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Community Crunch 394: Custom Cosmetic System, Bonus Rates, and More!


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Well, this week we're diving deep into how you will be able to unleash your inner architect and fashionista to transform your ARK experience!

The new "Custom Cosmetic" system allows players to dynamically apply player-generated costumes to players and dinos, end-user-created skins to armors and weapons, and end-user-created skins to all the game's structures. These can have endless client-side functionality, including network messaging and limited persistent replicated data storage. For structures, this effectively enables infinite visual variety and functional enhancement through player-created cosmetics, which do not require any server-updating or loading onto the server.

  • Phase 1, launching Feb 1, will require clients to manually install such Custom Cosmetic Mods in order to see and use them on Official Servers.
  • Phase 2, launching April 1, will automatically download them in the background when encountered during gameplay. Note: Clients can disable usage of these globally or per-Mod-ID. Servers can disable globally or use a whitelist (we suggest servers use our official whitelist, which will be the default). The cosmetics allowed on official servers will be dynamically-white-listed on a daily basis by Overwolf and Studio Wildcard to avoid any exploity or issue-causing cosmetics.

Ok, is there some kind soul out there who could rewrite the above in plain english for this ( and no doubt other) old and maybe not so coding wise players? I read the ;last part as these will get wiped clean everyday.. not good if part of a building, will other players on the same server not be able to see what you're wearing/part of your base if they don't have that particular mod thing installed? And how are dinos actually going to work ingame in practice if say only you have one? do you receive it in a pod or do you have to catch the invisible to others one in the wild? Confused muchly after the deep dive!


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i wonder how the save data ptb singleplayer gang is doing? with working on this issue.... and im also wondering if soon will we have more then surposely i guess 5Gb of mod storrage on console?cause im sure i ain't the only one getting the "not enough memory message" there is alot of mods that i like and wanna use but because of this i can't use and i can't even update the existing mods i already have thus... i can't play the game inless i delete some also its funny because u guys know how big maps can be and its just not feasible to download a map mod that is worth 2/3's of how much data u can use for mod storrage anyways i hope to hear about the save data issue soon and hopefully the game will actualy become playable :/ at this rate will it take The center to come out for the game to be finally playable? i doubt it but perhaps beyond that im glad more content is being pushed for the game but can't even use the content if the game isn't even playable or if it lacks storrage to have fun with anyways thanks for the chrunch wildcard u guys take care and stay safe.

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We don't need these mods to change the appearance of Ark. We need Ark to run well, a console update would be nice every now and then. We need servers to run well; not constantly lagging,etc.  People are leaving for other games because your focus isn't on ASA the way it should be. Players want content and maps, not lies and the run around. The overpopulation of some servers won't matter for long, it's quickly getting too late.

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I am loving the game so far over this pas week but I would like to ask something. Will you guys ever consider adding a save option to single player games, as every time I log into my map I am anxious that it won't save or start a new map. It would be greatly appreciated and would make mine and so many others lives easier when playing single player ark!


Additionally, will you guys ever consider allowing us to make multiple single player saves on one map? As I would like to play non-dedicated with my friend but will not be able to do so until a second map comes, or if I delete my prior save.


It would be much appreciated if these were added, thank you!

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20 minutes ago, Romuluas said:



I am loving the game so far over this pas week but I would like to ask something. Will you guys ever consider adding a save option to single player games, as every time I log into my map I am anxious that it won't save or start a new map. It would be greatly appreciated and would make mine and so many others lives easier when playing single player ark!


Additionally, will you guys ever consider allowing us to make multiple single player saves on one map? As I would like to play non-dedicated with my friend but will not be able to do so until a second map comes, or if I delete my prior save.


It would be much appreciated if these were added, thank you!

This is from what I heard about single-player saves,

Hope this helps.

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14 hours ago, Jayvir said:

Still waiting for someone to address the save issue in single player. Been an issue since November and every week it gets ignored. Ignored here. Ignored on the bug report forums. Ignored on every patch.


Fix. Your. Game.

totaly agreeable i've had these issues aswell so im not playing intill its fixed its funny cause Ase is more playable then Asa is and Ase has never had this kind of save data issue before 

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Are you gonna make some Tek Greenhouse Walls that can function the same way (transparency on/off and one-way) for the folks who still like to play vanilla-only?

I've personally never been a fan of mods, that's why I choose to play on console in the first place. Having to rely on them for everything is bogus and largely time/space consuming.

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On 1/27/2024 at 4:04 AM, rbrjunior said:

interesting, but the date of the opening of the transfers? date of the new The Center map? Failure to meet dates is what bothers me most today, incomplete information.

Transfers is on 31/01 (Source: 


The Centre is out at the end of February (Source: 


Scorched Earth is out on April Fool's Day (Source: 


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I play on ps5.. and every time I try to play I get really frustrated and give up and stop playing.. I ry to download a map because I don’t like the island map and then I can’t download any of the other mods I want and even with out another map there is not enough memory to download the mods I want.. it honestly makes me not want to play. I can’t even get into any of my friends servers because they have different mods then my single player mode.. it’s soo frustrating.. so iv been playing other games..i can hardly download anything I want..I wish you could just open it up more and give more memory… like double what it is now..maybe even triple.. especially when fancy new creatures come out and all the building stuff I can’t even use it.. I feel like I wasted my money on a game I don’t even want to play.. it’s just soo frustrating to me..I’d really like to play it but everything just doesn’t work..

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