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1 hour ago, ABitOfLucKVR said:

figure out a way to not have your players lose the ability to play because TROODONS do CIRCLES around you while you have good flak and bite you when you’re about to wake up.

Don't let them get you in the first place. Situational awareness is your friend.

Troodons are supposed to be a threat, if things can't kill you then it's not much of a survival game.

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On 1/10/2024 at 8:46 AM, Pipinghot said:

Good point, the OP did say forever. That didn't click when I read it because I've never had that happen, Troodons have always been more than happy to kill me. They must like him better for some reason. ;)

Or maybe ur bad and only wear hide armor so you never get jumped by 4 troodon that can make u uncouncious in 1 bite but barely do any damage so u la there for 5 hours wishing à thery find u 

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