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Request for Hardcore Server on ASA - Hardcore Community would greatly appreciate




Congratulations on launch! We are excited to replay ark again with its updated visuals! I know launch is always a supper busy time for you guys, it seems everyone is hard at work stabilizing the game. Question,  Is there any news about hosting an official hardcore server? Many of us in the hardcore community are unsure if ASA will be including one. If so is there an ETA for it?

Thanks again for all the hard work

-Hardcore community.

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In the long run ASA may be more successful implementing only hardcore mode. With enough money, time, and talent put into it they'd create a second life for players that may last for decades. It'd probably grow slowly in player count, but once people start to feel and relate to it as a real virtual life they'd stay and value their progress much more. With something like club ARK introduced and possibly expanded it further increases the opportunities to treat it more as a second life than a game. One of the reasons we're not getting any server may be that most hardcore players (at least on XBOX) seem to have used an exploit for years that disrespected the hardcore concept by creating multiple characters they hid in the upload where noone could kill them. If most of the community behaved like that and if I was a developer that would drive me in the direction of not wanting to introduce hardcore again, at least not with a similar exploit opportunity. 

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On 7/14/2024 at 7:54 PM, aikkam said:

Hi, I wanted to ask you if in your opinion is it a good idea to combine the requests for the Hardcore, ORP and No Tek servers in a single request here on the forum to bring together all the people who are still waiting for their favorite game mode? 

I dont think that its a good idea, because devs will not be able to determine who wants what and which request is viable, and which is not.
Plus, all of these mods are completely different, so putting them together doesnt make much since
I totally support everyone, who wants the game mod they enjoyed back in ASE and got it missing now, but i still believe we need to separate eggs from potatoes

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On 10/4/2024 at 10:33 AM, Simba360 said:

ARK Hardcore was the ultimatie survival experience for me. This paired with the awesome community that came out of these Server made it the best ARk experience me and my friends ever had.

Sadly as there are no HC servers on ASA I havent really caught on with the game yet.

Please bring hardcore servers to ASA and give the old community a place flourish.

i totally agree on survival part
NONE of existing mods has a single connection to "survival" aspect of the game
on hardcore you have to survive to keep your engrams/dinos etc that makes it spicier and real
on others if you die, nothing changes, so surviving is not a thing at all

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je suis d'accords avec tout le monde, j'ai arrêter je pense ne pas y joué si il y a pas de serveur harcore pour plusieurs raison


1 - le hardcore les gens sont plus cool très bonne communauté 

2 - a la base c'est marqué jeux de survie non ? ou est la survie si tu peu récupéré tout et rien perdre ? logique ou est tu ?

3 - La sensation que le moindre dino peu te tué et tout peu mal tourné du réfléchie a 10 fois, tu a peur de tout se qui donne une sensation bien plus importante que sur les les non harcore même le pvp ou ut peu tout perdre sur les autres serveur me soul 10 000 tourelle ect se que en harcore ben le pvp pas besoin vue que si tu Meur une fois ben voila tu perds tout il abusent pas et donc les serveur son moins pingé et plus stable aussi

4 - Même les grosse tribu te pvp pas la gueules toute les 5 minute on ne sais jamais même un low peu te tué si tu fait pas attention :) 

5 - les gens savent mieux construire et ne font pas des poubelle de construction partout !

6 - les gens ne restent pas dehors du coup personne se plein sur le chat tout les jours d'être noyer :)

7 - Il n'y a que des gens relax qui s'aident et parle calmement que les gens mature 

8 - on veux que ca soi off car la vie et dure et foutre 40 euro par moi ben on est pas tous riches et sa peu s'arrêter et tout perdre du jour au lendemain..

9 - sa évite les admin d'utilisé la console pour cheat aussi    

10 - Et bien entre nous entre les gens qui critique le jeux et les fan qui son toujours rester malgré tout les problèmes je pense qu'on le mérite :) merci et courage a vous.

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