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Remember when WC did this? & Will they wipe after Early Access?


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So I am sitting here waiting for a spot to play on official, around an hour now, and some memories came crawling back so I thought I would see what everyone thinks.

Remember when WC, at official launch of ASE, turned all of the "Official Servers" into "Legacy Servers" and ended customer support for those servers?  The people that bought the game and played it from June 2015 till the official launch in 2017.  Everyone felt betrayed.  Then they proceeded to close servers and force server transfers killing server populations. 

They didn't wipe servers when the game officially launched but will they this time around with ASA?  All your EA work down the drain!

Can Snail Games or WC be trusted with all the controversy and poor management decisions? 

The ending of ASE and the handling of the launch of ASA has been almost hilarious but it's hard to laugh when it hurts so much. 

So what do you think? 

Will they wipe all servers when ASA (The remake released in Early Access) "Officially" launches...again lol? 

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5 hours ago, Vad said:

Will they wipe all servers when ASA (The remake released in Early Access) "Officially" launches...again lol? 

Yup. Which means you need to enjoy playing the game just to play the game, not because you are overly attached to anything you do during EA.

Schnooginy... Shnoggin... Shaginaynay... Snowglobe... the post just above this one pretty much sums it up. The game is still just as plaged by cheats and exploits as it has ever been, and it's going to continue that way. WC didn't magically become a new company when they released the overpriced DLC they call ASA, bugs are always less important to them than to player, they'll just do a wipe because that's more convenient for them than spending the money to work harder on fixing bugs.

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I was in the same mind this would happen but wasn't all that bothered and actually thought it was a good idea due to the exploits, however, now I've committed a lot of time (1000+ hours) to taming, building etc.. Server wipe would likely be enough for me and many other to give up the game. I think if that was the intention, it should have been stated early on and most people wouldn't bother committing too much time.

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 I also remember they had to do a wipe on anything with timers to rid the meat that didn't spoil. Items that like vaults, air conditioner because the grinder they couldn't fix. Then the artifacts were wiped unless they were in a display base. I'm sure I'm missing other ones.  

With console commands being available,  especially on PVP, and the poor response to cheaters wipes look good. 

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