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Scorched Earth - Questions


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Now that it seems like ASA's Scorched Earth is finally going to be released, the big question remains. Are we getting the same buggy version that was initially for ASE (just like what was done with The Island)? This will set the tone for the future map releases. If it happens twice in a row we can expect it to happen with the rest of the maps.

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I don't remember SE being buggy but I do remember a lot of people objecting to a dev charging for DLC for an unreleased game. Plenty of I'll never play this game again. I got the Season Pass and bought in for the duration. 0 regrets. I also remember it was hard at first with weather dynamics making life interesting. 

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36 minutes ago, kuovaP said:

Same here. Weather, fast spoiling times etc... this all made living on Scorhed Earth a lot harder than Island used to be at that time. But the only bug I recall happening was Terror Bird spawning inside the building and killing us while we were afk. 

Yes :) The initial spoiling times were too much. You hardly had the time to cook prime meat. 
I also remember flying through the air all over the map for unknown reasons, mostly during combat I think. And there were useless pile ups of spawns in the mountains...
Lots of other bugs. The map was pretty bugged, but Ark in general was really bugged back then. I doubt the same amount of bugs will be there...
I mean, spawns are the same, spoil settings will be copy-pasted, and body collision or whatever caused the crazy flights, are long gone...

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2 hours ago, Moonie1 said:

Now that it seems like ASA's Scorched Earth is finally going to be released, the big question remains. Are we getting the same buggy version that was initially for ASE (just like what was done with The Island)? This will set the tone for the future map releases. If it happens twice in a row we can expect it to happen with the rest of the maps.

Of course it will be just as buggy, WildCard is still WildCard, they haven't changed their company culture in the last few months.

This has always been how they have done business, and it's always going to be how they do business. If you think they're ever going to magically change, they're not, the company is owned and run by the same people with the same values they've always had. Any other answer is just foolish wishful thinking.

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18 hours ago, Pipinghot said:

 WildCard is still WildCard, they haven't changed their company culture in the last few months.

I'm beginning to think you are an insider :D

I don't know their culture internally but, externally, they are doing things differently. For example, deploying SE elements in existing patches to attempt to reduce new map teething problems. Also, using the mod vehicle as a method to expand content. Whether this is better is up to long term results but, it is different. 

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I honestly think the true BIG QUESTION is how will the new train tracks work? Will they just be allowed to be spammed all over the map and sucking up space like the worst type of pillar spam in history? will other players be able to use these tracks? are tracks already built on the map? 2. How will the floating OPasaur work. Will people be able to land these things on top of your base and use them like giant floating troll mountains? how will they effect building if someone decides to park on in the spot you are currently building on? I think they are avoiding these details and telling us about the mechanics of how it will be introduced because they just plan to drop a Over powered pay to win creature on the map that's hugely problematic to the player population especially official PVE and just deal with the massive blowback after the fact as that's how they usually go about things.

Edited by Grissom
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21 minutes ago, Grissom said:

I honestly think the true BIG QUESTION is how will the new train tracks work? Will they just be allowed to be spammed all over the map and sucking up space like the worst type of pillar spam in history? will other players be able to use these tracks? are tracks already built on the map? 2. How will the floating OPasaur work. Will people be able to land these things on top of your base and use them like giant floating troll mountains? how will they effect building if someone decides to park on in the spot you are currently building on? I think they are avoiding these details and telling us about the mechanics of how it will be introduced because they just plan to drop a Over powered pay to win creature on the map that's hugely problematic to the player population especially official PVE and just deal with the massive blowback after the fact as that's how they usually go about things.

I don't know why but, I don't like the idea of vehicles in Ark. I'll accept a glider or raft but, that's as far as it goes. My fear is that this is a thing that "someone" thinks is a good idea  to drop like Mickey Mouse Cosmetics. No one has asked for Trains have they? Can you mount a Cryofridge on the train? Will it negate the need for a flyer with 55% in weight?

AS for the OPasuar, I did think it might be something only the tribe can experience, like a moving instance that is invite only. I don't think this will be the case now though.

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3 hours ago, TonyTempah said:

I'm beginning to think you are an insider :D

Definitely not. Fortunately no insiders are needed because day after day, week after week, since the very beginning of the ASA fiasco a year ago, WC has continued to show the world how their culture works, and it's just the same as it ever was.

3 hours ago, TonyTempah said:

I don't know their culture internally but, externally, they are doing things differently.

Different doesn't necessarily mean better. A different method of deployment has nothing to do with a different culture, those are two entirely different conversations. If the method of deployment is better for the company and yet fails to create a better product then that's not an improvement in culture. Culture is about creating a higher quality of product and providing a better player/customer experience, which has pretty clearly not happened during the last year.

3 hours ago, TonyTempah said:

Also, using the mod vehicle as a method to expand content. Whether this is better is up to long term results but, it is different.

Yes different, but so far not better (because again different does not necessarily mean better) and WC has given players no reason to expect that it's going to be better. The fact that their very first delivery of "content" with the new system was a bunch of garbage that no one ever asked for should be a huge red flag for anyone hoping that this will improve the quality of the game. That's not an anomaly, it's not an accident or oversight, it's a harbinger of things to come and it demonstrates that their focus on quantity over quality it just as bad today as it has ever been.

3 hours ago, TonyTempah said:

For example, deploying SE elements in existing patches to attempt to reduce new map teething problems. Also, using the mod vehicle as a method to expand content.

That part is not new, this is something they've always done. Every map has had pre-deployment of some assets in preparation for the map release. The only rational expectation is that this map release will go as well (or as poorly, depending on your point of view) as all the previous map releases.

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6 minutes ago, parazight said:

Polished versions of games ended with the death of game console cartridges.  

Dog can't poop if he won't eat.

I have no idea what that means, but I like trains and dinos so I will buy Scorched Earth The Game. I mean its only €45,-
Also if a human doesnt eat, it saves money on food AND toilet paper...

Edited by SunsetErosion
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to be fair tho the island to me is probably my least liked map besides the pearls cave base spots which i refuse to build in because fridges and dunke farming and stuff, but lets hope the changes they made to scorched are good and they actually well back to my first sentence .... it will be interesting to see how the new dinos and stuff work in with the map as well .... because of the oasasaur being what it is i wonder if its gonna be hard to do anything because the alpha could just use it as one big moving fob but i guess thats kind of what the titanosaur is and the fasolosuchus looks sick .

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4 minutes ago, TankinTBone said:

to be fair tho the island to me is probably my least liked map besides the pearls cave base spots which i refuse to build in because fridges and dunke farming and stuff, but lets hope the changes they made to scorched are good and they actually well back to my first sentence .... it will be interesting to see how the new dinos and stuff work in with the map as well .... because of the oasasaur being what it is i wonder if its gonna be hard to do anything because the alpha could just use it as one big moving fob but i guess thats kind of what the titanosaur is and the fasolosuchus looks sick .

I just dont get it. A train in Ark? What does that mean? Will it be a GTA like train? How can they make you pay for a creatures abilities? Why even? Why does it need to be so large? A childs fantasy? Is its size actually practical? In what way could you NOT imbalance PvP, NOT expell a great PvE experience, and NOT create a sneaky money grabbing company, relying their income on P2W, instead of actual ( Dlcs arent even free anyhow) game experience quality. 
I imagen Dune content will make its way into Ark also 0.o I mean It has Sandworms, Ark SE has sandworms. For the full digital costume party you are going to need Dune content in Ark, right???
Ark: "Why on the Scorched Earth"
Its just going to be a cheap hype game from now on with little dept, little enriching immersion, little player base. The lower the player base gets, the more you will have to pay for anything coming out later on, probably...

To save money and time, just stop all together, its done, its over. All wildcard employees, just go home. Quit this nonsence...

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never one day we die but idk from what we see idk if ark is gonna live super long id love to see it happen but you know im not gonna say that truthfully it would at the moment honestly i try to play it realize what id have to deal with to play then get off again also i cant as long as there isnt anything else to do ark can really make time pass  so and games right now arent that great in my opinion and as i get older im more pickier about what i wanna put my time into (funny enough because im trying to play this)

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I just dont want to have to deal with all the same exact buggy stuff that we already had to deal with in ASE. They released The Island using the same exact buggy foundation code from ASE all those years ago. I do not want to see the same in ASA SE. It will decide if my combined Ark playtime of 9400 hours comes to an end. I dont care about train tracks and Gamera. I care about the game being playable. A new game shouldnt have the same old bugs that were already fixed once. Thats lazy sloppy coding and is an insult to the customers.

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On 3/26/2024 at 7:48 AM, Moonie1 said:

Now that it seems like ASA's Scorched Earth is finally going to be released, the big question remains. Are we getting the same buggy version that was initially for ASE (just like what was done with The Island)? This will set the tone for the future map releases. If it happens twice in a row we can expect it to happen with the rest of the maps.

Bro this happens every single release for every map and every thing they put out lol

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3 hours ago, Moonie1 said:

I just dont want to have to deal with all the same exact buggy stuff that we already had to deal with in ASE. They released The Island using the same exact buggy foundation code from ASE all those years ago. I do not want to see the same in ASA SE.

You already know that's what they're going to do. What to do next is your decision.

3 hours ago, Moonie1 said:

A new game shouldnt have the same old bugs that were already fixed once. Thats lazy sloppy coding and is an insult to the customers.

Agreed. It should also be new instead of being fake-new.

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1 hour ago, Magpie75 said:

ok its the 1st of april so where is it ?                              APRIL FOOL

Its probably not just "opening the doors" And its probably also a steam/epic thingy. Plus they also probably use California time to release. Which means the rest of the world (EU) is actually already getting ready to sleep when they release it...

In general the big question with Wildcard is always:



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