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Queue when connecting to official servers



Hello, I've been trying to connect to the official server for 40 minutes now by constantly refreshing the page and when one player leaves the server I connect but unsuccessfully, as if I'm playing a game before the game, who will press the "Join" button first.
I had an idea why the developers should not make it easier for us and make the game more enjoyable by adding some kind of queue like we can see in FiveM when we connecting to the server that is full.

Survivors if you agree with this please leave a positive rating so that this advice reaches the Developers.


Edited by MrEmson
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I am sick of waiting to join a server on official because randoms are joining. I am lvl 70 and can't get in while I'm mid tame! I only left cause game crashed. So frustrating. This studio needs to fix their poop. Add a queue system like rust etc. This will help for now until they fire up for servers which will likely kill nitrado anyway cause it can't handle this game 

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Thnak god someone thinks the same, in 2023 and still no qeue to enter a full server, and the numbers of the server are all over the place, 20/70 = full, then i entered in one 70/70 two times in a row ... we just want to play, i have like 1 hour trying to enter and 20 mins in real played time and getting crashed xD

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Would be nice to have a queue or some such that you could wait in when the server is full, rather than having to click and click hoping you'll happen to catch a free slot.  Another idea - would be GREAT if you could tag a full server, then drop into single player to mess around and get a notification when the server is no longer full.  Just my 2 cents...

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So ASA released on xbox today and the game looks great, no problems with crashing or lagging or anything at all it was the most fun on ark I've had since I first started in ASE 4 years ago. I was lucky enough get on right when the day 1 servers came on and played for about 3 hours, got a base setup and farmed a good amount of metal and I decided to log off for an hour to walk my dog and get some food. I have now been spending the last hour just trying to log back in with no luck at all and I cant help but feel I wasted all my time progressing on that server that I now cant even play, unless I want to spend the next few hours simply trying to log back on to the server. Something as simple as a server que would help this process DRAMATICALLY. I love game so far and am really impressed with how it looks and plays like a high-end game, but when you cant even play the game because of this archaic server system it really creates a lot of unnecessary stress and just heavily cheapens the experience.

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the que system does not work as yall intended it to be, we can que in the auto join for a full server however it will never join, please remove it and we can just battle it out by clicking, please add region lock, many people that are not from north or south america or central america can not get into the servers because people from Europe, asia are on na servers taking up slots normally that is not a problem but it is, for sure when a old new map is released again after a graphic update, needs to be a region lock, untill the next map comes out a region lock that the best vpn can not get around.

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Over the last couple of releases there have been long wait times to get into full servers. Hours to days. Also if there is a weekend only event it's possible people won't even get to participate in it if their character is stuck on a full server.

The following would be good to help with the queue system.

- Number in queue and an estimated wait time

- Kick afk people after say 15-30 minutes? 

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I know Wildcard is all hard at work with their roadmap, but perhaps they could develop a queue so that you don't have to sit and spam join a full server to win the lottery and get in? If you hit join, wait about 5-10 seconds and hit cancel on the auto join message, and then keep spamming that process, you get in eventually within 30 minutes to an hour beating out someone else who does the same.

Why can you not just put 70(5) next to a server, and then display a number that you are in queue, properly reserving your spot in queue if you sit and wait? It is such a common feature amongst games of the last twenty years and it is missing from Ark, making it a pain to attempt to play on weekends especially during the first month of any new map. 

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The auto join feature does not work that well, i have left my game to auto join for hours multiple times and ive never been able to join that way, Someone can easily beat someone who has been patiently waiting to join the server which is super frustrating.

With a queue it would be the most fair for players who want to join the server so people who have been waiting longer will get the fair opportunity of getting to play when its their turn. 

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Since abb just released there's a lot of issues with the servers being full and not being able to get in to play/get your character off the server. I think it would be great to add a good queue system like in rust so that in stead of getting in by good timing and luck you would sit in a queue until its your turn to join. Another solution to getting your character off full servers is to be able to pull it from that server by uploading it from the main menu then downloading it on a different server. (i have had my character stuck on a abb server for the last 14-15 hours this should not be a issue and its very easy to fix pls do something)

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I don't understand for the love of the game... 
Why can't you guys make a queue system that shows you how much you are in queue and then ACTUALLY gets you in?

Aberration launch is a disaster, so many people can't even play despite the addition of extra servers... 
All the weekend/event warriors come in and the regular players are kept out to play...
Just try to make it so that if you log in to a server you get a number in queue and let it countdown and then let the person join...
This is not working at all and frustrates so much people. 

Today only i tried loggin gback in after a crash whilst being in the middle of nowhere. 
My body is probably drowned 15 times by now and my inventory stolen. 
If someone crashes or dc's they should get like a 1 minute window to get back in before actually being disconnected and needs to try and log back in.
After 2h i gave up, i am trying now aswell.

This is plain nonsense and you are gonna lose so many players on a short time because of this matter.

I am near 4k hours on ASA, i played ASE 15k hours, i love the game but not the login boss, on the contrairy... this demotivates me to even play.
I play on official and that's what i want to play.

You could also make premium servers or whatever. i even want to pay something per month to be able to actually play...

Edited by mogrot
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It is beyond me.. how a company can put out a product that has so many issues.  

I would love to be able to have Premium servers where I was whitelisted. that interact with the rest of the servers on official. 
or a Queuing system that ACTUALLY worked.

I got a bit over 3K hours on ASA and well over 15K hours on ASE.  and the launches of new maps on Official is getting worse each time.  


also sucks..

because I cannot get on the capped servers..  where my character is.  so opening up NEW servers does not help me.. 

and to top it off. I cannot play on the unofficial because the servers for the mods is down. (WHICH NEVER HAPPENED ON THE STEAM WORKSHOP)

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I've been trying to log into my abb server for now more than 24 HOURS!!

I can't get in. Half the attempts end up with "server full", the other half "timeout" errors.

Even if I wanted to move to a less populated server I CAN'T because you need to log in to your server first to even be able to transfer out.


Every launch is the same. They release a small amount of servers that everybody fight over and THEN release more servers that nobody wants to move to because they CAN'T MOVE OUT or because they feel already invested. 

Just release all the servers at the same time!!!!!!

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You can solve the issue by making all new map release only have decaying servers for the first few months. Releasing perm servers when they release item transfers. 
This allows Wildcard to add more servers to meet demand, so we don't have the bulk of 'active player base' stuck on the server list spamming to join the 70/70 servers for hours.
Nobody wants to waste their time waiting for hours to join the game, new and old players. Something needs to change as its only getting worse with each release. 

This lets the new players get a taste of the map before moving onto the next new shiny game. 
No more whining about pillar spam as they can build as its getting wiped anyway.

Vets of the game will be able to make progress in taming and breeding still on decaying servers.
Yes a forfeit on land claiming till the perm servers get release but there should be less competition and complaining without the new bloods. 

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This needs some SERIOUS work...

I put myself in Que for 3 hours... while i ran around the house, cooking, and cleaning and even taking a nap.

Only to find out from my tribemates, that people where LEAVING AND JOINING for those 3 hours i waited...

I dont know what yall need to do to fix this, but it is absolutely INSANE that this does not work... AT ALL...

I've been spamming Join now for 5 hours.... 


and I thought Auto Log Out Timers where a thing... i guess yall removed those too? 

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