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Wow. Thoughts on Xbox release before Playstation?

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15 hours ago, Fatbatmanplays said:

You have zero way of knowing this. They can say whatever they want, they’ve lied to everyone before. The fact is that developing this game on unreal engine 5 on the Xbox series S is sketchy due to being much lower graphics-wise than either pPS5 or Xbox Series X. I’d be willing to bet money that the game is ready for both PlayStation 5 and series X, and the real culprit holding everyone back is the Series S. And they aren’t going to release asa for PS5 before Xbox even if it was verified and ready. This makes much more sense.

My way of knowing it is that devs from other games have complained about the length of the Playstation cert process in particular.

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3 hours ago, Scheneighnay said:

My way of knowing it is that devs from other games have complained about the length of the Playstation cert process in particular.

I have heard directly from other devs the playstation cert is pretty tough.  But think about the buggy games that are on the playstation that have cleared cert, imagine if they had the same standards as other platforms, I mean you can take a 3 week old dog turd, heat it up in the microwave and put it on steam for sale and they are happy to have it.   But at the end of the day, the delays do not fall on the platforms, they fall on the developers.  They are the ones that are not good at their jobs and they are the ones trying to get a luke warm dog turd to pass cert knowing there is zero chance of that happening but still telling everyone "everything is on track and next week is going to be hot"

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7 hours ago, SLlCK said:

I have heard directly from other devs the playstation cert is pretty tough.  But think about the buggy games that are on the playstation that have cleared cert, imagine if they had the same standards as other platforms, I mean you can take a 3 week old dog turd, heat it up in the microwave and put it on steam for sale and they are happy to have it.   But at the end of the day, the delays do not fall on the platforms, they fall on the developers.  They are the ones that are not good at their jobs and they are the ones trying to get a luke warm dog turd to pass cert knowing there is zero chance of that happening but still telling everyone "everything is on track and next week is going to be hot"

Still better than when Nintendo allowed Ark to hit the switch with its FPS in the teens.

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Why do you want ASA to come out on PS5 right now? It was forced to release on PC well before it was ready (read about the legal deal between Nitrado (Mobius) and Snail Games), and as a result it’s unplayable. Extremely buggy and crashes constantly. 

luckly, Microsoft and Sony are denying them certification, otherwise you would get a mess of a game on console. Which explains the delays. 

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12 minutes ago, USPfan said:

luckly, Microsoft and Sony are denying them certification, otherwise you would get a mess of a game on console. Which explains the delays. 

Except that Xbox will go live today.
Also note that MS and Sony's certification did not prevent all the oohpsies in the past few years, why would it all be different now?

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7 hours ago, SLlCK said:

I have.  That dev is out of business now.

CDPR is still doing great...Anyways, PS players will get to enjoy Extra Life event same as everyone else...kinda reminds me when you setup the dinner table and the family dog is sat there on the side looking at the food you're eating, sniffing the air and drooling lol. Enjoy folks, you're bound to get some scraps at the end, no need to throw tantrums

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6 hours ago, KingOfAshes said:

CDPR is still doing great...Anyways, PS players will get to enjoy Extra Life event same as everyone else...kinda reminds me when you setup the dinner table and the family dog is sat there on the side looking at the food you're eating, sniffing the air and drooling lol. Enjoy folks, you're bound to get some scraps at the end, no need to throw tantrums

I don't know who you are talking about but I was talkng about /6 and zipper interactive.   And I don't think you get why people are mad, its not about the waiting so much as it is about the consistent lying wildcard is so famous for doing.  If they would stop lying, hiding the facts, and just plain making up things, 3/4 of the hate would be non existent.  Now sprinkle on the fact they pretend to be transparent and have the nerve to think most people are dumb enough to believe them and you have yourself a developer that deserves every inch of hate thrown their way.

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On 11/12/2023 at 5:43 PM, IGacha said:

As an xbox player who always had to deal with playstation getting updates and releases from other games ahead of us, I say thats karma 🤣


On 11/13/2023 at 6:06 AM, alex1234 said:

Haha when playstation gets things before xbox those Sony ponnies laught and brag but when xbox gets thing first they cry and say its unfair

Considering Xbox doesn't have any games, i guess anything would be a win when you get by on scraps.

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