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Community Crunch 403: Scorched Earth Update, Eggcellent Rates, and More!


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Are you kidding? Another date change? WHY did you change it from April 1st to March 31st in the first place?!?!??! I dont believe the reason for moving it back AT ALL. You guys are a bunch of liars and have proven it time and time again. Why would anyone believe anything coming out of your mouths at this point. Guess we get to wait for the April Fools joke where its pushed back even further.

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Not going to lie. I'm kind of sad about the hopes of it coming out in 2 days and it just getting removed... Why bring it up in the first place? It was set to release on the first, then excited everyone to play on Sunday. I know it's not like they care but I am long-distance with my girlfriend. She traveled for work and she was back for one day to play ark with me. I understand we will do something different but this was something we were looking forward to do now it was taken away just like that. Im just sad that I got my hopes up and then they crashed.

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Be carefull about complaining on their discord guys.
Saying anything negative about how u feel about ASA playing it or whatever experience u might have, gets you kicked from their discord, ive seen this happen many times when people complained

Just be carefull what u say to wildcard or they might not like it and kick u from their discord.
Its so bad u cant even speak up about your concerns for your tribe, they will just kick you if its not something positive.

And this wont be the last delay i can literally promise you that now , they will NOT open SE servers after 60 days, more like 6 months

And this message allmost got me banned in here aswell... wow wildcard....

Idgaf what u do to be honest im done playing ur horrible game months ago, im just here to hopefully let others know how u do business, i will continue to spread how u run your game no matter where u ban me, im an admin of the biggest tribe in ur game... 

Not the smartest thing to treat us wrong...

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Edited by Farthas
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If item and dino transfers will be off and only character transfers will be allowed does that mean you guys fixed the transfer bug where the custom cosmetics count as items and prevent transfers?

We have been trying since clustering was released to do character only but because you guys added custom cosmetics we can't. 

I really hope this means it's fixed with the release of Scorched 


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1 hour ago, Legion85 said:

Steht doch drin du Vogel. Damit nicht alle Abhängigen mit ihren 400 Dinos alles überrennen. Damit nicht nur Arbeitslose eine Chance haben, sondern auch Menschen die nicht 24/7 am Spiel kleben

Genau weil ich arbeiten muss und alles wieder von vorne bauen muss und noch mal 400 Dinos dazu, macht dann 800 Dinos, Schwachsinn 

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7 hours ago, Aliuken said:

If item and dino transfers will be off and only character transfers will be allowed does that mean you guys fixed the transfer bug where the custom cosmetics count as items and prevent transfers?

We have been trying since clustering was released to do character only but because you guys added custom cosmetics we can't. 

I really hope this means it's fixed with the release of Scorched 


I'm in the process of setting up the second server for release and enabling + testing character transfer. I can tell you that this has not been fixed yet and I'm unable to transfer out of the only character upload/download server.

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2 months till we can transfer dinos and items over? This isn't ASE. 2 weeks max and we should be able to transfer... 2 months is a joke. If this is what you plan on doing for every map release then expect your game to die. I don't want to have to render in the island for another 2 months while I play on Scorched. This is a lowsy excuse to try and keep your servers populated. Those extra 60 days aren't going to help keep servers populated unless you ran an event for those 60 days. 

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