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Bug I've found.


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1 hour ago, aiMTecGHOST said:



So,I logged onto my server last night and found this monstrosity of a character. It won't let me upload a picture but basically,you can see my characters hair but it's partially obscured by a bald head? Like,it looks like 2 heads mushed together. Anyone know how to fix this?

Sounds like you are using a hair mod, or other appearance or apparel mods. Wait till the mods are updated and adjusted to the new skeleton. Dont use mod-hair, apparel, or disable the mod in general.

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On 3/26/2024 at 2:33 PM, SunsetErosion said:

Sounds like you are using a hair mod, or other appearance or apparel mods. Wait till the mods are updated and adjusted to the new skeleton. Dont use mod-hair, apparel, or disable the mod in general.

Believe it or not,I was but it wasn't the hair mod that was causing the issue. It's gonna sound weird cos it was actually the Better Rafts mod that was messing with it. Once I removed the mod,it went back to normal. 

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15 hours ago, aiMTecGHOST said:

I think I've got enough hours in the game,man. 212 hours on the PS5 version. Most of which has been spent on my own server cos they're more reliable than the live official ones!

(Checks Steam account, notes play time for ASE, considers that I am not an AFK player, wonders what else I could have done with the time...)

erm yes, those are certainly a lot of hours there fella!

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