Cymas Posted November 9, 2023 Share Posted November 9, 2023 Honestly this was probably my favorite ASE thread, loved seeing what everyone gets up to every day. How about a new one for our ASA adventures? Single Player, Vanilla, The Island I started playing on Sunday and it's been a rough few days honestly. I forgot just how primitive vanilla Ark really is. I finally managed to get a foothold last night with my first real base camp and a low level pelagornis. It was all I needed. Today began with a very short metal run. The pela can only really carry about 100 metal at a time, but it's better than nothing. With the forge burning I set off for my next goal straight away: an argentavis. I headed to the volcano and, since level doesn't matter for me right now, naturally I picked the prettiest bird I could find. Only a level 20 but good enough. A quick KO and I did a cheeky metal run while she tamed. By the time she stood up I had stuffed a couple hundred metal, some obsidian and wood in her inventory to carry home for me. We flew home and I ran into a problem: not enough hide to make the saddle. I took my best (ok, only) option to go hunting with: my very low level, bred parasaur. Yep. It really was rough going. So I pretty much ran around killing every dodo and dilo I could find. I was just about done when I found a 140 moschops roaming around. Now, I did not have what it wanted to tame. But, it did have a baby. And for the first and likely far from the last time, I killed a parent to steal its baby. I already had a moschops, but this was way better. In fact, it was now my best tame. I walked it home with no problems, finished the saddle, then promptly had our explorations curtailed by a cold front at night. At dawn we headed back to the volcano. I had scouted a couple of ankys while taming the argent, but by the time I returned they were gone, presumably eaten by the raptors in their place. As luck would have it, I did find a low level doed nearby and quickly grabbed it to carry home. I don't have a taming pen, I just kite them along the stretch of beach outside my camp. Nothing dangerous spawns here so it's no problem. While the doed tamed, I did another hide run. Much easier with the bird. Took note of a rex with a baby in the forest a short distance away, but I am definitely not going to be grabbing that any time soon. It's protected by 3 adult rexes...and an alpha rex. No thanks. Man is it easy to get greedy with these babies though, I won't lie I entertained the thought. Briefly. Once the doed was tamed and saddled, I headed out once more on the argent. This time, we did find an anky. A 140. Now, I am barely above beach bob level at this point. I am in no way prepared for a high level anything tame, never mind a herbivore without kibble. But what I did have was some crops I had recently pulled out of a drop. And this being The Island, well, when the Ark gods give you a gift the only acceptable response is yes, thanks. So I carried the anky home, let it roam around in base while I prepped taming supplies, then kited it up and down the beach until it went down. And yes, I tamed it on crops and mejos. It actually wasn't that bad, I only lost I think 2 levels and used maybe 20 narcotics and some berries I farmed with the new moschops. Farmed even more hide for this saddle while it tamed. Disaster almost struck right at the end of the evening, however, in the form of a game crash. I was very nervous loading in as in all the excitement I hadn't saved manually in awhile. Luckily it only set me back to the end of the anky tame and all I really lost out on was a bit of cleanup and organization. I quickly redid most of it and decided to call it a night. If the game wants to go to bed who am I to say no? And now I have time to think about what I want to do tomorrow. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 9, 2023 Share Posted November 9, 2023 Xbox player. I thought about what I would do if I were playing. Does that count? 🤣 1 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator Joebl0w13 Posted November 9, 2023 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted November 9, 2023 I'm thrilled to kick complainers out of this thread. I loved the old ASE what did you do today! 4 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CervantesMor Posted November 9, 2023 Share Posted November 9, 2023 1 hour ago, Joebl0w13 said: I'm thrilled to kick complainers out of this thread. I loved the old ASE what did you do today! in addition to expelling.... can you also bring someone back here?! @AllOfTheAllos we miss you friend 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stewbawl Posted November 9, 2023 Share Posted November 9, 2023 8 hours ago, CervantesMor said: @AllOfTheAllos we miss you friend it's kind of interesting that you bring this up. i loved the old thread, and he was a big part of it. on the west coast towards the northern end, there is a little bit of water that creats a lake just inland at around Lat 40 / Lon 14. i've ended up building a base there. i was successful in taming an Anky and with all of the river rock that is right there i've been getting a little bit of metal without having to travel very far. just north of this area is all of the snow and ice, i made a trip up that way and tamed a mammoth. thatch and wood has been in abundance since then. one potential downside is that a lot of big nasties spawn not far away and sometimes they will travel all the way to my base. but the upside is that i've built a large 3x3 taming pen with a ramp and i can just run them in and tame almost right at my base. so far only low to mid level rexs, BUT i have had the luck to have two max level Allos in the area that i tamed. both are female one with what looks like great damage. i'm going to look for a male and see what i can do with Allos this time around. also, in the water not far from me there are lots of silica pearls, i've been harvesting them regularly which has provided me with a trade commodity. i've used them to trade for cementing paste and blue prints. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cymas Posted November 10, 2023 Author Share Posted November 10, 2023 Single Player, Vanilla, The Island After a dreary and rather irritating day at work I was quite excited to come home to my tropical not-quite paradise... And had myself a fantastic Ark day. First, I went on a rescue mission to save my other dilo. It's a long story but the short version is he ended up stranded on the coast near carno point because I didn't have anything that could carry him and it was too far to walk. So I took my new argent out and picked him up. He's almost luckier than Lucky was. Then I decided to take my own advice about the rule of 2 for birds and fish and went in search of another argent. Nighttime temperatures sent us winging back south to a warmer clime, however. Well, there's always something to do back at base, like make more tranq arrows. We returned in the early morning and I quickly located my choice pick: a beautiful blue male that I knew I had to have as soon as I laid eyes on him. Only level 55, but a fact of little import in the midgame. I used the upper volcano path to kite and successfully KO him, well above any other dino spawns so I could safely do a prime meat run. Really dredging up my old ASE memories, tactics and techniques that have gone unused for years in the advent of modern Ark conveniences. Tamed him and got him home safely. Now that I have a breeding pair, I went ahead and bred them, hatched the egg and raised my first notable baby. By this point dusk was falling so I spent another night at base. In fact, I decided somewhat on a whim to expand and put a nice addition on the side, with a perch for my rapidly growing flock of birds so they're up off the ground and away from danger. Not that there's much to worry about and I do have a fence, but birds are too valuable at this stage of the game. With my new bird grown and saddled, I took my anky out on our first real metal run. It's a bit awkward that my anky has higher carry weight than my argent does, but we made it work. But it was also extremely apparent that I would need a wood gatherer very soon to keep my hungry forge and campfire burning. So we set off again on a mission that is daring but familiar to me: a mammoth hunt. Yes, I went taming in the snow without fur, cryopods, or even a raft. I quickly located my most likely target and while I was in fact freezing to death, I was able to KO a low level female and get berries in her. My torch was just enough to keep me from dying until the temperatures rose a bit out of the lethal zone. While she tamed up I spent my time clearing our most likely path of any problem dinos, including an allo pack and a pig. Honestly the hardest part was walking her off the glacier. Once we made it to the pond it was quite easy to just walk down the coast, enjoying the benefits of the improved pathing AI. She did get stuck once but all in all I was well pleased. Naturally a new tame means a new run for hide so I went out and did that. Then on a bit of a whim I flew back to that forest I mentioned with the rexes again. Yes, I was very sorely tempted to, well, tempt fate. But as luck would have it I would not have to try fending off multiple rexes and the alpha for custody of the baby. Instead I found a low level adult female wandering off by herself. I had the arrows, a bird, and a lot of experience flying proverbial kites. So I made her angry and brought her down to the beach and brought her down. Came back from a meat run to find an alpha raptor camping her, so I had to kite that away. Then I came back to seagulls, which I shot to keep them from stealing the precious meat I had just farmed. Then we had to fend off a wave of pegos. But finally, finally, she tamed and stood up. It was an easy walk home, of course. I don't have enough hide to make her a saddle yet but that's ok. She's not a great level, her primary purpose will be eggs and protecting the mammoth, as she will not fit through my dino gate and I'm too lazy to build a new fence and behemoth gate just for her. So yeah, the mammoth has a pet rex, basically. Given how much I accomplished, I felt that would be a good stopping point for the day. I'll farm the saddle tomorrow and after that...who knows? It is becoming painfully obvious that I do need fur armor, and soon. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngrySaltire Posted November 10, 2023 Share Posted November 10, 2023 I wasnt actually planning on playing last night after being away for work for a few days, but I had basically just plopped myself into bed early when I noticed the call had gone out on our discord that a high level rhyniognatha had been found and the mods were holding a rhynio impregnating party. It was a level 270 (max level 300 on our server). I couldnt miss this. Thankfully I had already found and killed a male for the pheomone so I was all good there. Annoyingly I only had a lower level 120 bronto for this, I had been meaning to find a higher level for a rhynio but I hadnt had the time to get around to it. I am still trying to set up properly basically. My base is in full swing, the main build is down, got a green house, nice water pen for the basilos and a nice small hatchery out building. I am still working towards the industrial structures like the forge and I havent had time to tame up kibble creatures yet, still using prime meat to tame... Grabbed all the stuff I needed and set of to the mods base on the east coast on my argy, annoyingly at the complete opposite end of the Island from my base on the west coast. Eventually got there and with help the bronto was knocked up by the rhynio, along with a fair few other brontos already there. After an hour and a half it popped. It came out at about 120 so not the best considering the female was 270, but hopefully more than good enough for the utility use I plan for this. It came out hot pink though, might be from its mutation. I cryoed it up (we have a cryo mod) and flew back to base. I shall hopefully have time to raise this tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave192 Posted November 10, 2023 Share Posted November 10, 2023 Tried to tame a 150 argy after hours of searching due to difficulty setting spawning level 5's everywhere Finished tame and laughed at the stats it received Server crashed and rolled back and ended up deleting my tame entirely in the process, so not even a chance of a reroll on stats Went back to base and thanked Ark for the emotional/mental abuse. 1 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 10, 2023 Share Posted November 10, 2023 Preparing for Xbox release. Today I watched videos on breeding and mutations. Not as good as playing, but it is something. Thanks to all the YouTubers putting out videos and letting us follow along with your journey. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stewbawl Posted November 10, 2023 Share Posted November 10, 2023 my tribe mate started a little kibble making kitchen and we made enough kibble to nicely tame a couple of high level Baryonix. we squeeked out an adventure to a water cave where we got a nice pump action shotgun BP. so i'm going to spend tonight gathering materials to craft a few. we have a nice community on our server and i may be able to trade crafted shotguns for other stuff i need. we'll see how it works. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cymas Posted November 11, 2023 Author Share Posted November 11, 2023 Single Player, Vanilla, The Island Started off my day more or less where I left off last night. With my new rex in need of a saddle, I took my argent out to farm yet more hide. It is a grind without a good carnivore. Eventually I got what I needed, got my saddle, and an achievement to go with it. I immediately took my new, very large guard dog out on a hide run. Hey, even a crappy rex is still a rex. Hide won't be a problem anymore. With that in mind, I turned my attention to my base infrastructure. Specifically, it's time to move up to the electrical tier. However, I almost immediately ran into some problems. First, without the convenience of tek dinos I would need to go pearl hunting for the first time in ages. Luckily the little pond/river by carno point still has them. Second, paste. Ugh, paste. Bane of my Ark life since 2015. Obviously I need either a frog or a cave dino. If I want a frog, I definitely want high level ones in anticipation of swamp cave. Definitely don't have the resources for it yet. So that leaves normal cave dinos, either a raptor or a saber, which are easy to tame, easy to transport, and generally low maintenance. So the hunt began. I did some slow sweeps along my usual dino hunting grounds. I found a high level raptor surprisingly quickly and got it down, but in the 10 seconds it took me to turn around and get meat from the bird, a random dilo appeared and ruined the tame. The raptor didn't die but obviously no point. I left it and moved on. Eventually found and tamed another, and a baby trike while I was at it. I felt guilty for killing his brother for prime meat, then his father for trying to protect his family. Carried the raptor and had the trike follow and we all made it home. Sorry trike. You can live in safety and relative peace now. Found another raptor, tamed it and spotted another while carrying it home. Both of my tames are females and I need a male and this one was. Hurried back but unfortunately I lost it. Either it died to something or I missed it in the brush. Either way, after a long and fruitless canvassing of the area we gave up and turned for home. In comparing stats, I didn't do too badly. But I still need a high level male so I can breed them. I did scrape together enough paste to make the fabricator, but that was about it. So all in all, while it wasn't a bad day per se it was still kind of a bust. Best part of the day was getting a slightly better crossbow from a drop on my way by. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave192 Posted November 12, 2023 Share Posted November 12, 2023 (edited) Flew around for ages looking for a high level Rex. Did eventually find one, but was already unconscious and being tamed by someone else. Found myself a level 20 female Giga and figured I'd tame it because its female after all; she has uses beyond being a low level. During the tame my Ptera decided to randomly shove me forwards, possibly annoyed that i left it on Follow and it spent the last 5 minutes rubber-banding around in the air. This was enough to put me in range of the Gigas enormous mouth - the death was swift and painless. Respawned, picked up a new bird, returned to my death spot, and went back to shooting the Giga. Eventually, after many an arrow, the battle was over and the Giga unconscious. I fed it several hundred narcotics and watched as they had little effect; the torpor ticked down more than it went up. No sooner was the Giga unconscious it was once again awake and looking for payback. I smiled and smirked as I remembered that Ark doesnt want me to have nice things. Went back to base and once again thanked Ark for my punishment. Edited November 12, 2023 by Dave192 1 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
alex1234 Posted November 12, 2023 Share Posted November 12, 2023 Im waiting for it to release Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IGacha Posted November 12, 2023 Share Posted November 12, 2023 On 11/8/2023 at 11:48 PM, Penguin73 said: Xbox player. I thought about what I would do if I were playing. Does that count? 🤣 Xbox player too, I booted up the island on ASE and tried to figure out routes from spawn to good building spots to get there before they are all pillared off 🤣 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cymas Posted November 13, 2023 Author Share Posted November 13, 2023 @Dave192 This is literally the one time when narcoberries are actually the better play. Because they apply torpor so slowly you can spam them all in and then have 20 minutes or so of breathing room. The downside is that many berries are heavy to be carrying around lol. Had an enormously successful weekend, I have to say. Yesterday was...ok. I didn't play a ton but enough to go hunt for more raptors. I ended up with 3 140+ megaloceros instead, which I tamed up and ended up doing a little breeding project with them. This was mainly a test for my breeding settings, which ended up being prescient because it's taking quite a bit of tweaking to get them where I want it. Imprints still need some adjusting but I can do them now, at least. I spent probably 3 hours just messing around with my world settings then went to bed way too late. Also submitted my first bug report for ASA after discovering an amusing visual bug and some very confused elk babies... Today was the big win, I have catapulted myself up a tier for sure. First I got annoyed looking for a high level male raptor so I tamed a low level and used it as a pivot to breed with my 2 females to get a decent mount. I used that raptor to go to the volcano cave and farm up chitin, which I turned into paste, then polymer. I now have a generator, 2 fridges, a grill, and power! Nice. I then turned my attention to the next biggest thing on my list, literally and figuratively: yutys. It took quite a chunk of the afternoon but I hunted down a low level pair of yutys then walked them all the way home out of the snow. Ah, the good old days. It may have taken longer but I stuck to the coast/rivers rather then try to cut cross country though all the bad stuff with low visibility. Once I had my yutys, I, well, bred my yutys. Culled the babies until I got 4 females and raised them up. Made a pearl run so I could craft the saddle and get them all set up. Then I grabbed the first couple of eggs produced and went out to tame an oviraptor. Went with a lowish level just to have it. Then with so many big dinos, there are lots of big dino poops to pick up. I took advantage to stock up and took my bred raptor all the way out to central cave and battled our way through waves of angry spiders (seriously why are there so many!?) to get to the real prize: dung beetle! Got the beetle home and set up and while it was making fertilizer I got my irrigation and crop plots set up. A few cycles later and I have my farm. Unfortunately success came with a setback. Having forgotten I whistled passive to tame the oviraptor, I didn't notice a dilo attacking my mammoth until it was far too late. I will never understand why dilos aggro so much random stuff that could smush them into paste. Sigh. So it was back to the snow for a new mammoth tame. At least I have fur and a random otter I spotted while walking one of the yutys home. And yes this is entirely on me for being too lazy/confident to think I should bother putting up behemoth gates just for the mammoth. The sad part is it would have been completely fine if I left it on the other side of the base, too. The first one I saw was a 145. Obviously I don't have kibble yet but...even a bad tame would be better so I did it. Tame got ruined by a pack of sabers but the mammoth lived and after way too long listening to it snore we made our way home. By that time it was pretty late in the evening so I finished out the day with some scouting for where I want my main base build to be. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneRandomGuy Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 Sit on the menu screen because the server I played on is down for 12 hours now. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SRC Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 Raised some Rhynios and did Alpha Megapethicus. There's a bug with the element terminal spawning, just an FYI. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cymas Posted November 14, 2023 Author Share Posted November 14, 2023 Kiah's Community Server, Unofficial, No Mods, The Island Yep, I did a thing. As happy as I am to be on single player, I've been really missing server play and the last really good unofficial I was on was a YTer server so...I'm gonna try another one. I feel like Kiah's a bit underrated in the Monarky and from what I've seen I trust her to do a good job running a server so I'm braving the high ping of EU to join in the fun. Spent my evening doing the basic bob beach life. Leveled up, built a raft, built up the raft, died to a dilo while afk, killed the dilo and stole its baby in revenge, you know, the usual. I had wanted to at least level up enough to get a ptera but ended up a bit shy in level and wasn't finding any good pteras anyway. Ended up sailing pretty much all the way from west 3 to halfway up the east coast. This is quite the busy little server, lots of bases and a very active chat. Got to wave to cap's boat on my way by too, that was neat. I think I'll like it here. I found a place to park and set up a really basic box (ugh) build, I don't know if I'll stay here or not just yet. After a bit I was joined by a friend, C, so it seems I'm running a tribe again. Another friend K may join up with us later on, and my old tribemate M if he can upgrade his computer. For now, we've got grinding to do. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stewbawl Posted November 15, 2023 Share Posted November 15, 2023 welp, my tribemate saw some pictures and watched a video and loved the look of a treehouse, so we've completely moved from our old location to a treehouse in the redwoods. it was a lot of work but sharing the effort we got it all done in one day. and the new tribe base looks much better than the old one. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yarnevk Posted November 15, 2023 Share Posted November 15, 2023 (edited) sp but running at 1x except tames/breeds Also run true 1x XP not the evolved 4x bonus rates which became standard 1x then SP multiplies it 2x, so that is a 0.125XP. This maintains the original game balance of when you earn XP for engrams you spend the next level implementing that engram - a far more natural pace that makes for thatch, wood, stone slow survival progression. I also do not do 150 wild dinos and stick to max 30 plus whatever SP level is to avoid the tame >> wild since SP already buffs tames a lot. So I had a 56 and 10 beaver soon as I got narc arrows. Still far away from being able to make the saddles but they are great low level wood harvesters even on wander - and I needed to finish upgrading from thatch so need lots of wood. But one escaped to the ocean and was circling which they seem to do just for fun, so I waited until I could build a raft and got saddle drop for a tanking turtle just in case. Soon as I got out there I saw it was a shark and the beaver was nibbling and circling it, but too fast to get a good read on it with the spyglass but figured it must not be big because the beaver was circle jerking for a while. So I went back to base got some narc arrows made up but it was circling too fast - so whistled for my extra beaver, my para, and my turtle to take it out thinking some shark meat for dolphin taming would be good. I finally got the spyglass on it too late and realized it was an alpha 10...but several of my tames was 50+ so I figured reward > risk. The chaos broke the AI circlejerk and it chomped all my water tames. So I ran up the coast to tame some low level sharks replacements hoping to grief it, using the shallows to get them stuck so I could easily narc them. The alpha ate those too when I put them on wander aggro to get some coel/pirhana fish to feed themselves not realizing they wandered out of the shallows despite being on raft follow. So I gave up on the alpha hunt got another shark for defense, then went swimming with dolphins forgetting that while they like raw fish (which I had some fresh shark meat after the alpha left me some scraps) they really really like the dodo kibble. So after dying of cold repeatedly and nibbling my last shark meat a leeds decided I was rafting the ocean... so I spent days tearing down my docks to build a raft hut to stay warm and make some dodo kibble. So I guess herbivore island for that metal is going to have to wait until I can get a shark/dolphin/turtle/beaver navy to get over there just to avoid the leeds eating my raft and I will stick to the shores and rivers rafting for now! Though I doubt a wood raft will hold up to the raptor packs that ate my last para so need to get stones cut down with the downside that just clears the beaches so raptors can chase you easier! Flyer saddles are still far outta reach unless I get a drop but I like the survival challenge. Just another day in ark reminding me not ready to leave beach bob zone just yet ...good to be back as it has been many years! Edited November 15, 2023 by yarnevk 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cymas Posted November 16, 2023 Author Share Posted November 16, 2023 Kiah's Community Server, Unofficial, No Mods, The Island Well, the one thing I did forget about (and don't miss) from playing on a server...the dreaded post-patch server update lol More of a mild inconvenience but I'd hoped to get on a bit early and work on a project to surprise tribemate C. He's working tonight and can't play so it'd be a prime opportunity for hijinks, if not shenanigans! Also I didn't realize it but I inadvertently claimed territory across the river from Crabby so we're almost neighbors lol. I definitely need to work on a decent build if Cap's going to be hanging around in the area! I'm nowhere near his level but I am a bit of a builder myself. But to do that I need utility dinos, and levels. Lots of levels. First, I logged on and was surprised to see C tamed an argent. Not saddled since neither of us is high enough level. Yet. I may be a PVE player, but I've watched enough PVP to know some of the basic strats, which I took heavy advantage of this evening. C tamed me a ptera last night so I took it out for an exp note run. I don't have the optimal pathing, but I do have a pretty good memory and simply ran down a bunch of the ones I knew about and had easy access to. Once buffed I went on an absurd narc farm since we had tons of spoiled meat already. I admit, this is a bit cheeky of me to do. C has a fair few hours in ASE but his knowledge is still relatively limited. He's going to be so confused when he logs in tomorrow lol. He had been about 13 levels ahead of me. Now he's 14 levels behind. He's not going to have any idea how I did it. Once I had my levels, I saddled the argent. Now, I don't generally condone using other people's personal tames but I felt this situation warranted it. I was very careful with his bird as I got to work. First since we were nearby I went to herb island and grabbed an anky. KO'd it outside base and tamed it up. Once it was done I took it up to Far's Peak for a metal run. While there I spotted a doed. Went home, loaded the forge, went back and grabbed the doed. Tamed that. Happened to get a moschops walk into base while I was putting some stuff away, tamed it. Had a baby so free backup moschops, no complaints here. Then I went out and scoured The Island for my least favorite utility tame...a beaver. I greatly prefer mammoths but beavers can be carried ended up being quite a hunt but I tracked one down all the way at the opposite corner of the map, by the volcano. That was a long flight. But we got it home and KO'd. Found a 145 lystro wandering around nearby so I tamed that too. Finished the night organizing the animals and putting away supplies. I had hoped to do more, specifically getting us into electrical, but I simply ran out of time. All in all though an extremely successful day. I can't wait for C's reaction when he logs in and see a whole set of utility dinos sitting there, all saddled up and ready to go. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yarnevk Posted November 18, 2023 Share Posted November 18, 2023 (edited) Much later ARK time I got a dozen turtles navy hanging out at the southern isles river outlet. Also picked up an otter this seems to be a tame designed to bypass their buggy weather system that swings from scorching to freezing in minutes! (I had stopped following the crunch years ago so this was a cute surprise!). Also discarded some trash egg pickups late at night hoping they would freeze as I get too many with ovi collection, and found otter also helps hatch them all. So I admit I got some prime meat from the pile of babies stuck together....survival of the fittest. Lost turtles with terrain/raft structure hangups so went back to a naked raft. Navy killed two alpha sharks and lost half dozen turtles. Then one of the turtles got stuck in the naked raft (despite far follow set) which makes the raft controls go backwards, so no matter what I kept getting pushed out to the deep. And of course the leeds ate my full resourced raft. Luckily I had the presence of mind to whistle all folllow me instead of raft. And it turned out to be an alpha leeds and it ate my otter right off my shoulder. So I set the turtle navy on it and got my alpha white whale blubber! Still cannot get the dolphins, I never had to trap them back when they was introduced they just run away now even with the dodo kibble which fades so I get nowhere but that is my next step is a dolphin trap using a friendly shark. dolphin and beaver I should be able to make high speed scouting across to herbivore island while the turtle navy catches up and hope I do not suffer too much cargo loss! Beaver was high level tame but lost efficiency taming attacks by a seagull (which stole my taming berries!) and an alpha raptor which my turtle captain and I had to kill, but still higher than the previous beavers the alpha sharks ate before. Got handful of colored xbows now as alpha rewards so did some night manta killing (i have a manta saddle reward but cannot tame them yet!) So basically a week of resets trying to get off noob island over to herby island. Loving the true 1x survival grind! Edited November 18, 2023 by yarnevk 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Penguin73 Posted November 19, 2023 Share Posted November 19, 2023 Did nothing today. Still waiting for console and it's really feeling like it could be awhile yet. I'm not holding my breath for "early next week" or even Nov 30. So I think I might load up ASE again for my fix. I haven't played since servers went down and don't know if unofficial is still a thing, but I'll check that option. Otherwise it'll be SP. If anyone has a suggestion for a good unofficial Xbox server...let me know. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
danhimanez Posted November 19, 2023 Share Posted November 19, 2023 On 11/8/2023 at 11:02 PM, Joebl0w13 said: I'm thrilled to kick complainers out of this thread. I loved the old ASE what did you do today! Maybe if they fixed all the crashes there would be more positive response and you wouldnt need to kick anyone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volunteer Moderator Joebl0w13 Posted November 19, 2023 Volunteer Moderator Share Posted November 19, 2023 27 minutes ago, danhimanez said: Maybe if they fixed all the crashes there would be more positive response and you wouldnt need to kick anyone? Maybe, but this isn't the thread to bitch about it in. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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