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Server Instability - Mega Thread


Message added by Joebl0w13,

Please report official server outages or other issues using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

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reported 5448  as being down and off lists 3 times 1 for each of the interval allotments 0 - 30 mins then 30 mins to an hour now an hour to 3 hours hopping i don't have to do the next 1 at the 3 hour + mark the server has been going down disappearing from lists all day but this has been the longest i think and my tribe mate was airborne now he had go to sleep due the long wait time server to reappear  so this is getting very frustrating and nerve wracking i used play evolved on pc and my ps and seems servers are worse then ever hoping they can be fixed soon

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i have leveled up , gotten a nice base goingon , dinos tamed am lvl 70 , official server eu-pve 5197  no longer showing in server list ??, have refreshed list countless times , restarted game and opc, it still isnt showing , yet players in my friends list are playing on it ? 


anyone havge any suggestions as to why this keeps happening with this server ?

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3 hours ago, Pyranight said:

Anyone else getting Host Connection Timeout error message when trying to log into Official servers? Also getting Joining Connection Timeout  message. Would appreciate some help or at least point me in a direction. Thanx! 😁

I get timeout errors all time kicks me out of server then takes ages to rejoin either it doesnt show in server list or its fulll despite showing 60/70

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4 minutes ago, udo said:

I get timeout errors all time kicks me out of server then takes ages to rejoin either it doesnt show in server list or its fulll despite showing 60/70

full all the time the only thing you can do is just keep trying and wait for some one to get off or wait for the server to crash but that's usually only every 3 hours and once they put it back up you should be able to get in ive lost probably 12 baby dinos because i couldnt get in to feed them so ive stopped even using that particular feature

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  • UnKnownCaveDude changed the title to lost/timedout connection crossplay
  • Joebl0w13 changed the title to Server Instability - Mega Thread
  • Joebl0w13 locked and unlocked this topic

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