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Single Player Not Saving


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Playing on Xbox x.  2 days ago it quit saving the game.  Once it randomly placed me in the sky as I fell to my death when I opened the game.  I looked up at my Argy as I fell to my death.  I cannot remember a time one quit a game in a free fall to their death, but whatever.  It quit saving progress over the last 2 days.  I got it to save by doing a Dino wipe.  But then not only did it not save my game, when I stopped to take a break when I opened the game my single player game was just gone.  So I restarted the console and the save game was back.  Played another hour and the same thing happened again.  Save game is not there.  My opinion of the game has dropped from a fav game to one I’m considering just dumping and wishing I wouldn’t have paid for the game.  

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No offense, but I have no intention on playing ASA until at such time the saving feature is fixed.  It is ludicrous to make the player responsible for trying to figure out a way to save game progress and wonder whether it will even work or not.  I would also not refer any person to purchase this game.  In fact, I would do the opposite and say go spend money on a different game you will enjoy.  

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I posted a possible fix for this on Monday. First this is a known issue that apparently exists for all versions in single player mode. In many  cases at location 50,50 on your map there will be a spawn pile and possibly other oddities (twisted walls floating in the air for example).  If you do the following you should be able to save again:

   Travel to location 50,50 and if there is a spawn pile there, make a note of the exact location and make at least 4 foundations

    Run the DestroyWildDinos command from the console - this will get rid of the spawn pile, wild dinos will usually start respawning soon

    Immediately lay down the 4 (or more) foundations at the noted location -  this will prevent new spawn piles at that location 

   Follow your usual save process.

Good luck, and let us know if this worked for you.

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I’ve had this problem since December, I post a story, which has now been close by a moderator. I’ve been waiting for this patch to come out and it appears to have done nothing, other than give us more content I can’t play. I’ve already deleted the game twice at this point. I went to check 50:50 and previously there was a load of dinos but this time there wasn’t. In both cases there was a shack in the air but I wasn’t able to land on it the second time as I had an eagle not a pteanadon. I did try attacking the floating underwear the first time, did several dino wipes including one at 50:50, which fixed it for a few days back in December/early January. I’m at a loss at this point, definitely considering giving up completely and/or returning in a year when we actually have something to play.

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