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Fix For Xbox Single Player Not Saving


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Credit to someone called demon on the bug report page. They found a fix for the not saving bug in single player/ non dedicated, use admin commands accessed by turning them on in settings once loaded into your game. Press start ( 3 lines ) on controller then press select button ( 2 squares ) on controller to type your command in, type in “destroywilddinos” do it infront of a wild dinosaur to check they vanish from the game once done simply press start and exit to main menu once done your game should start saving again! It’s worked for me, it worked for demon and my friend so hopefully this helps everyone! Wildcard still need to address it as it could keep happening but for now I think this is a fix for the problem let me know! 

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  • 2 months later...

The “destroywildDino’s” command before”saveworld” no longer works.

I’ve tried everything, I have noticed most of the time my game doesn’t save is when I’m flying, coincidence? IDK Just an observation.

i can fly around the map, come back to my base log out and be right back at base before that flight, then I can get on my Thyla ride around for an hour go back to base and log out and all is where it should be, I’ve tested this several times. 
I know nothing about game mechanics but it happens every time.

I love this game but am afraid to play because loosing 5 hours of building, breeding and imprinting was harsh.

PLEASE wildcard help us single player console Ark lovers out for a change, we paid the same as everyone else yet it seems our issues are not as important to you as PVP PC players.

xBox ASA reviews will show you just how many people are having an issue with this SAVE BUG. 

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