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Make your game accessible with these changes



Currently there is a toxic meta of blocking off entire servers with structures blocking caves, obelisks, explorer notes, and resources. This is making the game unplayable unless you join a large group or hope that Wild Card makes more and more servers. 

I think that there are a lot of ways to solve this but one would be introducing tribe claims that claim a specified area, 10x10, 50x50, or render range. 

You can have a maximum number of claims per tribe that are based on points earned by having active members up to a limit of say 6.  You could have one large claim for the main base and then smaller claims for farming bases and outposts as well. Anything outside of these claims would degrade at very fast rates forcing them to either allow those places to become buildable or they would have to spend the time flying around to refresh them say twice a day.

After this system you could then make those claim flags display vulnerability windows that are set by the tribe. This would be an 8 hour window where the structures inside the claim are vulnerable to attack.  During the invulnerable window you can have dinos that weren't ridden within an hour that have no items in their inventory become invulnerable as well. During the invulnerability window you could make it so turrets either don't fire or do greatly reduced damage and not consume ammo to prevent offline tanking of bullets. 

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I agree with the OP 100%.Yeah yeah, pvp yaddy yaddy yadda.  I think that something everyone forgets though is that this is precisely how toxic alphas became so dominant on legacy and killed entire servers to begin with.  Not only is the meta of blocking off content harmful to servers it is actually just straight up anti competitive and anti PvP. You may not be in a cage the moment you spawn in but you may as well be.  Note runs are a huge part of playing pvp. Blueprints too. Hours after wildcard opened new servers the last time the explorer notes were blocked off on nearly if not all of the new servers that were opened. 


Do we really wanna do this again? We know exactly where this leads. We have seen it before.  



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I played Atlas for multiple seasons and the reason it was rough there was because they were claiming the entire island, so then they tried mini claims, but yet again it lacked real estate to accommodate. The island has tons of real estate compared to Atlas, but key things like caves being blocked blocks bosses for that whole server.  ASE official in its later stages became fairly unplayable, so I just don't want to see history repeat itself. 

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why not make caves, obelisks and other imported areas unbuildable? it's much simpler. To limit the use of pillars, doors and foundations to cover entire areas of the map it would be enough to put a limit on the number of these structures that a tribe can place so it would also take away a burden from the game and our consoles or PCs, achieving better performance and servers more stable 

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