at some hype worthy world boss/ event maybe? I lobe the megs in game but they always felt like big sharks. I want to fear the meg! how about a random spawn that gives quality gear and bp? Something that cant just be beaten by the avg bob. That jaws feel needs to be capitalized on!

the bestest gooderest thing you could possibly do would be to finally hook us up with the in game rmt store and battle pass! The community is waiting eagerly and we know its in the works. Its like a surprise birthday you know about and just waiting to find our when and where its going to happen.


The summer bash is always a hit and one of my favorite events. You really made it feel like a real ark event again. Its really good to see the game back to being huge. There was a hiccup at the start but we are finally here baby! Thank you for keeping me engaged. I dont see any reason to burn out anytime soon. You guys are great we love you!

You're even a worse troll then those fake daily ads.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Brettskii said:

I am so excited to hear that the center is on schedule. that was one of the first maps that i was really prepared for during ase but never got the time to play. I am also really happy to read that you are keeping that new server feel a little longer, i will be voting for june 28th! Now that everything is on schedule.....you should explore a battle pass with priority que for the new servers so we don't get a bunch of bots taking up the slots. Maybe while the pass is "active" give us a bigger dino limit for our tribes. Just some food for thought, we really want the battle pass system and a RMT in game store. I understand baby steps, so this would be a pretty good start!


This is bait
This isn't a steam post, no need to try and farm clown awards here.

Edited by Sheogorath
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14 hours ago, Brettskii said:

I am so excited to hear that the center is on schedule. that was one of the first maps that i was really prepared for during ase but never got the time to play. I am also really happy to read that you are keeping that new server feel a little longer, i will be voting for june 28th! Now that everything is on schedule.....you should explore a battle pass with priority que for the new servers so we don't get a bunch of bots taking up the slots. Maybe while the pass is "active" give us a bigger dino limit for our tribes. Just some food for thought, we really want the battle pass system and a RMT in game store. I understand baby steps, so this would be a pretty good start!


Do you work for Wild Card?! You are celebrating the new server feel a little longer? And you transition to into suggesting that we pay for a game pass to get quality of life updates that should be there already for a live service game that already sells us DLC in the form of skins/dinos/mods? You either work for Wild Card or you are trolling the rest of us. 



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17 hours ago, Brettskii said:

we really want the battle pass system

You keep saying “we”. Unless you’re some sort of symbiote host or have multiple personalities that are all in agreement the only person I see around here campaigning for this is you.  That or this is some 4D chess play to try and ruin wildcard/snail’s reputation even further than they’ve managed to in past years. Either way kindly stop presuming to speak for everyone. I don’t even play ASA and I can see how badly this would skew an already skewed system.

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On 25/04/2024 at 12:59, Brettskii said:

lol beh va benissimo pensare che questa sia la tua opinione, ma non sono povero e ho soldi da spendere. È una tendenza piuttosto popolare al giorno d'oggi. Forse dovresti restare fedele ai giochi più vecchi lol se non vuoi abbracciare il futuro :)Le transazioni a pagamento devono essere rese mainstream affinché i giochi sopravvivano all'elevata domanda di contenuti e aggiornamenti.

what a stupid idea  

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There is physically not enough time in the day to laugh at this more and facepalm bros comments more. This literally SCREAMS "help I'm a PvE player who talked poop on discord to a PVP player and now I desperately need help to be able to reliably pay for mats that I don't know how to farm so I can finally get my revenge on the pvpers for me being a bob whose been spam blocked on PvE and raided on pvp" go back to your mobile clicker and STOP acting like you're speaking for anyone or the only upvoted on this wouldn't have been from you. Stop trying to ruin the game for everyone because you're bad at the game and refuse to learn how to play it and have the audacity to act like you have brought up a single solitary valid point or have anyone backing you up. No one wants this go back to being the bob trying to pay real money just to get somewhere in PvE or go back to fortnight. Or even better run back crying to your bosses at snail games about how the community not only didn't like your idea but entirely despised the idea of it and your poop outlook on life.

Edited by LordPoof
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1 minute ago, Brettskii said:

YES YES AND YES! You guys out did yourselves with this crunch. Im really excited for a dino megazord!

Way to be with the times and give us a huge bonus for pride month. giving us access to not only colors but a 3x boost is beyond generous! You guys rock!

The only thing that could make this month better would be the long awaited battle pass! It would mean the world to us working players!

A battle pass sounds like more pay to win bs coming from someone who works their butt off all day I'm not trying to spend more money just to keep up in PVP or deal with people having an edge because they pay for a monthly battle pass. If you want a battle pass go back to COD or connan exiles ark wouldn't work well with a battle pass I'm sorry.

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On 4/14/2024 at 8:41 AM, Brettskii said:

well im not talking about a mini game reward system. im talking about spending $$ so i don't need to waste an hour finding bpearls or grinding the same mission. I know genesis has the hlna store but im talking about a real store where i can buy currency to spend in game or just buy the items flat out. Diablo you can buy currency to spend in game. Why let all the other game companies rake in the money?

That's not how ark works. Stop trying to make the home pay to win if you want that go find another game you gotta grind and put in the work to be alpha on PVP and if it's PvE go ask one of the bobs I'm sure they'll sell you the 50k metal that takes 20 mins to farm for your cash. Putting more pay to win things in for lazy people who don't understand game mechanics will do nothing but drive more players away not bring a single one back.

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On 4/25/2024 at 5:59 AM, Brettskii said:

lol well thats perfectly ok to feel like that is your opinion but im not poor and i have money to spend. Its a pretty popular trend nowadays. Maybe you should stick to older games lol if you don't want to embrace the future :) Paid transactions have to be made mainstream for games to survive the high demand for content and updates.

Just because they don't want micro transactions in games doesn't mean they're poor it means they're not a lazy bob who is about to try an spend all that money on some Matt's that will be stolen from you in less than a day and probably about a week if it's a PvE server. Adding micro transactions doesn't allow games to survive it allows them to bring in a lazy clickbait gamer who doesn't even know what meta is. If you want micro transactions go play a Mobile game 🤦

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10 hours ago, LordPoof said:

Vuoi qualcosa per le persone che lavorano? Inserisci i server ORP ufficiali . NESSUNO, compreso me stesso, che non è povero, tra l'altro vuole micro transazioni se non sai come giocare o non puoi farlo da solo, non giocarci. Rovinerà il gioco al 100%. Ark non è COD o un campo di battaglia e sicuramente la cacca non è Conan. Vai a giocare a uno di questi, se il jolly vuole fare più soldi farebbe meglio ad aggiungere la modalità che hanno eliminato che consentisse alle persone che lavoravano o avevano figli o scuola di giocare effettivamente e non perdere tutto perché venivano cancellati al lavoro e aggiunti le creature della creatura votano. Nel caso in cui non l'avessi notato non c'è già un buon feedback su tutta la cacca per cui fanno pagare alle persone e le micro transazioni per un gioco grindy sia in idra che nella pratica sono cose orribili da aggiungere. per vincere al 100% rovina i giochi ed è stato dimostrato che funziona davvero solo su giochi clickbait mobili e la maggior parte delle volte si fermano dopo circa un mese quando i giocatori pigri di clickbait passano a un altro gioco. Wildcard sta avendo problemi con Ark 2 perché stanno perdendo molti dei loro giocatori devoti a causa della mancanza di un'opzione affidabile a lungo termine per giocare e perché non ascoltano la comunità e respingono tutte le creature e le mappe rilasciate. Se vuoi terminare un gioco, paga per vincere e non avere alcuna abilità ad esso associata perché ha perfettamente senso per un gioco che è tutto incentrato sul grind.

if WC wanted to do a battle pass done well they would also have a place to do it SOTF! if only they took care of their royal battle. 

WC do you want to make money? then make SOFT free like all battle royales and use it to bring as many people as possible closer to ARK and insert all the passes with skins for dinosaur players, tools you want like FORNITE or APEX just to give two examples 

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27 minutes ago, Noricha said:

Joe, please lock down this thread, it’s beyond stupid.

Everyone is welcome to make suggestions. If you don't agree with a specific one, scroll past it. If you don't want to interact with a specific user, add them to your Ignored Users.

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On 4/30/2024 at 3:52 PM, Brettskii said:

I like the edgy comment. Im all for a little derpy humor but you don't provide much support in your post??? WHY shouldn't games have micro transactions? Why is it a bad thing? Only reason i can come up with is you sell on the black market or need mom and dads debit card and you don't have much access to it. I love buying stuff on WoW, Diablo, Overwatch. Its not a game breaking thing lol. It helps everyone and keeps black market sales at a minimum. Working adults and parents don't have all the time in the world to sit and grind things out. Games have to appeal to everyone not just the neckbeards. This creates a great balance and also in this games case will help ensure a small bit of fairness. Its common now to see people build on resources, over farm rare resources, or lose the items and time spent to anti mesh or other random events.

Your entire argument is not only invalid but also quite ignorant if I'm being honest. You yourself have yet to be able to actually bring in a good argument about it the only thing you've really seemed to point out to everyone is you have very horrendous spending habits. If you don't like a grind in a game I would just ya know, stay off of it.

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On 6/9/2024 at 9:33 AM, aikkam said:

if WC wanted to do a battle pass done well they would also have a place to do it SOTF! if only they took care of their royal battle. 

WC do you want to make money? then make SOFT free like all battle royales and use it to bring as many people as possible closer to ARK and insert all the passes with skins for dinosaur players, tools you want like FORNITE or APEX just to give two examples 

Realistically speaking SOTF is the only place where it’d fly. Even then it’d basically double kill an already struggling game mode. 

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