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Server Instability - Mega Thread


Message added by Joebl0w13,

Please report official server outages or other issues using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

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On 11/10/2023 at 11:40 AM, Frozenhole said:

At night they are stable so someone is doing to many calls to the database during the day and or a memory leak problem.


I'm playing single player, but I have to wonder if this is an/the issue.


Let's talk explorer notes.

I can open them when I first start the game up, or on a fresh restart.  If I've run more than around 20? mins then it's a crash when I open them.  Somewhere around the 15? min mark, I can open them but it causes continued lag until I close the game.

Graphical trailing.

I get this sometimes when I'm just sitting there.  It's mainly on flying creatures.  I'll see trails (copies of their wings trailing behind them) coming from their wings.  If I move they will often disappear.

The longer the game runs, the more weird poop happens like that.  If I'm just in my house building things then I can get around 2 hours or so before a crash.  The crashes only seem to happen when windows are opened in the game.  Mostly pet or explorer notes.

Often times the crashes are so hard that I can't even select the error window and I have to log out or restart to get back to my desktop.  Alt f4 doesn't work.  Alt tab will show it but as soon as I click on the window it brings the main game window back up.  Right clicking close doesn't work.  It just brings up the main game window and sits there.

Mostly set to medium settings.  I just let the game go to default for my setup.

My PC:

RTX 4070 ti


32 GB ram

game running on SSD with tons of room left

W10 64 bit

all latest updates and drivers all around

Edited by Geawiel
I messed up on ram amount. Have way more than I thought. Forgot I upgraded.
  • Facepalm 1
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En serio compramos un juego que esta a medio desarrollar y con la basura de servidores que hay??? 

Tengan un poco de dignidad al lanzar el juego, porgan una beta para que los jugadores jueguen antes y vean los bugs que hay, pero no saquen un juego a medio hacer y luego esten con nitrado que son los peores servidores de ark.

Queremos un juego estable, para eso pagamos, no para que no puedas jugar y con cada parche que implemantan es peor.

Decepcionante, un desastre. 

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On 10.11.2023 at 20:40, Frozenhole said:

W nocy są stabilne, więc ktoś wykonuje zbyt wiele wywołań do bazy danych w ciągu dnia i/lub występuje problem z wyciekiem pamięci.


they are not stable at all. It crashes on average every 2 hours. But this is not a one-time thing, because if the server crashes and there is no indication of another crash, it will crash the server in 5 minutes and rolls back even further than the previous server save.
The worst thing about it all is that you play for, say, 1 hour. It will crash the server and set you back for e.g. 15-30 minutes. And within these 30 minutes the server crashes again and the game progress is reversed by 30 minutes. As a result, you play for 1.5 hours with a game progress of 30 minutes.

I was taming my Gige 140Female Lvl. Perfectly tamed (lv 209), but unfortunately I couldn't even see the statistics because the server crashed. Set the server back by 15 minutes. I did it at night PVE-EU 5435 with a maximum of 4-5 players. the worst thing is that it supposedly goes back 15 minutes, but in fact it destroys much more than these 15 minutes. Because if it goes back, there is still a glitch in the form of losing torpor. Giving to the creature while being tamed. drugs according to dododex (and even more) will crash the server and come back, the creature does not increase torpor and is treated as if it never received these drugs and drops from the current torpor status to 0.
As a result, I received nothing from the tamed 209lv Giganotosaurus (or rather the loss of all my narcos, kibbles). there was a giga wild lvl 140 with low health. then 15 minutes later the server crashed again. And when he came back, the Giganotosaurus was gone because there was a new spawn of creatures.

I used Google translator. Sorry for mistakes.

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12 hours ago, Geawiel said:


I messed up somehow.  I'm running 32 gig ram.  No idea where I got the 8 from.

I turned the resolution down to 1600, from 2167.  It runs a bit better but I still get some crashes.

In the video settings page, the left section is dedicated to "video resolution" and related quality setups, in the right section there are some specific settings <--- the first 3 settings seem to weigh heavily on the graphics process so try setting turn these first 3 settings Off and if necessary try ticking the "max FPS 60" box, finally on the video card page it is useful to use the "performance" or "standard" mode but not the advanced quality ones.

Many of the crashes are due to a poorly optimized setup, especially when your PC and graphics card are not those of NASA ... :D

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I want to bring attention to an incident that occurred 11/5/23 around 10:30 am PST during a scheduled update. Unfortunately, the server did not come back up after the estimated 15 minutes of downtime. When it finally returned, it was in "Unofficial" mode, prompting players to create new characters upon joining.

In response, the community rallied together, reaching out to ARK developers and submitting numerous reports. Although the server eventually returned to "official" status, an unexpected issue arose: everyone now had Wildcard Admin status. This allowed for the abuse of commands, such as spawning dinosaurs and wiping tribes.

After a period of chaos, the server went down again for an hour. Upon its return, the admin status issue persisted. the server crashed after only 30 minutes of operation, and we are currently awaiting any update from the dev team. 

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There are two 5246 servers for more than half a day, one version 26.2502 (with a survival time of 198) and one version 26.27 (with a survival time of 193). Just now, the server crashed and restarted the server with only 193 days of survival. It's like I didn't do anything for that day. What caused it? Is there an official statement to explain to the player?

Edited by QQ1254350772
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ASA singleplayer and ASA official servers are different games. In official, AI Pathfinding not working, dino's DPS is lower because they bite slower, rhynio is very difficult to tame because rhynio do not impregnate your tames, delay for imprints, etc. All these issues are due to the server lag. Having a ping over 100 completely ruins the game, and it seems like Studio Wildcard has no intention of fixing their game. Please, fix your game, fix your servers. Please, fix your servers, fix your game. The game is incredible, but you're ruining it this way.

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1 hour ago, Megaangel97 said:

ASA singleplayer and ASA official servers are different games. In official, AI Pathfinding not working, dino's DPS is lower because they bite slower, rhynio is very difficult to tame because rhynio do not impregnate your tames, delay for imprints, etc. All these issues are due to the server lag. Having a ping over 100 completely ruins the game, and it seems like Studio Wildcard has no intention of fixing their game. Please, fix your game, fix your servers. Please, fix your servers, fix your game. The game is incredible, but you're ruining it this way.

What do you mean?
Everything working as intended on official servers:


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  • UnKnownCaveDude changed the title to lost/timedout connection crossplay
  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Server Instability - Mega Thread
  • Joebl0w13 locked and unlocked this topic

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