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Adjusting the Ark


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I am trying to find out ways to adjust or change some mechanics.
I want to make my game more challenging and realistic. I either want to make use of Mods, change the game ini's or look for ways to mod some things in myself...
So if there arent any ways to change these things. I would like to know if there are some good tutorials to mod these changes in myself.

Im looking for options to change:

- Torpor infliction of animals, or rather the amount of torpor/poison a creature can handle.
- Change what you can and cannot craft/repair on the go. Like (cloth) armor or even bow. You are going to need at least some additional tools or a table/stool to make these. You cant climb naked into a tree and come down with a bow...
- Changing the size of my character model and dinos, You can change it with the ChangeSize command, but its not permanent and glitchy. Also if you change your own size, its like you bend your knees and then say: Look how small I am :)
- Remove saddle engrams for birds and other dinos. I tried it in the game-setup-menu, but they keep comming back, and for some reason they even just unlocked themselves 0.0
- The base movement speed of dinos. I want to play around with this. Make Birds faster, Dung beetles slower, Ankylos faster and Pegomastax slower...

Am I on the right forum? Or are there good suggestions about other forums?

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