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Request for Hardcore Server on ASA - Hardcore Community would greatly appreciate




Congratulations on launch! We are excited to replay ark again with its updated visuals! I know launch is always a supper busy time for you guys, it seems everyone is hard at work stabilizing the game. Question,  Is there any news about hosting an official hardcore server? Many of us in the hardcore community are unsure if ASA will be including one. If so is there an ETA for it?

Thanks again for all the hard work

-Hardcore community.

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On 5/24/2024 at 7:08 PM, Joebl0w13 said:

The lack of servers clearly show there is not enough demand at the moment. 

I just don't get that argument. How does a lack of HC servers show, that there is no demand? This thread (#1 suggestion topic) clearly shows the demand. Just repurpose only one of the empty official servers as a hardcore one. Even just using the "The Island" map, I am sure you will see constant usage right from the start. Should I be wrong, *then* you have a point in saying "there is no demand".

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10 minutes ago, MattiKloepper said:

I just don't get that argument. How does a lack of HC servers show, that there is no demand? This thread (#1 suggestion topic) clearly shows the demand. Just repurpose only one of the empty official servers as a hardcore one. Even just using the "The Island" map, I am sure you will see constant usage right from the start. Should I be wrong, *then* you have a point in saying "there is no demand".

It's pretty simple. WildCard said these servers don't exist due to lack of enough demand. 

Edited by Joebl0w13
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23 hours ago, s0na said:

C'è più che una buona richiesta. Soprattutto per la quantità di server che chiediamo. 1 cluster di ciascuna mappa per HC e 1 cluster di ciascuna mappa per ORP .

considering they made servers for premium mods without anyone asking for it , if I'm not mistaken most people who use mods do so in single player on private servers or not? don't add some servers for ORP, HARDCORE and exaggerating PRIMITIVE PLUS (Sometimes we forget it but it's another mode not currently supported that would offer a different experience that maybe someone would like) doesn't seem like such a smart idea to me 

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3 minutes ago, aikkam said:

considerando che hanno realizzato server per mod premium senza che nessuno lo chiedesse, se non sbaglio la maggior parte delle persone che usano le mod lo fanno in single player su server privati oppure no? non aggiungere server per ORP , HARDCORE ed esagerare con PRIMITIVE PLUS (a volte lo dimentichiamo ma è un'altra modalità non attualmente supportata che offrirebbe un'esperienza diversa che forse a qualcuno piacerebbe) non mi sembra un'idea così intelligente 

I was forgetting that they want to open the conquest servers, but whoever was asking for them, I don't seem to see requests with more than 40 votes to have these servers or by chance they are there but I haven't seen them please if there are let me see them, seriously who does he want to play on those servers after what snail did? 

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