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Community Crunch 401: Introducing Bob's Tall Tales, starring Karl Urban and Auliʻi Cravalho!


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  • Wildcard Admin




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Gather 'round the campfire, Survivors! Everyone who’s played has a story about the first Bob they encountered on an ARK… Now the legendary ARK veteran Bob -- voiced by Karl Urban -- is ready to share his incredibly true adventures with you for the first time! Nothing can prepare you for the wonder and two-fisted action of Bob's Tall Tales!
Piece together Bob's larger-than-life ARK saga by recovering his animated Explorer Notes! You’ll feel like you were right there with Bob from the beginning, as he describes his pivotal role in ARK’s history to young Meeka -- voiced by Auliʻi Cravalho.

We're planning to release the first animated Explorers Notes on March 31st, pending certification.  We'll keep you updated!




We've released an update this week to prepare for the upcoming Scorched Earth expansion. The goal is to get the changes out sooner so the Scorched Earth patch isn't as big to download on launch day and also helps our team identify issues before that major release!  Check out the full post here.






Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-bowser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

This video features:



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Make your mark on ARK: Survival Ascended by voting for the best mods in the ARKathon finals!

Support your favorite modders and help them claim their share of the whopping $50,000 prize pool. Your vote counts so don't miss out!

Vote now!





ARKpocalypse servers have been wiped today!

What are ARKpocalypse?

  • ARKpocalypse are monthly-wipe servers with higher than usual rates.

Next wipe: April 12th 2024

You can join them by searching in the server browser! Happy Surviving!







This weekend, the Official Network will be receiving bonus rates! It will be active until Monday, March 18th.

  • PVP/PVE: 2x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience, and Breeding
  • Small Tribes: 4.5x Harvesting, Taming, and Experience + 4x Breeding
  • ARKpocalypse: 5x Harvesting, Taming and Experience, and Breeding




Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

Help us discover your talent by tagging your art with #ARKPhotoMode or #ARKFanart on social media!



Creator: Veno

Can Veno beat The Island by using randomised dodo eggs?


Creator: Boondocks Viking Gaming

Boondocks Viking Gaming is finally taking the Baryonyx out for a spin and go searching for the Artifact of the Hunter!



Render by N4STYR4BBIT



Don't Let This Darkness Fool You by raventap



Easter vibes with a bulldog by pdraws



The Carcharodontosaurus from Ark by drawasaurus04



Pt 3 of drawing every Dino Dossier by cascadingcaramel



Liopleurodon by FalconSaurusArt



Gigantoraptor and Therizinosaurus, with contrasting artstyles to boot! by penguinlover583




I felt motivated at Rexcos by @Muni_ark



New Pupper by donnsensei



Our main base has been completed! by @wantanmen02



Through the Tundra by Sirius



Therizinosaurus gets angry when approached. It's scary. by @hamubarg



Enjoy your weekend!
Studio Wildcard

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5 minutes ago, Kukiryu said:

Kinda crazy we still haven’t even seen so much as a screenshot of Scorched when it’s supposed to come out in a short few weeks

It's not crazy at all, because thats exactly how the launch of ASA went until WC finally released a close up of a raptor's face like 2 weeks before the game came out.

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Are you kidding me? no news whatsoever about the problems with the recent patch? No ETA on the patch to the patch? Single layer is broken. No word on that. My character looks like a bodybuilder on steroids. no word on that... 


Your game is dying. You had better break out the CPR paddles quickly or just sell it before you ruin it completely.

Fix your existing issues! Nobody gives a damn about mods that can't be used on your broken game.

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Jebus. Another week. Another CC with no REAL news that your player base ACTUALLY cares about...

It's a puff piece about explorer notes voiced by Karl Urban. Why in the world would you think THAT is what we want to hear about?

Seriously, either some dufus at Snail is writing these things, or whomever you have working public relations got their degree out of a sewer grate.

No update on Scorched. No update on The Center. No update on how you plan to get back on track with the roadmap you gave us for the content that we all PAID FOR!!!

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AB will be steampunk, SE will be placed in wild west and have trains to rob (i can imagine different colours of trains depending of the loot table 😁) , and EXT will bring us post apo Mad Max bandit attacks on the outskirts of the city.


That will be something new for sure, but will it fit the Ark as a whole? 


8/10 (extra points for some creativity)



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3 hours ago, absurdlyobfuscated said:

What in the steampunk cowboy mad max hell is scorched shaping up to be? I'm actually excited now.

Also any way we can get an ETA for the fix for uploaded eggs instaspoiling? And anyone else getting significantly worse performance and slight motion blur since the big update last Monday?

steampunk seems to be for aberration, and the madmax ones for extinction.

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This Crunch gets the rate 5/10 but only because it has news of a new feature. But again no news on scorched. If u really have to delay it then say it now instead of letting everyone wait. I just want to grind this Game again I really like SA but u just dont let me like it no more. The first 300 hours were fun but I am this close of just deleting the Game. I dont know if u will read this but please put any kind of information of scorched earth in the next crunch. Information of the working progress, pictures or a possible time of release. ANYTHING and I will be pleased. Just do it for ur own fans. It is okay if it has to be delayed but please talk to us

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10 hours ago, CyberSaurus0829 said:

A.I. "art" spotted, gross.

Lmao you really have no clue. Are you by chance one of those people that goes to artists pages on instagram/twitter etc. and comments “ai art” too garnish some attention cuz you don’t know what’s real and what’s not

theres absolutely nothing in the concept art to suggest it was ai, and if you look closely, you can see high levels of detail that ai usually struggles to create

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