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Community Crunch 398: An Update on The Center, Oasisaur Dossier, and More!


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7 hours ago, shafer2555 said:

Still no update for character getting lost in the upload lol really.. just wow all I am saying  is no wonder the player base is dropping off  . And games like palworld has taken over . 

Never gonna happen. Read the crunch and you see WildCard doesnt give 1 single crap about their players. The only thing they care about is their bankaccount. 

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4 hours ago, ElementZeroS7L said:

Get your facts straight kid. Go do some bloody research and quit white knighting. 
Fact: CEO of SNAIL, their PARENT company, in an interview a few weeks back before the yearly earnings call, stated, unequivocally that WC was developing a mod system for players to "create content in game to then sell and Snail would take a cut of those profits." 

Fact: ASE didn't survive due to mods. Many of us played on Official and Unofficial servers. Dudes in my tribe played both official and unofficial, at the same time. And the unofficial server they played on? Only 4 mods that were to literally only made QOL changes. I have people on MY unofficial ASA server that played throughout ASE and never touched unofficial, and they know people... Blah, blah, blah. You're wrong. Stop white knighting.

Fact: they weren't forced to release early by Marbis (Nitrado's parent company). Snail signed a bad deal because they didn't pay server bills and because they needed money to finish development. They could have released later, but then Marbis would keep all the profits from server rentals until the loan was paid off. There was no forcing here. These were the terms and they accepted them. Marbis didn't force them to do it. Marbis didn't hold them at gun point to make them sign the bad deal they signed. It was all CHOICE. Chose not to pay server fees. Chose to sign a bad deal. Chose to release when they did so they could make money off servers.

The kind of mods they are trying to push, the player created content, like the skins, not the stuff on CurseForge, it's all a way to start generating money. Creating another avenue of microtransactions on top of the other microtransactions they're peddling out to us, like this floating island dino base thing. It's content locked behind a paywall and they don't want to make all of it, they want your fellow players to make it, and then sell it, so they can take a cut without having done any work. It's scummy.

All of this info is out there man. Just do the legwork. But, ya know, if you're too lazy to do it, or don't know how to do it, go check YouTube. There are plenty of reputable YouTubers that cover this stuff.

So, yes, they are a joke, and now you are too.

Nicelely put. And if you dig deeper, the dirt turns into a manure pit.

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7 hours ago, HoganRyan01 said:

youre the joke lol

the reason they are pushing mods is because 1, they were forced to release early by nitrado and have to give us something to have fun with until they can smooth things out

2, ASE only lasted as long as it did because of mods

According to your logic, ASE should have died on consoles long ago. As we speak there are more people (still or again) playing ASE on console than there are ASA players.

Also, no one forced that deal with Nitrado at gunpoint so they choose to dedicate themselves to that deadline.

If indeed they cared about s having fun until they were realy ready they should never had announced the end of ASE servers until ASA was up and running so our choice would show them wich of the 2 we realy wanted.
That way my old official tribe and alliance would still have been playing today and even considdered to switch to ASA but now it was just killed.

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7 hours ago, ElementZeroS7L said:

Y'all just need to stop releasing roadmaps cause y'all hitting a deadline is worse than an Imperial Stormtrooper hitting the broadside of a barn at 5 meters... 

How ? How can you screw up so bad. Evolved was 100x better then this. Put how cryos work back to evolved system currently asa is just unplayable and now you want to add another dino to a broken map DILO!!!.. 

And this is why your losing players your a joke 

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Stop yelling at a small team of people with limited resources and funds. Jeez. You knew what you were signing up for a second time round 🙄


I highly doubt a single screecher knows a thing about designing a game and/or map.


With that said:


[Quote]Most unbelievably, the wellspring of an Oasisaur can reincarnate your lost animal friends! Whether by transcendental magic or access to the mysterious technologies of these ARKs, I’ve seen a fallen pet returned to newborn life by committing their essence to that rejuvenating pool.[/quote]


Ahhh. Please, pleaaaaase don't give it a daft taming method. I beg of u 🙏

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How about compensating or at least acknowledgeand say sorry for the people that lost everything because your game is so broken. 

Start giving support and earn the trust from people back that you loose over your mistakes. 


Your ending your player base, nobody that lost all is gonna spend more money on payed dlc..

We are disgusted about your disrespect as our beloved game dev.

Your game is dieng... realise it...


Edited by MorgensterTM
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Same game just upgraded visually... no we didn't use the same code... Same old bugs as on ASE... 
How are we gonna get this giganthoraptor now? what spawns will be killing+ another month on the same old fahsion Island... even center wasn't that great as a map, but at least it would give people the chance to claim a decent spot on the map. Now we get our new voted creature, wich is ok, but I feel let downby you guys. i know you are probably doing the best with what you got atm, but even the Love Ascended Event was a disapointment other than just colors and some skins. fishing for chibis only and some chocolates... 

Bosses stay bugged and kicking people of the server, while doing a boss should be a normal thing and not lag out a full server. Arenas are occupied and have a cooldown that is way too long. How can one farm some element if you can't see a dragon? Or get kicked out of overseer and even lose your characters? Structures will load so much faster. In stead they load slower as ASE and we have a build limit of half of what it was. 

Disapointed for so many times now I mean that. 

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I just want my money back. This company is terrible. Palworld is gonna make this game disappear once pvp is out. I have 3 nitrado servers that's ripping me off for this terrible game which I will not continue to pay enjoy them 600 dollars yall basically stole from me. No transfers no maps 😂 people this game about to end stocks are trash 😂 but u can pay for unfinished mods to keep u going for another year while we keep lying about release dates.

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2 hours ago, MissAscended said:

Stop yelling at a small team of people with limited resources and funds. Jeez. You knew what you were signing up for a second time round 🙄


I highly doubt a single screecher knows a thing about designing a game and/or map.

Ok... I agree about ignoring the childish screechers.
That being said: What about the well argumented opinions about failed deadlines and false advertisements?

Oh, and who is that small team with limmited resources and funds?
WC had a good idea with ARK but a bad attitude with contracts so they fled in the arms of Snail to pay off the lawsuits. No one forced them to go that way but WC's founders. Snail abused all resources in game as well as in company and sold out to Nitrado. Again, no one forced them to do so but their own greedy merits.
The core team might be not the largest in the world but the resources abused and wasted were HUGE.

Oh, anyone mentioned their failing customer support?
Nevermind, I need that copium you got while starting up another round of unofficial ASE and just have fun.

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1 hour ago, MorgensterTM said:

How about compensating or at least acknowledgeand say sorry for the people that lost everything because your game is so broken. 

Start giving support and earn the trust from people back that you loose over your mistakes. 


Your ending your player base, nobody that lost all is gonna spend more money on payed dlc..

We are disgusted about your disrespect as our beloved game dev.

Your game is dieng... realise it...


Isn't that why they extended the event? To compensate for lost stuff? 

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11 minutes ago, MasonZX10 said:

Isn't that why they extended the event? To compensate for lost stuff? 

How is that compensating when you loose 10000 hours combined. We were leading in dino breedlines, and now we have to wait naked in front of our base for 15 days to see it decay and try to get some of our stuff back whilst a hole server is gunning for your cryopods bro ?
or your vaults stacked with bp's, dedis of resources. 

It takes months to get back to get back to the same level. They extended love evolved to soften the blow of center being delayed. 

A simple sorry or admitting wildcard fffd up aint there you get standard copy paste message. Sorry we in post launch we not gonna help you bla bla ...

We going more and more beserk every day we getting ingored by wildcard as loyal costumers.




Edited by MorgensterTM
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7 hours ago, nipe said:

We've played ARK for 7+ years and the best you lot could do was bring us a boring Island map with 3000% amount of level 20 dinos again and same boring content that we had already for 7 years. Great job. Rather than give us release dates for new maps/ content - just announce it when its actually ready for release. The game is slowly dying, the game is boring as hell at this point and people are letting their bases decay or just giving away everything because there is better survival games now. Official PVP is stale also, the same broken poop as it was before.

How blind are you? So you buy a Game, ASA, which was clear to be just a Remake and now you complain?

Omg cant believe how dumn people Are nowadays 

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1 hour ago, Legion85 said:

How blind are you? So you buy a Game, ASA, which was clear to be just a Remake and now you complain?

Omg cant believe how dumn people Are nowadays 

They also seem to have forgotten that during the making of Survival Evolved it could take up to a year for a new DLC. And on top of that we all highly anticipated the Center, so what if they take a couple more weeks to improve their work. Just be happy they're revamping the game at all.

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I might be wrong but isn’t the flying turtle part of a pack that they are selling for scorched earth? It seems to me that having a flying base that brings animals back to life will give that player a Hugh advantage on every map compared to players who cannot pay for it. Buying skin packs for visual effects is fine but buying Dino’s that help players get a bigger advantage is pay to win which will kill multiplayer platform. Multiplayer is hard enough with mega tribes like on the server I play blocking artifact caves, terminals, and notes with turrents that once they bring Dino’s back to life know one else will be able to enjoy the game unless they rent their own server or play single player.

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3 hours ago, Legion85 said:

How blind are you? So you buy a Game, ASA, which was clear to be just a Remake and now you complain?

Omg cant believe how dumn people Are nowadays 

Although I do agree people were kind of dumb to buy ASA for it was just a remake you can't blame them for looking forward to an IMPROVED version as the promise of "fresh" code would implie the old bugs should not be carried over. In no way WC ever tried to temper expectations on that part.
WC did however "promissed" more content. Clearly bugs are content to WC.

1 hour ago, DominicBastion said:

They also seem to have forgotten that during the making of Survival Evolved it could take up to a year for a new DLC. And on top of that we all highly anticipated the Center, so what if they take a couple more weeks to improve their work. Just be happy they're revamping the game at all.

Yeah, back in the days when it was all new...
Simple copy/paste and a bit of polish should not take that long.
Even if we have to look at it as if it was all new, it still was WC that promised the DLC to be completed in a way higher pace as they are doing now. The only thing they did make more and bigger are the delays!

And no, "just" revamping the game is not enough to make people happy. The old game ran way more stable and had way more content. No one ever "revamped" a game this poor for such a loyal fanbase.

Edited by MMaas
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