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ASA - Is Singleplayer still screwed?


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Is singleplayer still screwed in ASA like it was in ASE? been playing solo and noticed dinos seem to almost completely stop spawning within a gigantic radius of the player, leading to wherever you base being extremely quiet if playing singleplayer/non-dedicated. Others on the steam forums seem to have noticed this and so I'm wondering what the state of singleplayer is. Do we still have the massive resource respawn bugs from ASE? Is this dino respawn suppression a bug or a feature or what?

Edit: To clarify I know the game isn't trying to spawn dinos on top of us, but even after 5-10 minutes there can be no dinos in visual distance of my base because nothing is spawning in a massive area.

Edited by Traslo
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8 minutes ago, djenkins72968 said:

My first base in ASA is on herbivore island. Ive killed off most Ankys there to try and get higher level ones to spawn. Ive been playing 2 full real time days (not 48 hours in game, but I started 2 days ago) now and havent gotten any Ankys to respawn yet. Something is deifinitely screwed up

Yeah I'm on my 3rd base, one was on the south edges of the swamp which is usually a constant brawl of dinos, and it became completely empty, then I moved up north on the east coast, same thing happened, then I moved just atop the beaver lake near the north coast and now everything's gone there too. Singleplayer / Non-Dedicated just seems to not want to respawn dinos.

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