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Increase Rates



Everything takes too long from taming to farming and even mating when there is no event the way the game is being designed makes it so you basically have to make Ark your life to survive or compete with any of the Alpha's we already did that on the first Ark maybe make it more competitive make it so people can breed, farm and raise quicker 3x should be the normal speed and during events should be 5x-6x. 

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On 1/9/2024 at 1:16 PM, TheTrueSpider said:

You sound like a spoiled baby who only started playing after gen 2 released. 
First off, argies and pts can easily get to the drops before they despawn, if you’re struggling it’s because other people are beating you to it. Just cuz you don’t have a skiff anymore doesn’t mean there’s no other options.

Second off, the drops aren’t the only way to engage in the event, go kill santas helpers in the snow, strong cave has loads of them. After that learn how the letters work and do that.

Third, while I agree that 1.5x is too low for a seasonal event, and it should be 3x, this shouldn’t be the current standard rate. Official is currently at 8x it’s original rates from 2015, you want to make that 12x? Just constantly buffing official rates until a single metal rock slot caps you? If you don’t have as much time to grind as other people then that’s fine but you’re gonna have to resign yourself to making slower progress or playing boosted. Official is where the try hard no life’s go

i was playing ark evelved in 2015 on day 1 and if you was playing it too at that time you would have noticed that most players left the game because of the super grind and most players was complaining that playing the game was no fun and it felt more like a full time job many players today also feel like the rates are to low and would like to enjoy the game and have fun instead of feeling bored with nothing to do ingame apart from wait for timers to tick down and wait for events as the grind is way to grindy without them if you look at the servers you will also see how empty they get when there is no increased rates CLEARLY SHOWING PEOPLE ARE NOT HAPPY OR NOT HAVING FUN ON THE GAME WITHOUT INCREASED RATES regardless of what you say

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The biggest problem i see now is breeding rates.
We have spent years to make perfect lines on ASE. You took it from us and now make us go through all of it again. It just shouldn't be that same slow this time. 
Most of people playing this game are grownups with jobs and families and no surprise most don't have same time to spend in game as 8 years ago.
Harvesting is now fine as it is in my opinion tho (well, except for berries, but it's being solved with tons of crop plots and couple beetles)
Give us 1.5 on breeding on a constant basis at least. 

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The only two timers that need to be changed in my opinion are structure/ tame decay timers and taming timers.  Taming at a 2x should be the new norm. 

Decay timers within the range of a medium house to massive build should be no less than 2 weeks. 

some of us like to play official but have full time jobs where we can’t get to the game to reset timers every week. 

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playing on smalls now i disagree .... maybe a slight boost but i dont think its needed the big part of the problem is game balancing and speed hacking cheater and exploits ...... i do agree though if your on 1x its the worse thing ever im glad i started doing smalls... if you arent in a large tribe you should just play smalls... i think as a whole its rough me personally i wouldnt wanna play on a 1man or 2 or 3 man server i like the 6 mans ... but i wish it was more doable to solo.... try smalls .... you will still probably struggle but not as much as 1x

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As I exsperenced during the winter Wonderland and Turky Trial event, the x1.5 rates feels like the sweetspot-rate for me (especialy as solo player) for official servers. It's not to much and not to less and it feels more compatible with real life. Timer fitt better etc.

Would it be better to rise rates to x1.5 permaently and make it x2 or 2.5 during events?

What do you think?

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On official servers the 1x rate is incredibly slow, to the point that the game has most players minimally logging in until the next event or micro-managing their time and it's difficult to enjoy hatching and rearing. 

Wildcard has also continually had to address this issue, and "eventually" increases rates as players leave, or complain.

On ASA official, our issues are performance based, predominantly, with horrific rubber banding, frame drop, crashes, lag, etc - and ethical with players exploiting pve for pvp like tactics, like theft, turning off generators, kiting dinos to other players bases, pillaring, and blocking entrances.

Adding 1x causes all of this to be a bit overwhelming, and it feels like Ark has become a "full time job" and not a game. Even in huge 8 hour stints on the game, I find myself with having to cryo juvenilles and babies over the course of days, and having very annoyed friends and family and co-workers at my constant worrying about "feeding the dinos".

It's embarrassing. But also humiliating. 

As I've paid money and unwittingly joined during a turkey and Christmas event phase to start my ark experience, I feel duped.

For perspective I'm a design lead and am examining my experince from UX and data perspectives. The time requirements as a single player who lost two tribemates post holiday events, are a bit overwhelming. It currently takes over a week to raise a single dinosaur.

Is ark planning on supplementing my income or hiring me to play their game? Or should I log off permanently and keep my job and social relationships?

I am confused as a responsible adult why a game thats supposed to be fun, is so punishing to mine and others time?

Is there anyone at Wildcard that can explain the logic behind 1x as official rates? That why a single person should spend two to three hours just gathering metal to make a 4th of what we were previously? That why a single saddle blueprint being made once requires 20 to 40 hours of real world time to gather for?

I'm unable to attract new tribe mates under these conditions or have the prior tribemates return.

I have a reasobaly sized friend base in gaming, and not a single one of them is willing to play this game on official in its present state. "I do not have the time to spend on official servers, until wildcard changes its rates permanently" was the general feedback of the 41 people who did respond to me personally.

I look forward to your response, insights and explanations about 1x rates. 

Tl:dr In short the 1x rate is not that enjoyable. Of the 70 people on server NA official 5258, no one is enjoying it and I was repeatedly told "wildcard doesn't care. They always do this and then eventually raise rates. Just cryo everything and log in once a week and log back out until events like us".

Thanks for listening.

Edited by MrSeanG
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As you claim most people dont want better rates in ark ascended then please explain why all pve official servers have gone dead since the event has finished showing that people that actualy play ark and not pretend too play it all leave the game as it is way to grindy i mean having to wait for 2 days watching timers tick down on a giga egg is pure reduculace and so why you claim most people dont want an easyer much less grindy game we have now is false as the stats proove you wrong

Many people on the official server i play on have left the game as no meat can be found to feed your tames or raise dino not enough resorces on the map literaily nothing to do in game apart from watch timers tick down most dino can not be tamed eather meat is so difficult to obtain as there is not enough dino on the maps to feed 10 tribes never mind the 70 tribes its supposed to feed

timers for 1 giga egg to hatch= 2 days that if its not stolen using the oviraptor

9 days to raise 1 giga if you can actualy find one to tame and breed and find enough meat to raise it

As wild card assume that this super grind will ultimatly keep us on the game longer is having the opposite effect and making people leave the game as it is boring with nothing to do in game but watch timers tick down

What fun is that if watching timers tick down

I dont think you even play ark as nobody gets fun from watching timers tick down constantly or if you do you could have saved yourselfs cash and bought a watch as this game is not worth playing as it is its to boring grindy and like a full time job not a game

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On 1/11/2024 at 4:38 AM, JessPS4 said:

Everything takes too long from taming to farming and even mating when there is no event the way the game is being designed makes it so you basically have to make Ark your life to survive or compete with any of the Alpha's we already did that on the first Ark maybe make it more competitive make it so people can breed, farm and raise quicker 3x should be the normal speed and during events should be 5x-6x. 

If WC would increase the rates you still wont keep up with any Alpha tribes because they will also make more progress.

Official rates are ok for me

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On 1/15/2024 at 4:21 PM, dad100 said:

i was playing ark evelved in 2015 on day 1 and if you was playing it too at that time you would have noticed that most players left the game because of the super grind and most players was complaining that playing the game was no fun and it felt more like a full time job many players today also feel like the rates are to low and would like to enjoy the game and have fun instead of feeling bored with nothing to do ingame apart from wait for timers to tick down and wait for events as the grind is way to grindy without them if you look at the servers you will also see how empty they get when there is no increased rates CLEARLY SHOWING PEOPLE ARE NOT HAPPY OR NOT HAVING FUN ON THE GAME WITHOUT INCREASED RATES regardless of what you say

If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

the server I play on is pretty unanimous in being glad the rates have gone down now. Higher rates = more lag.

Also you don’t have to play like a full time job to get ahead on official (at least PvE) cuz you can trade with other people and most will help u build up if you have basic social skills.

Not to mention farming and taming aren’t the only things to do. Between events my tribe usually spends the time grinding boss tributes and ele while raising stuff in the background, it’s all part of managing your time and organising yourself.

Personally I feel that another permanent boost to rates would be a mistake and make official play worse, and many people agree with me. Sure, some people don’t enjoy it, that’s why those people shouldn’t be playing official, and go play singleplayer or boosted. 
As it stands for us who like a slower burn and grind, boosting official into the sky would just turn it into what every other server is, and would kill the game for us

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Why was my original post deleted?

On official servers the 1x rate is incredibly slow, to the point that the game has most players minimally logging in until the next event or micro-managing their time and it's difficult to enjoy hatching and rearing. 

Wildcard has also continually had to address this issue, and "eventually" increases rates as players leave, or complain.

On ASA official, our issues are performance based, predominantly, with horrific rubber banding, frame drop, crashes, lag, etc - and ethical with players exploiting pve for pvp like tactics, like theft, turning off generators, kiting dinos to other players bases, pillaring, and blocking entrances.

Adding 1x causes all of this to be a bit overwhelming, and it feels like Ark has become a "full time job" and not a game. Even in huge 8 hour stints on the game, I find myself with having to cryo juvenilles and babies over the course of days, and having very annoyed friends and family and co-workers at my constant worrying about "feeding the dinos".

It's embarrassing. But also humiliating. 

As I've paid money and unwittingly joined during a turkey and Christmas event phase to start my ark experience, I feel duped.

For perspective I'm a design lead and am examining my experince from UX and data perspectives. The time requirements as a single player who lost two tribemates post holiday events, are a bit overwhelming. It currently takes over a week to raise a single dinosaur.

Is ark planning on supplementing my income or hiring me to play their game? Or should I log off permanently and keep my job and social relationships?

I am confused as a responsible adult why a game thats supposed to be fun, is so punishing to mine and others time?

Is there anyone at Wildcard that can explain the logic behind 1x as official rates? That why a single person should spend two to three hours just gathering metal to make a 4th of what we were previously? Thay why a single saddle blueprint being made once requires 20 to 40 hours of real world time to gather for?

Im unable to attract new tribe mates under these conditions or have the prior tribemates return.

I have a considerable friend base in gaming, and not a single one what's to play this game on official in its present state.

I look forward to your response, insights and explanations about 1x rates. 

In short the 1x rate is not that enjoyable. Of the 70 people on server NA official 5258, no one is enjoying it and I was repeatedly told "wildcard doesn't care. They always do this and then eventually raise rates. Just cryo everything and log in once a week and log back out until events like us".

Thanks for listening.

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The gameplay in ARK Ascended is stagnant due to too long cooldowns and very slow cub maturation. Not knowing what to do in the game, I wait more than play. To continue breeding, you have to wait almost 2 days, and then sit with the cubs for 12 hours and hand feed them, they cannot be left unattended, otherwise they will die! I ask the developers to at least double the breeding rates. After six months of playing, I was only able to deduce 11 mutations in therizinosaurs!Besides this, I can't tame a bee on Scorched Earth because there aren't any!

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