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Community Crunch 54 and ARK Digest 36!


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Hello Survivors! Welcome to the Community Crunch 54 and ARK Digest 36!

Summer Cup Update!


We’re excited to announce the second set of teams (from the June 2016 Survivor League qualifiers) that were able to successfully qualify for the Summer Cup Semi Final Match! The winning teams from the Final Match will be invited to be flown out to the ARK Survival of the Fittest Season One: Summer Cup in Shanghai, China at ChinaJoy 2016 and get the chance to compete for over $40,000!

To read more details about the Summer Cup just check out: http://playark.com/summercup/

And without further ado, the teams which have successfully qualified for the Semi Finals are:

Members: Vayne, Jason TaTane, Sk0_-, and ReDz

Tribe: The Killer Inc is Back!
Members: X Hunter, DentilZha, Razorbread, and Tazzpro

Tribe: #BeChampions
Members: FluffyB, EnemaOfTheStates, Swordfish, and MPG Resi

Tribe: VictoriousSecret
Members: StalkinU, Rene, IceBox, and Mathrandril

Tribe: HailKappa
Members: DdayDrasin, Messy, Toast, and Voxsic

Tribe: Chinese Storytellers
Members: Narco Polo, RealNapalm, AlethaUK, and mistercrime

Tribe: e-LEMON-ators
Members: DeyLo, Nes, VelociREKTor, and antihero

Tribe: Valar Morghulis
Members: KavhatAranda, El fideo rubio, Odmetnik and TacoExtreme

Tribe: Holy Church of RNGNESS
Members: Rockette, Soprano, Sols, and D e l u x e

Tribe: Grabuge
Members: patpanik84, Chyminliv, Alexette, and dantuan

These were the teams who had the collected highest points following June's Survivor League Qualifier Rankings! We’d like to congratulate them on their valiant play and look forward to them participating in the upcoming match on Sunday!

The invited teams will be set a special group invite and friends request on Steam from http://steamcommunity.com/id/SoTFLeague/ so make sure you accept the invite from that Steam 

Good luck to all Survivors out there and let’s see who gets crowned the Season One Summer Cup Champions of ARK: Survival of the Fittest! Don't forget to join July 2-3 at 11AMEST on our Twitch www.twitch.tv/survivetheark to watch the competitions!

Survival of the Fittest July Survivors League Championship and Semi Finals


Be sure join us this weekend at www.twitch.tv/survivetheark for ARK: Survival of the Fittest fun! 

The June Survivor League Championship matches will take place on 11 am EST to 2 pm EST on Saturday, July 2nd, with a bounty of more than $65,000 in prizes to the winners! The Semi Final match for the Season One: Summer Cup will take place on Sunday, July the 3rd at 11AM EST.

For all the extra details, check out the announcement we made here:

ARK Digest Q&A!

Here is our question and answer session with Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, Co-Creative Director of ARK: Survival Evolved, and Co-Founder of Studio Wildcard: Jeremy "Drake" Stieglitz!

Survivor, Deaner, asks, “With the Allosaurus on the way, two of it's abilities the alpha pack leader and the bleed effect are big things for it. Are we going to see both of those things added with the Allosaurus and possibly see the alpha pack boost for the Dire Wolves and the bleed effect for the Megaleceros at the same time?


Indeed shortly after the introduction of the Allosaurus with its “Alpha-pack” system, the Direwolf will get a similar implementation and the Bleed-effect implementation of the Megaloceros will also be modified to be comparable to the Allosaurus’.

Survivor, Zadira, asks, “In a previous digest, changes to pillars and other building structures were talked about that would help the problems that we have in pve.  Is there an update for the status of those changes?”


On official servers, you can no longer build in what we consider to be “resource-critical” areas (any server can enable this via commandline “?EnableExtraStructurePreventionVolumes=true”). That’s the first part of the system. The second part is to make the time of structure decay itself scaled dynamically on how many allied structures are nearby (representing the concept of a “base”), which I’ll hopefully roll out in the next major update if goes well.

Survivor, Emanuel1721, asks, “Hey, can you guys make that "Demolish Allowed" structures automatically destroys themselves after 1-2 weeks of not being demolished, because there's a LOT of abandoned bases that demolishing would take hours, and they just stay there causing lag and blocking spawns (especially on the Xbox official servers).”


I’ll add a server option to specify the length of time for auto demolish to occur after manual demolish, and yeah I’ll probably go ahead and enable that on our PvE servers with a value of about two weeks from the time of manual demolish.

Survivor, N_scheffel, asks, “I currently have to type in "r.bloomquality 0" and "r.lightshafts 0" every time I log in to avoid being blinded by light sources reflecting off most objects in the game (especially metal). Can that option be added to the current persistent graphics settings?”


Yes, I’ll get that added in PC’s next Major update.

Survivor, Nahz, asks, “Are there any plans to make regular and prime fish meat better taming options for creatures that we already have in the game? Meat taming sea creatures has become a challenge now that megalodons drop prime fish meat instead of prime meat.”


Indeed soon I’ll be making Fish Meat better for taming certain creatures.

Survivor, Assassindude27, asks, “Is the "Industrial Grinder" the same thing as the mod?” (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=534838287) 


It’s similar!

Survivor, Tomtoyer, asks, “We will see in a future physical differences between females and males creatures?”


Not from us, but they -are- different character classes, so a mod is welcome to do that.

Survivor, Aztec, asks, “Can you make it so that we can choose to craft items by multiples of ten instead of one at a time or the maximum number we can make, it gets annoying to click 20 times so i can make 20 narcotics or some other item id prefer if you only had to click twice.”


Yeah, I’ll have Shift-clicking on the Craft button perform 10x Crafting in the next Major update, and I’ll have a similar modifier implemented on Xbox.

Survivor, Ruenan, asks, “Hi I play ark on PC and Xbox one and was wondering if its possible, can we get all the sliders like the Xbox one version has for the server options in the hosting non dedicated and single player for the PC version? Plant growth speed, Spoil Time, all the Intervals etc.” and Survivor, Reubatina11, asks, “Is it possible that other options, such as breeding timers, egg incubation, baby maturation etc will be added as sliders to the Single Player startup screen? I'm playing on a Mac, and I'm struggling to access the INI. In addition, could we get options like cave flyers, Titan feeding etc added as checkboxes?”


Yes I’ll have the Xbox’s Host Options UI changes merged back onto the PC version later this summer.

Survivor, Reubatina11, asks, “Will the Titanosaur ever be breedable? Could this maybe be a server option for unofficial PvE servers?”


I think a mod is probably the best solution for that, and I’ve little doubt you’ll start seeing that next week as the Devkit finally gets updated this weekend.

Survivor, Cleetuss, asks, “What other forms of illnesses do you have in mind? Will dinosaurs be getting them as well? Terrible as it seems, a herbivore with rabies sounds funny.”


Rabies -- which would cause your own creatures to randomly turn aggressive on you -- and progressive Leprosy are two that I’m currently considering, among others!

Survivor, Klaahn, asks, “Is Xbox ever getting the MaxStructurePlatformMultiplier option for servers? It's the one that always for more structures to be built on Platform Saddles and Rafts.”


Yep, I’ll get that exposed to the UI.

Survivor, RedStorm8616, asks, “Is there any way you could add in an Alpha Direbear? I ask this not for the variation in Alphas (which would be nice) but for the Bear Skin Rug that would be inside it's inventory -- similar to the Rex Trophy inside an Alpha Rex?”


I plan to do an ‘Alpha’ Dino pass on various of the new creatures a little later this year, including the Dire Bear.

Survivor, Silvyss, asks, “Can we get a button for toggling snap points on xbox I know y switches walls and doors but I'd like a button to toggle all available snap points.”


Yes, a key/button cycling between available snap points will be added to both Xbox and PC soon -- in the case of PC, it’ll be done in the next “Major” update, and shortly thereafter for Xbox.

Survivor, Kody.Gloval, asks, “One of the biggest issues with building is the clipping. Is it possible to put something in an .ini file to disable clipping for a private server?”


Sure, in the next Major PC update I’ll add a server option to disable that, though for performance and trolling reasons I wouldn’t recommend it unless you trust your server’s players not to exploit or are RP-ing (i.e. players sticking structures under the terrain, etc).

Survivor, Drklotus69, asks, “I see the phrase "that will come with tek tier" or some variation of that all the time in the answers portion of this segment. Is there any sort of rough ETA we can get for when tek tier will actually arrive in game?”


This Fall we welcome you to the future!

Community Contests!


This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build on PC or Xbox. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more!

The ARKitect for Community Crunch 54 is…

The Dodia Pyramid by tomb!


Check out the full screenshot album: http://imgur.com/a/ONrwY

We'd also like to announce three runners up that we were very impressed with! You'll all be awarded runner up prizes!

Treehouse by Monkeypuzzle!

Hylia Shield by Valoule!

Hylian Shield.jpg

Redwood Tree House (Park Overlook) by Gorrir!


This contest is open for all types of video be they funny, epic, scenic, stories, whatever inspires you. Just a general reminder that they should remain safe for work, think of the children! 

The ARKVideo winner for Community Crunch 54 is…


We'd also like to announce two runners up, and you'll all be awarded runner up prizes as well!

ARK Redwood Forests Are Beautiful! - Cinematic Film - Update 243 by RagingCyanide


That’s it for this week’s entries guys! Thank you to all those who entered and congratulations to all our winners and if you’d like to take a look at what all the survivors submitted, you can do so here:

Fan Feature!

A primary school in Britain submitted these fantastic drawings to us detailing dinosaurs and creatures that they would like to see be added to ARK. Such creativity! We love that we've been able to inspire these great creations!


Check out the drawings in more detail in the gallery below:


Ark Breeding Phase 3: Random Mutations by King Sandbox Warrior ✥
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714222937

Hibbertopterus Dossier (Fan-Made) by Flishster
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=711680814

Daeodon Dossier by Shadlos
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714166514

Herrerasaurus Dossier by Shadlos
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714137046

Pachylemur by THE Putrid Machine
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=710685698

Tyrannotitan Dossier Concept by Parrotmarauder327
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713091452

Maiasauraferox by This Little Monster


Hatchery - Jurassic Park Alpha1 by fox™ ✮
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714991768

Titanosaur Base by Earnest_Coleman
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713509043

Lambda Class Imperial Shuttle by FataL1ty
Source: http://imgur.com/a/KdIcS

Tree Base by Dreararc

#Eagle #Sunset by WAT
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=712573606

Rexy by Scorn5252
Source: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714091572

Obelisks by NakedZombo 



Source: http://imgur.com/a/5emYh

And that brings and end to this week’s post guys! As always if you’ve got anything to share please get in touch and be sure to follow us on Twitter at @survivetheark - Facebook at www.facebook.com/survivetheark and Reddit at www.reddit.com/r/playark

Much love,
Wildcard Jen and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team!


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  • Jen featured and pinned this topic
3 hours ago, TheHellishCat said:

People can't say that the Devs don't care about the players anymore, when they are implementing some new patches that will deteriorate those annoying column spammers! Down with those tribes!


Hope they will correct that wrong (or we can say that they dont care about the players), cause MY TEAM AND I were classified for china for sure, and then appears a team number 10 : 

Tribe: S.PLH
Members: Pepper, JEPPE, Grypee, and Haydnz


They arent in the top 40...  And we were top 12, 23, 36 and 50...  And we arent classified? Really? Ark what are u doing? We dedicated a lot of hours to this and u just quit us with out reason.. i hope u give us an answer cause this is pathetic...



And this team:

Tribe: Holy Church of RNGNESS
Members: Rockette, Soprano, Sols, and D e l u x e


We have more score than them too... Why is this happening? Really... Hope u give us a solution, cause this is ...


Tribe: Grabuge
Members: patpanik84, Chyminliv, Alexette, and dantuan

We also have more average score than this team...



Taco Extreme (top12): 1912 points

Kavhat (top 23): 1888 points

El fideo rubio (top 34): 1877 points

Odmetnik7 (top 61): 1854 points


Our average is of 1882.75

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  • Administrator

I have looked into the above and can confirm you're right and your tribe has qualified for the event. The list have qualified teams have been adjusted. Thank you for staying diligent towards the game and letting us know about our error. We apologize for any confusion, and if anyone else would like to get in touch - feel free to do so, just contact [email protected] and all claims will be looked into! 

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7 minutes ago, Jat said:

I have looked into the above and can confirm you're right and your tribe has qualified for the event. The list have qualified teams have been adjusted. Thank you for staying diligent towards the game and letting us know about our error. We apologize for any confusion, and if anyone else would like to get in touch - feel free to do so, just contact [email protected] and all claims will be looked into! 

Thanks for ur attenttion and ur fast answer.



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25 minutes ago, Jat said:

I have looked into the above and can confirm you're right and your tribe has qualified for the event. The list have qualified teams have been adjusted. Thank you for staying diligent towards the game and letting us know about our error. We apologize for any confusion, and if anyone else would like to get in touch - feel free to do so, just contact [email protected] and all claims will be looked into! 


Great work! Now everyone at Sgt. Peppers stream was all hyped for the chance at the cup. And then you are just like ohh sorry. You guys are not going to the cup. We are sorry for the mistake? Yes you better be sorry. You cant just announce people and then be like mistake! you are not getting in! We where looking forward to seeing them in the cup. I thought better of ARK. :( Poor SPLH

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I was wondering if you guys would add ant mounds, kinda like beaver dams, where you could get a bunch of sap instead of paste in them, but then you would have to fend off a small colony of ants? (maybe 10-15?) I feel like this could be a cool idea to add it to the redwood biome since it is pretty big and has alot of distance between each of the trees.

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Is there any way you guys could add controller rebinding for PC Version of Ark? And a Advance Options to rebind more things to the controller itself like you can with Keyboards? That would help with Key rebinding since some Controllers can have more buttons then Xbox Controllers do and with the new Analog Keyboards coming out they work like a Game-pad so Rebinding is need for those.

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On 7/2/2016 at 8:39 AM, MrSirViking said:


Great work! Now everyone at Sgt. Peppers stream was all hyped for the chance at the cup. And then you are just like ohh sorry. You guys are not going to the cup. We are sorry for the mistake? Yes you better be sorry. You cant just announce people and then be like mistake! you are not getting in! We where looking forward to seeing them in the cup. I thought better of ARK. :( Poor SPLH

They can, and they did. Mistakes happen. You don't have to be a jerk about it. I'd rather see the teams that actually deserve to be there, who actually made the final cuts, than someone who didn't garner as many points take the place of someone who deserves to be there just because of an error. Get real.

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