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Sunken Scoop 21: Something Fishy


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Welcome back sunken survivors!

Here's an o-fish-shoal statement from the TSW team, there's been a lot of fishy business these past two weeks! As always the terrible jokes are all part of the theme because we're revealing another TLC we've got in the works, Sphyrna! Our very own undersea Anky is getting a massive visual touch up for ASA courtesy of Scorching Kami. In addition, we're also giving everyone's (least) favourite scourge of the sea, Saurichthys, some love too! We've got some concept art of the visual touch ups the "lizard fish" will be receiving to match the theming of other creatures on TSW. In addition, it's also getting a brand new Abyssal variant! Read on to find out more!

If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases.

Let's dive into the scoop!



Our "hammer" might turn into a pan after all the cooking Kami did on its model! Sphyrna is currently in the process of upscaling, and man is this shark looking beautiful! Sphyrna was actually one of the first creatures added to the mod, so it's certainly very exciting to see it be brought up to ASA's quality and level of detail!

Much like Ambulocetus' TLC, the attention that Sphyrna is being given is purely visual. Sphyrna's abilities will be remaining unchanged, its niche is perfect as is!

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Old fish, new fish! As mentioned earlier, Saurichthys is receiving a fresh coat of paint and a terrifying bigger cousin! If you haven't heard already, we're in the process of porting over all our fish to Ascended, and when we got to Saurichthys, we realised it was missing a much needed glow! A big part of the theming in TSW's roster is that every creature has a healthy shine to them, both as a reference to real world marine biology and due to some very important lore... Enough teasing though, you're here for the art! ZCI has gone above and beyond in his rendering of backgrounds and lighting, so go check out Saurichthys' new groove!

Reef Saurichthys


Native to the surface waters, the Reef Saurichthys (just your stock standard Saur' in game) patrols the sunlit reaches of the sea. While it's much more suited to chasing down smaller prey, these nimble fish have been known to snatch survivors right off their mounts! While too small to ride, they make for excellent early game guard dogs!

Abyssal Saurichthys


The deep sea is a hostile environment, so the life down there had to get even more hostile! Abyssal Saurichthys is the far larger, far more menacing cousin of those that live in the surface waters. These giants are a lot more indiscriminate in what they eat, with food being so scarce in the deep sea... so you're on the menu! Stronger, larger and maybe just a bit faster, the Abyssal Saurichthys is a formidable foe... or mount! Due to their increased size, these fish are rideable!


Seems you guys heard our plea to feature your content, because we got some submissions over the past two weeks! We love seeing the community sharing their love for our little project, so if you have anything you want to show off, feel free to send over some screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos or anything in between! There's a submssions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter!



An 'artist's' rendition of Ambulocetus by occasionallymalicious


Inside the mind of a Sphyrna by Pyroha


That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop, thanks for tuning in! Hope you're just as excited as we are to see more of Sphyrna's TLC/ready to make a run for it the moment Abyssal Saurichthys is in game! If you want even more TSW, why not come hang out in our discord! Have a wonderful timezone!

If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active.
Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken
Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759
Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728
Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions

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