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Server Instability - Mega Thread


Message added by Joebl0w13,

Please report official server outages or other issues using this form: https://ark.gg/outage

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hola alguien que me pueda ayudar si sabe de alguna solucion de porque no me aparecen los servvidores oficiales 

me dicen que solo por steam es que aparecen los servidores que de la app de xbox estan suspendidos por el momento saben si es verdad se los agradeceria mucho si me ayudaran con eso saludos ..!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I too love this game. It has taken immersion in entertainment to a completely different level. One where educating yourself and others about history, science and folklore goes hand in hand with not only meeting people from all over the world, but getting to know them - well - and sharing hundreds of hours with them when you might have otherwise been in it alone against the virtual backdrop, no matter how satisfying, exciting and engaging that can be amidst the world you all have created.

I have to pick on you though Wildcard, as you did wish us all the wish of staying connected. And our main server, along with many others has been down for all of Saturday night.

In the same vane, I do hope at some point moving forward that you will improve the realtime developer/client relationship.

You’ve given Vin a cushy title, there’s plenty of us on this side of the pond which would love to report on the status of servers, rollouts and glitch fix workshop solutions in the making.

Lean a little more on those who already rely on you to belong, and it would be better for all of us, if even just so we don’t feel so much alone and disconnected when the lines are down and our family (YOU) is ghosting us.


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I'm curious on how many other players have been getting disconnected from their servers. I'm not speaking of once or twice in a month,  I'm talking about 5-6 times within 20 minutes.  Wildcard needs to worry about these issues instead of the dynamics of the water or the visual textures.

I send the error report to Sony with a video clip and message. WildCard you need to do better. It's frustrating to purchase a product that you can't use especially during the holiday events. 

As far as any other game this company or affiliate releases, I'll spend my money on another game that I can enjoy without getting booted every couple minutes. 

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6 hours ago, PEACEMKR7900 said:

the server i play on isn't showing up either, we've all put in outage tickets for it, night shift must have not shown up to work tonight. alot of servers down with no update messages or anything for hours.

How are you sending outage reports, I get a message saying that customer support is down and have seen that message for several months now.

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47 minutes ago, SylisFelborn said:

How are you sending outage reports, I get a message saying that customer support is down and have seen that message for several months now.


48 minutes ago, SylisFelborn said:

Modded Island 100 down. Customer service has been down for months, maybe an entire year at this point. How are you guys submitting tickets?

I figured official servers would be the only ones that got any love but I guess that was wishful thinking. 


scroll up to support tab and click server outage report. fill that out.

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