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Quetzal TLC



  • New Model!
  • Base HP increased from 1200 to 1450.
  • Base damage increased from 32 to 55.
    • Bite now instantly harvests corpses, like Baryonyx.
    • Quetzal now uses Tapejara's bite animation.
  • Base stamina increased from 800 to 1150.
  • Base torpor increased from 1850 to 2000.
  • Quetzal's team class changed from "Herbivores" to "Carnivores_High" (Small dinos, like Raptors and Dilos, will no longer attack Quetzals unless provoked).
  • Quetzals can now regenerate stamina in the air. It also gains imprint speed now (Still can't pump points into the stat).
  • Quetzal now has different animations depending on if it has a platform saddle or not:
    • No Platform Saddle: Quetzals no longer walk hunched over and they can angle in flight. They can also divebomb. It is also faster (No heavy platform and structures!).
    • Platform Saddle: Basically, the same as the current Quetzal. However, Quetzal's weight doubles with a platform saddle equipped!
  • Wild Quetzals are now neutral. They will fight back if attacked, but they will flee if they are low-HP or are high-torpor.
  • Increased grab weight threshold from 400 to 500.
  • Added an animation if a Platform Saddle is equipped or removed.
  • Now prefers fish meat over normal meat.
  • Added a death animation.
  • Quetzal's corpse destruction animation has been fixed. The "hair" on the Quetz is now properly part of its skeletal mesh.
  • Quetz now has a different startle animation when flying.
  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2
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14 hours ago, yoki01 said:

Hai avuto una buona idea, ma non credo che un Quetz avrebbe mai dovuto essere un dinosauro da combattimento, penso che sia più simile a un dinosauro da trasporto, quindi potrei dargli più potenza e peso, oltre a ridurre il peso di alcune cose e renderle un po' più veloce quando si tratta di volare

it would be good to remember that the quetz was an apex predator like the trex, in fact it is a large carnivore 

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5 hours ago, aikkam said:

it would be good to remember that the quetz was an apex predator like the trex, in fact it is a large carnivore 

Well creatures were intentionally made different from theyre rl variants and in the game its role is to carry stuff and being a flying fortress its exactly like the titanoboa situation 

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12 hours ago, yoki01 said:

Beh, le creature sono state intenzionalmente rese diverse dalle loro varianti rl e nel gioco il suo ruolo è trasportare cose ed essendo una fortezza volante è esattamente come la situazione del titanoboa 

you're right, the creatures are different, but Ark's quetz is also a large carnivore so logically it should hunt, if they had made it a herbivore its shy behavior would have been more consistent.

a similar argument can also be made for the frog, it is carnivorous but you cannot see it hunts small dinosaurs such as the dilo or the dodo or insects.

following logic these animals should hunt like other carnivores in the game  

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