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Community Crunch 385: Console and LiveOps Update, Extra Life Update, and More!


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6 hours ago, Gecko1611 said:

I wish they actually specified when the next vote will be. They claim they're pausing the votes because of stress from submitters like me, and yet its causing some of us more stress worrying about when the next vote will actually be.

I guess we just have to guess hehe.

Ik! I wish they were more specific when its going to drop and for which map. In the meantime I’ll be preparing submissions. Though to be honest Idk how they are going to have all the creatures ready without delays. 


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23 hours ago, TeRyn said:


Official Offline raid protection clusters on ASE really, really increased my love for the game! Our tribe could focus more on progressing. Not having to sweat on getting wiped at work.
Ark became a healthier, more enjoyable experience. Any information RE: implementation of ORP?

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I would like Wildcard to seriously address why 1000 USD+ GPUs barely can runs this game in native 1440p in aroudn 20 FPS on epic settings like RTX 3090Ti. 

We do deserve to see the plans how the team is going to address this problem. We haven't spent 8 years to find out nothing changed on that front at the studio and the game will remain horribly optimised till the PC hardware would develop enough to handle ASA optimisation problems with brute force of computing power (This happened with ARK Survival Evolved basically)

I am not getting this game till I am sure I don't need PC from NASA to play in max settings, 1080p on epic setting 60FPS+. 
(I have here RTX 3080Ti, 64GB RAM and Ryzen 5900 (12 cores))

Edited by Lewiatan
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What about an announcement regarding enforcement action on the dupers of official servers, or still hoping we go quietly to unofficial so console will still buy the game and you wont have to enforce the official servers?
 I'll keep asking on discord until my tribe stops asking me or any good unoffi servers release, game is still great but hope you get sued for false advertisement. "Making hackers cry as they lay in bed alone, with their parents disappointed in them" in community crunch message was rough gaslighting of legit players if you refuse to do anything about it.

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4 hours ago, Iceberg035 said:

What about an announcement regarding enforcement action on the dupers of official servers, or still hoping we go quietly to unofficial so console will still buy the game and you wont have to enforce the official servers?
 I'll keep asking on discord until my tribe stops asking me or any good unoffi servers release, game is still great but hope you get sued for false advertisement. "Making hackers cry as they lay in bed alone, with their parents disappointed in them" in community crunch message was rough gaslighting of legit players if you refuse to do anything about it.

Wow, duping is still an issue? Anyone remember that was 1 of the biggest reasons given by wildcard and the mindless fanbois that a full wipe was necessary when ASE left EA all those years ago? That and 'its the only way to truly fix all the bugs' Almost carbon copies of the arguments given for why ASA will be 'soo much better' And yet here we are, all these years later, duping still exists and main game breaking bugs still as well. Not only never fixed in ASE but making a return in the broken remaster. Unbelievable lol 

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Tylko narzekanie na tą grę i po co skoro i tak mnóstwo ludzi kupi ta grę. Asa mega survival. Zrobili super robotę i po co narzekać mają bledy to je naprawia. Ale asa ma wiele jeszcze do pokazania nowe mapy stworzenia mechaniki do tego mody coś pięknego. Wiem że mój komentarz różni się od innych ale ja kocham te grę. A studio WC mi ją dal. Więc czekam do 14 listopada i kupuje te grę. I czekam na dalszy rozwój tej pięknej gry trzymam kciuki za całe studio WildCard👍👌

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On 11/3/2023 at 9:49 PM, BruisingPikmin said:

The game is early access, how much more open do you want it, free? Lol

You must not understand what a beta release for a week is, that’s ok I’ll brake it down. They should have allowed pre orders, and only those who legitimately bought it gets a beta download to play the game early for a week(this gives them free testers to work out kinks) so instead of the wild card staff only finding issues you now have 5,000+ finding issues with real time data going back to the company.  It allows companies to see shortfalls and coding errors with direct user input. And also never stated it should be free, it should be paid for. Hopefully that’s more clear for you. Happy arking. 

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19 hours ago, PrimalNacho said:

Ik! I wish they were more specific when its going to drop and for which map. In the meantime I’ll be preparing submissions. Though to be honest Idk how they are going to have all the creatures ready without delays. 


Same here. I can't wait to see what you and others have prepared. Even if these creatures aren't coming for a few years, the votes are still exciting nonetheless!

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On 11/4/2023 at 2:35 PM, Izayoielric said:


we as a family have played ark for 10yrs, made a memorial for our father and our mother in your game. This was a punch to the teeth. 
the PlayStation community should band together and say no and just not buy your garbage anymore. Even our nitrado servers are garbage. 


thank you and we pray for your bankruptcy in the future.


Game hasn't even been out 10 years

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My favorite thing is how all 10 of Syntac's "10 Incredible Additions To Ark Survival Ascended" are all things the community has been asking for and that either could have easily been implemented into A.S.E. 5 years ago but wc refused to implement for absolutely no reason, and/or are things that were so poorly executed that they are immersion breaking within an "updated" game which was supposed to be even more immersive. 😂

It's been quite heartbreakingly funny to watch Syntac continuously negatively criticize various decisions made by wc concerning this "new" "updated" game as well. Proving that nothing which wasn't already fixed 5 years ago, but never implemented, has been fixed. The constant negative sighs and exclamations of disappointment from Syntac on his new videos make me question why wc put one of his videos on their community crunch. I mean, even this one has a negative critique in it. 🙃

What's been absolutely hilarious though, is watching all the people gush over the "Stealth TLC" for the dung beetle and oviraptor. Saying how its "amazing that they can auto pick-up poo and eggs now". You want to know why it was a "Stealth TLC"? It's because the dung beetle and oviraptor in A.S.E. can also auto pick-up poo and eggs respectively and have been able to do so for quite a while now even in vanilla A.S.E. Or, at least, the ones on my vanilla A.S.E. single player can. 🤣

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26 minutes ago, FlorianWind9 said:

My favorite thing is how all 10 of Syntac's "10 Incredible Additions To Ark Survival Ascended" are all things the community has been asking for and that either could have easily been implemented into A.S.E. 5 years ago but wc refused to implement for absolutely no reason, and/or are things that were so poorly executed that they are immersion breaking within an "updated" game which was supposed to be even more immersive. 😂

It's been quite heartbreakingly funny to watch Syntac continuously negatively criticize various decisions made by wc concerning this "new" "updated" game as well. Proving that nothing which wasn't already fixed 5 years ago, but never implemented, has been fixed. The constant negative sighs and exclamations of disappointment from Syntac on his new videos make me question why wc put one of his videos on their community crunch. I mean, even this one has a negative critique in it. 🙃

What's been absolutely hilarious though, is watching all the people gush over the "Stealth TLC" for the dung beetle and oviraptor. Saying how its "amazing that they can auto pick-up poo and eggs now". You want to know why it was a "Stealth TLC"? It's because the dung beetle and oviraptor in A.S.E. can also auto pick-up poo and eggs respectively and have been able to do so for quite a while now even in vanilla A.S.E. Or, at least, the ones on my vanilla A.S.E. single player can. 🤣

Clearly not vanilla ASE that you’ve been playing because I just tested the “”stealth TLC”” on ASE singleplayer with both and neither worked.

for data: had a level 1 oviraptor on wandering enclosed in a pen with a bronto egg that dropped naturally from a tamed bronto. Tried it with every kind of aggression level, encumbered and empty inventory. It looked just stood there and the egg never went into its inventory so you’re either lying about your singleplayer, or you’ve got some mods enabled that you forgot about

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