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Overheating and Freezing


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Anyone noticing weird weather behavior? I am on Carno Island so I am curious if other players are experiencing the same odd weather on other parts of the map. During the day it spikes up over 156 degrees and I get overheating in full ghillie, with 40 fortitude. I have to stand in water to get down to a small flame. Then at night, I have to switch to full fur and stand next to 2 campfires with my torch out (and 40 fortitude) just to get to a snowflake from the ice cube. I spend half the day doing nothing outside because of the extreme weather. Any other parts of the map doing the same thing?

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I've been noticing the same thing on Herbivore Island. I also pumped fortitude and it doesn't seem to help. Its strange though, because I will get the ice cube during the late afternoon/dusk, but then it goes away at night. I also get the full flame at random times and have to stand in the water until it passes

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