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Issues After Patch 36.8

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This is very frustrating, I cant play on my server or single player. Really looking forward to finally getting on my server and seeing how everything gets screwed up due to not being able to get on. Love paying for something and not getting to use it... Just venting, I do wish they would spend a little more time in testing before dropping a patch like this.

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I have the same problem i crash after 10 seconds in my server ... Nice update -.-'

Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x000000000000000f

CL: 484455
0x00007ff7648204e2 ArkAscended.exe!FObjectInstancingGraph::GetInstancedSubobject() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\CoreNative.cpp:216]
0x00007ff7648ce452 ArkAscended.exe!FObjectPropertyBase::InstanceSubobjects() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\PropertyBaseObject.cpp:60]
0x00007ff76492de08 ArkAscended.exe!FObjectInitializer::InstanceSubobjects() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp:3938]
0x00007ff76492da1a ArkAscended.exe!FObjectInitializer::PostConstructInit() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp:3848]
0x00007ff76492d548 ArkAscended.exe!FObjectInitializer::~FObjectInitializer() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp:3695]
0x00007ff76492e78a ArkAscended.exe!StaticConstructObject_Internal() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectGlobals.cpp:4348]
0x00007ff762a60478 ArkAscended.exe!NewObject<AActor>() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\UObjectGlobals.h:1637]
0x00007ff7669b3373 ArkAscended.exe!UWorld::SpawnActor() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelActor.cpp:650]
0x00007ff7669b2ef9 ArkAscended.exe!UWorld::SpawnActor() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelActor.cpp:425]
0x00007ff7665e8082 ArkAscended.exe!UChildActorComponent::CreateChildActor() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Components\ChildActorComponent.cpp:781]
0x00007ff7665eb27e ArkAscended.exe!UChildActorComponent::CreateChildActor() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Components\ChildActorComponent.h:186]
0x00007ff766590c22 ArkAscended.exe!UActorComponent::ExecuteRegisterEvents() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Components\ActorComponent.cpp:1785]
0x00007ff766590442 ArkAscended.exe!UActorComponent::RegisterComponentWithWorld() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Components\ActorComponent.cpp:1442]
0x00007ff766cecef5 ArkAscended.exe!USCS_Node::ExecuteNodeOnActor() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\SCS_Node.cpp:175]
0x00007ff766d1be81 ArkAscended.exe!USimpleConstructionScript::ExecuteScriptOnActor() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\SimpleConstructionScript.cpp:699]
0x00007ff7663b9ad6 ArkAscended.exe!AActor::ExecuteConstruction() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ActorConstruction.cpp:796]
0x00007ff7663acb18 ArkAscended.exe!AActor::FinishSpawning() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:4068]
0x00007ff766397659 ArkAscended.exe!AActor::PostSpawnInitialize() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:4001]
0x00007ff7669b3469 ArkAscended.exe!UWorld::SpawnActor() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelActor.cpp:721]
0x00007ff7669b2cce ArkAscended.exe!UWorld::SpawnActorAbsolute() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelActor.cpp:410]
0x00007ff766aa51b8 ArkAscended.exe!UPackageMapClient::SerializeNewActor() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\PackageMapClient.cpp:684]
0x00007ff7666ed6ce ArkAscended.exe!UActorChannel::ProcessBunch() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\DataChannel.cpp:3113]
0x00007ff7666eccee ArkAscended.exe!UActorChannel::ProcessQueuedBunches() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\DataChannel.cpp:2868]
0x00007ff766a677c7 ArkAscended.exe!UNetConnection::Tick() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\NetConnection.cpp:4580]
0x00007ff761c6449c ArkAscended.exe!UIpConnection::Tick() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Plugins\Online\OnlineSubsystemUtils\Source\OnlineSubsystemUtils\Private\IpConnection.cpp:289]
0x00007ff766a6e202 ArkAscended.exe!UNetDriver::TickFlush() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\NetDriver.cpp:931]
0x00007ff766a70534 ArkAscended.exe!UNetDriver::InternalTickFlush() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\NetDriver.cpp:1572]
0x00007ff762deae6d ArkAscended.exe!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance<0,AHoverDronePawnBase,void __cdecl(float),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::ExecuteIfSafe() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates\DelegateInstancesImpl.h:552]
0x00007ff764b477ec ArkAscended.exe!TMulticastDelegate<void __cdecl(double),FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>::Broadcast() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates\DelegateSignatureImpl.inl:988]
0x00007ff7669caa39 ArkAscended.exe!UWorld::Tick() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelTick.cpp:1781]
0x00007ff766783af6 ArkAscended.exe!UGameEngine::Tick() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\GameEngine.cpp:1886]
0x00007ff763e61903 ArkAscended.exe!UShooterEngine::Tick() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Projects\ShooterGame\Source\ShooterGame\Private\ShooterEngine.cpp:175]
0x00007ff761601259 ArkAscended.exe!FEngineLoop::Tick() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.cpp:5906]
0x00007ff7615eed3c ArkAscended.exe!GuardedMain() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Launch.cpp:195]
0x00007ff761604c0a ArkAscended.exe!GuardedMainWrapper() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:118]
0x00007ff761605678 ArkAscended.exe!LaunchWindowsStartup() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:258]
0x00007ff76160574b ArkAscended.exe!WinMain() [C:\j\workspace\RelA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:299]
0x00007ff767a6e77a ArkAscended.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288]
0x00007ffb72647344 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction []
0x00007ffb727826b1 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []

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5 minutes ago, chewbaccafrx2 said:

Following numerous tests I finally located the problem, it comes from a non-updated mod in this case for me: Dino+ (Nanny, Hatchey) - MOD ID: "937546"

All my mods are updated and we don’t even have Dino + and still can’t get in. It’s unreal that these clown nipples have to cause so many issues with every single update they release 

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Note From Nitrado Reguarding Latest Update..

"Hello survivors, The latest patch has brought some important changes. Since the patch, some servers with active mods keep crashing. So far we have been able to confirm that the mod 928548 Shiny! Dinos Ascended is responsible for some of the crashes. If you have installed this mod, we recommend that you temporarily remove it from your server until it has received an update."

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5 minutes ago, X57ArkServer said:

All my mods are updated and we don’t even have Dino + and still can’t get in. It’s unreal that these clown nipples have to cause so many issues with every single update they release 

I recommend that you test your mods 1 by 1 to find out which one presents a problem (given the update concerning the structures, I think that one of your mod structures must not be updated by the creator of the mod)

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This post was made after the 36.8 update, citing a fatal crash; the log error was posted to this thread:

I'm getting the EXACT same crash still after the 36.11 server patch.  I've reinstalled my client, restored settings to default and I get that crash EVERY TIME upon connecting to the server.  The game tries to load for a few seconds; I can see my base loading in, and then the crash hits.

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1 hour ago, chewbaccafrx2 said:

I recommend that you test your mods 1 by 1 to find out which one presents a problem (given the update concerning the structures, I think that one of your mod structures must not be updated by the creator of the mod)

So I was able to replicate the crash in single player. It’s the ASR building mod that seems to be the issue. If I try to select anything ASR related it crashes . That sucks since it’s one mod we can’t get rid of because our bases would be toast

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Running a dedicated server, I've localized my crashes to two mods: RR-MedievalRoleplayDeco! and Tek 2.0 (CrossPlatform), using either of these results in the crash. If I don't use either but do use a range of other mods and I can log into the game normally.

Simply not using the mod isn't a workable option as uninstalling them means losing everything built with them to say nothing of the game play they enable. Not something that can't be overcome, but a bitter pill to say the least. For now, I've shutdown the server and my players and I have given up on the game until those mods are usable again.


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  • Volunteer Moderator
12 minutes ago, Fox1 said:

Running a dedicated server, I've localized my crashes to two mods: RR-MedievalRoleplayDeco! and Tek 2.0 (CrossPlatform), using either of these results in the crash. If I don't use either but do use a range of other mods and I can log into the game normally.

Simply not using the mod isn't a workable option as uninstalling them means losing everything built with them to say nothing of the game play they enable. Not something that can't be overcome, but a bitter pill to say the least. For now, I've shutdown the server and my players and I have given up on the game until those mods are usable again.


The mod that's broken for me is the damn map itself. There's no amount of mods I can disable to get back on the server. It's funny because I just fired Ark up over a long period of not playing just to try mods. Underwhelmed at this point to say the least. 

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I play on singleplayer. After this update, I had issues getting into the game without crashing. When I finally got in today, I found that my smithy is empty, my forge is empty, my mortar and pestle is empty, my crops planters are no longer seeded and no longer have any berries/crops in them. Everything I had is gone. All of my metal I spent hours mining is gone. All of my stuff has just disappeared. Anyone else having these issues? Anyone know how to fix. I have no previous saved files anywhere. They were overwritten by steam on an immediately crashed game when trying to play.

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  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Issues After Patch 36.8

Have we heard anything?   I don’t have twitter, I see nothing on this site about anything being fixed.  I see nothing on YouTube channels about what’s happening.   Doesn’t seem to matter what platform people are on. There’s issues both single player and server players.   Is there any response from Wildcard about a fix?  Nitrado has told me to uninstall all mods, then check to see if server starts.  Then add mods in 1 by 1.  Ya no.  Then if that works, roll back to Monday morning.  If I load my server without my handful of mods.  I lose things.  And so do my players. So.  I have to wait. Server off. 6 people can’t play.  Any word anywhere??? Someone?   Is anyone out there?   Lol. 

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Started a new thread to say that the problem persists AFTER the 36.11 update, and my post was DELETED.  Though the issue may be with the 36.7 client version and have nothing to do with server updates.  It's no wonder this game is dying.  In no other industry would this be tolerated by customers, but I'll just bend over and... 



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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, IceRaptor13 said:

Remove all mods except for the paid mod for the map svartalfheim, game still crashes as soon as I join the server. 

That is because he map mod itself is broken by the 36.8 patch. Just like many other mods. Now that maps are just mods, this will continue to happen 

Edited by Joebl0w13
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I did not have shiny Dino’s installed.  So that wasn’t the issue.  I have responded to Nitrado and asked them, since they are exclusive server partners for rentals.  To find out what is going on.  Or to get info.  Nitrado has mostly been very good for and with me.  But their solution this time is not viable for my server.  I hope information comes.  For a lot of us.  

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6 hours ago, Joebl0w13 said:

The mod that's broken for me is the damn map itself. There's no amount of mods I can disable to get back on the server. It's funny because I just fired Ark up over a long period of not playing just to try mods. Underwhelmed at this point to say the least. 

I have to agree here.

I will not pretend to know what WildCard has done, but I can say for certainty that if one was to back up their Save Game for Single Player, at least on PC that is. And recreate The Island Map, I have no issues with any mod.

On Series X, I am yet to crash at all.

Any other mod Map that I have downloaded, apart from Svarth, works fine for me as well. With all the same mods that I have for The Island.

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  • Volunteer Moderator
2 minutes ago, CyberAngel67 said:

I have to agree here.

I will not pretend to know what WildCard has done, but I can say for certainty that if one was to back up their Save Game for Single Player, at least on PC that is. And recreate The Island Map, I have no issues with any mod.

On Series X, I am yet to crash at all.

Any other mod Map that I have downloaded, apart from Svarth, works fine for me as well. With all the same mods that I have for The Island.

Yup, for me right now it’s just Svarth crashing. No problems elsewhere. Nekatus has it in his discord that the patch broke it. 

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