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Community Crunch 393: Simple Game Framework, Oasisaur Concept, and More!


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1 minute ago, Fenwryches said:

Yes. The pnt file is located in the save folder on the server in a separate folder, and gets deployed to your client when you get close to that entity. There where also big issues with save corruption due to this if there was a gazillion custom paintings. Hopefully thats no longer an issue

Thanks for explaining, I wasn't aware how it worked.
Ok if it's a paint, it's not so bad. I still don't like the idea of things installing without my saying so just because I'm flying near a base or running into someone (like, some countries have laws about specific imagery that is illegal to be in possession of... when stuff wasn't downloading on my computer, the laws of my country didn't apply to other people's bases, but now they kinda do).
But it's not as bad as loading actual skins, as long as they're temporary files and not just piling up in a folder just because I once tamed a Megalodon near a decorated raft, or something XD

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2 hours ago, AtomikalDusky said:

I'm surprised we still haven't gotten an explanation on why the Gigantoraptor has swapped with Shastasaurus for The Center map. The Oasisaur is pretty cool tho, I wonder if it will also produce resources similar to the Megachelon.

Probably because it couldn't be done yet cuz it's saddle

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56 minutes ago, ladyteruki said:

Thanks for explaining, I wasn't aware how it worked.
Ok if it's a paint, it's not so bad. I still don't like the idea of things installing without my saying so just because I'm flying near a base or running into someone (like, some countries have laws about specific imagery that is illegal to be in possession of... when stuff wasn't downloading on my computer, the laws of my country didn't apply to other people's bases, but now they kinda do).
But it's not as bad as loading actual skins, as long as they're temporary files and not just piling up in a folder just because I once tamed a Megalodon near a decorated raft, or something XD

I think it's more than just paint, I was trying to draw an example. It will likely be more than that like meshes and textures, my point was this sort of thing has already existed.

You do raise good points. To be displayed on your screen the assets need to be on your computer in some capacity and that could bump into local laws. I saw my fair share of distasteful sprays in counter strike back in the day...

There really needs to be a way for individuals to disable this, and for dedicated servers to turn it off.

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2 hours ago, ladyteruki said:

First of all, don't install sh*t on my computer that other players make without my consent, simply because we play on the same server. Just as a rule.

They are telling us this is how it will work, and by installing the client, you ARE consenting to it.

I'm not saying I like it. I don't. I'm just saying that argument unfortunately falls flat.

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2 hours ago, Seruum said:

every dlc has always had dinos and great items behind a paywall. 

Every dlc also came with a new map, multiple new dinos, new mechanics, and a new boss, this is just a cosmetic pack with a seemingly OP dino added in to incentivize people to buy it, and it's extra awkward because it's going to be on a map everyone owns, and people who dont own the dlc most likely won't be able to tame or interact with it.

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The fact that this moving oasis flies is BAFFLING to me, its absolutely STUPID. would have been better if it just shambles along the ground then partially submerses in the ground to park it as a base. How TF can ya justify something so OP as a flying base on Scorched, where flying is already limited?! And how in the hell is it gunna work for folks that DON'T Buy the pack?! how can anyone even remotely fathom a flying base that only certain players are gunna see or interact with being balanced?!

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6 hours ago, Itzsilentbison said:

I think the whole team is busy playing PalWorld and they forgot about the Evo event this weekend. If we get one I'd be most surprised.

Palworld DOES look like a fab game...since I cannot stay ingame in Ark for longer than half an hour these past few days and have lost more babies than I have raised/tamed... maybe Palworld would be less frustrating..

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7 hours ago, ladyteruki said:

The Oasisaur is MASSIVE. And it flies/levitates ? And it has a... private lake ?!

I'm gonna stop you RIGHT THERE.

First of all, don't install sh*t on my computer that other players make without my consent, simply because we play on the same server. Just as a rule.

And second of all, there is no way that one player deciding what others have to install in order to render a base will backfire, ever. As we all know, noone in this community is toxic. There will not be rule-breaking content, there will not be attempts to slip in a virus of some sort, nothing of the sort. We're all happy unicorns in the garden of Eden.

it's called caching system. and no, ue assets aren't executable so no viruses (except if they didn't fix the loophole in ASE mods, they can add content allowing to bypass the server admin whitelist :) ).

Edited by darkradeon
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9 hours ago, OldGeez said:

Console update??

yeah still no talk about console... i was hopeing this chrunch would shed light on this but ofcourse nope...... yeah i like the other things explained and the new creature comeing to a another buy pack but like come on no mention again of Asa's Bug/glitchs particularly with the game not saveing and thus Not playable. >.> and there is absolutely no excuse for this still to be a thing for like a month now, and i get not everyone plays on xbox and others have mixed thoughts on how Asa is right now wether yes ofcourse for some the game works mostly flawless however for others the game is still messing up and still heavly flawed.

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Hi wildcard before having all these plans for arks future with concept off new dinos and mods how about you fix the base game more than a quarter of our offical pve server we are on have quit due to bugs and glitches that shouldn't be in game a good friend I made in game quit after getting messed 4 times doing a metal run on volcano a few more quit after dragon flew out of render and we timed out problems getting off tames and there's so many more can you try fix the game you got and not add more to it until its fixed thank you

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10 hours ago, Cryha said:

Oasisaur seems kinna OP... And the fact that it will potentially be tied to the paid Frontier Pack is kinna ridiculous and just makes these packs p2w. The paid packs shouldnt have anything more than cosmetics imo.

It seems like something i would use as a solo peep on this map so I could build some where other then the beacons for a water source to breed water dinos in, or frogs. The way the worded makes it sound likes it's made more for PVE then PVP, at least that's how it comes across to me. Which in all honestly. if that's the case it'll be a dino I actually have a pretty decent use for. 

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3 hours ago, ChimeraKait1 said:

The fact that this moving oasis flies is BAFFLING to me, its absolutely STUPID. would have been better if it just shambles along the ground then partially submerses in the ground to park it as a base. How TF can ya justify something so OP as a flying base on Scorched, where flying is already limited?! And how in the hell is it gunna work for folks that DON'T Buy the pack?! how can anyone even remotely fathom a flying base that only certain players are gunna see or interact with being balanced?!

Excuse my "facepalm" but I don't understand how we can judge something we DON'T KNOW HOW IT WORKS YET.


The only information I read about the features is:

- it will be possible to build on it (we don't know what the limit number of structures is or its maximum dimensions in height and width, not even if all the structures will be allowed).

- you will be able to transport animals (we don't know if the weight affects how many animals you can transport and how they will be able to interact or not be able to interact with something outside the "platform").

- this base will be able to move on the ground or in flight (we don't know at what speed, if the weight of the structures/dinos will influence it and in what way, we don't know if the journey will have a limited autonomy similar to the consumption of stamina, it could even work itself as you said that in order to build or interact it must be stationed on the ground).

- the platform will provide protection from wild threats but not from other players (my inference is that, simply, anything within the inner radius of this "platform" will be ignored by the wild dinos without attracting their agro).


Any other hypothesis of ours can only be a speculation until we know the complete details of its functioning, so I don't think it's yet the time to exaggerate with the criticisms and comments on this package which in my opinion does not seem suitable no pay2win since we already have a buildable and flying Quetz, obtainable by anyone already in the first TheIsland map.

I play in Official (therefore Vanilla version and without Mods) and at first glance I find it "interesting" even for new Players who start Ark without yet knowing the mechanics and difficulties, and above all it can be useful to all those in PVE who complain about the "pillaring", providing a way to build the entire base in relative safety and mobility (we will then see how WC will manage any reports of "stationing in specific places" according to CoC). We can't yet comment on PVP because we don't know the details, it could be immortal or not attackable, it might not be able to get close to a certain distance from an opponent's base, it might not be usable in PVP, it could only be mobile under certain conditions, it could. .. it could... but we don't know yet.


Side note: even here on the Forum we have always encouraged WC to expand its Shop to obtain some extra funding that could help fix the problems of the game or in any case increase the budget that can be used in Ark, well now that they have started to to do so I would suggest helping them with suggestions and constructive criticism to improve them, not just club them according to our personal preferences.

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5 hours ago, MMaas said:

Yes, but at least everyone on the map had it. Sure you could transfer items to non-DLC maps but this is a new level of pay to win.

ehhh not exacty, for example in ASE I didn't have Genesis and therefore I didn't have access to Strider and I found myself in situations where I went to some places to collect something specific (for example the Fjordur cave for NonameVenom) and while I was picking the first node here a Strider passed over me which completely ruined my journey, in the time in which I had collected 2 poisons that Straider had cleaned the entire cave. Is it pay2win? I couldn't classify it..

If we want to give a PVP example, without Genesis (worse if I only had Ark with only TheIsland) I wouldn't have access to Shadowmane-Astrodelphis-Astrocetus-etc. and also to some structures like Ammobox etc.. is it pay2win? maybe..

In ASA the maps and their resources/dinos will be accessible to everyone in the same way, but when a new map is released that I might not want to buy but that map contains some animals or weapons OP and you buy that DLC you are paying2win ?

Between you and me, I think that in Ark this concept is a bit controversial to judge, in PVE I can enjoy the game to the full even without purchasing any package that would create advantages so in my opinion I would completely exclude PVE from this discussion , while in PVP I don't think we can talk about P2W until we can buy something like "temporary immortality" "paid protections" "statistical advantages" etc. etc. that can put any player in a situation not accessible to the opponent without having to pay in turn just to get on par, the addition of Dinos/objects/weapons/resources via a new map is almost at the limit of the concept but each of those However, things can be obtained by anyone who is capable of conquering them through beaten or defeated opponents (therefore through your skill and without a payment behind you) they are not advantages that can be obtained exclusively through payment.

All of this is obviously just my personal opinion.

Edited by CervantesMor
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