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Sunken Scoop 16: I Like Turtles


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Welcome back ascended aquatics!

Who ordered the three consecutive weeks special? It's certainly been a very exciting past week for the TSW team! To all the new faces, welcome to the Sunken Scoop! This our unofficial version of the Community Crunch, releasing every 2-4 weeks (though we've been really good at keeping it at a fortnightly pace!), where we show off what we've been working on! 

So what have we been working on? Well, remember the WIP of the cute little anky-turtle in Scoop 14? Because thanks to NISIS, Liaoningosaurus' model is complete! Read on to see the loveable lug in all its glory! We have even more content in the works, but we've been so busy following our release on Ascended it's not ready for showcase just yet. Stay tuned for the next scoop because things are really scaling up to be something awesome!

If this is your first time diving into the deep end, we are a dedicated team of individuals who are looking to spruce up the ocean biome in the same way that Scorched Earth offered a unique, biome specific challenge to survival. New creatures, resources, structures, items and more, all set on a huge custom map, we're looking to give ARK's oceans the TLC they deserve! The main goal is to bridge that huge gap between early and late game ocean exploration, and make it much more viable and more fun to live a life beneath the waves! This is unofficial content and is only related to our mod. It is in no way related with the official game and its content releases.

Let's dive into the scoop!



I LOVE HIM GIVE ME 100 PLEASE! As mentioned above, this absolutely incredible model is all thanks to NISIS! We can't stress enough how much applause you should give this absolute wizard!

Liaoningosaurus is planned to be a defensive shoulder pet! With one of these tiny ankylosaurs on your shoulder, you'll receive no ranged damage from behind! In addition, their feisty attitudes keep pesky thieves at bay. That's right, your new best friend scares off Ichthyornis and Pegomastax! You'll be able to tame one of these by dragging it some delicious fish corpses! And don't worry, it won't be as painful as Hesperornis taming!


After the big release last week, we have quite a few exciting things to share with you from our community! We love seeing what you get up to while playing TSW, so please feel free to share! We totally aren't narcissitic or anything. We accept screenshots, artwork/fanart, videos and anything in between! There's a submissions channel in our Discord, or you can tag us @ARKSunken or with the hashtag #sunkenscoop on Twitter!

Clips and Videos

Creator: DarkEdgeTV

DarkEdgeTV has given Ambulocetus and Anomalocaris (our favourite problem child) excellent showcases in these two videos. Taming, abilities, utility and more are shown off in the videos. Be sure to keep an eye out for her Henodus showcase when that releases!


Creator: PlayiNkZ

Hopping over to our Spanish community with this feature! PlayiNkZ gives a brief rundown of each creature currently in the mod! There's also some sneak peeks at the WIP creatures hiding in the mod's files! Definitely worth a watch, even if you have to turn on translated subtitles like I did!


Creator: Freyn

If you're looking for more mods to try in ASA, this video is for you! Freyn shows off some excellent creations made by fellow modders, and also recommends a somewhat unknown one called "The Sunken World"... I wonder what content that one has to offer?

That's all for this edition of the Sunken Scoop! We hope you're just as excited about seeing Liaoningosaurus in game as we are! We genuinely can't wait to tame ourselves an adorable ankylosaur. If you're looking for more TSW content, come hang out in our discord! Have a wonderful timezone! 

If this is your first time seeing TSW, check out the links below to find out more! Please note that if you want to play our mod, you need both the map and creature mod active.
Discord: https://discord.gg/BAkvgc7
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArkSunken
Map Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2182740759
Creature Mod (ASE): https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2182770728
Creature Mod (ASA): https://legacy.curseforge.com/ark-survival-ascended/mods/the-sunken-world-additions

Edited by ashgcy
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