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Request for Hardcore Server on ASA - Hardcore Community would greatly appreciate




Congratulations on launch! We are excited to replay ark again with its updated visuals! I know launch is always a supper busy time for you guys, it seems everyone is hard at work stabilizing the game. Question,  Is there any news about hosting an official hardcore server? Many of us in the hardcore community are unsure if ASA will be including one. If so is there an ETA for it?

Thanks again for all the hard work

-Hardcore community.

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I jus came back to ark for the aberration release and im sad to say after another couple weeks i will b done again due to no hardcore or crossark servers i refuse to play on smalls and official servers. I have friends in an official tribe that are 300 + ppl Thts not for me. It’s so sad to see all these dead servers with 3 or less ppl on them when u can have a hardcore cluster with only one of each map. And it would b more. Why did they bring back conquest and not hardcore or crossarks. Conquest was always known to have aim botters and dead servers lmfao. Can we at least get a dev or some one who’s not a volunteer moderator considering 50+ ppl have voted on this …. Which is more than 6 smalls servers combined. lol 

Edited by GARBS
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ARK Hardcore was the ultimatie survival experience for me. This paired with the awesome community that came out of these Server made it the best ARk experience me and my friends ever had.

Sadly as there are no HC servers on ASA I havent really caught on with the game yet.

Please bring hardcore servers to ASA and give the old community a place flourish.

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I am truly surprised (sorry I mean disappointed) that the existence of another popular game WoWith hardcore mode... was able to generate HUGE popularity from doing nothing but tweaking an existing game, promoting it - and boom... $$$$

...but here we are with ARK devs heads doing their best impersonation of sand worms.

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On 10/28/2023 at 2:50 PM, seabass417 said:

I think it would be amazing to have a cross-platform Hardcore Ark cluster. I played PS4/PS5 HC for years and we had a very tight knit community. I know from friends who switched to PC that the PC HC community was also very long-lasting and committed. I'm currently playing (or rather attempting to play with all of the server updates) ASA on PC with some other long-time Playstation HC players who also have PCs and it would be really appreciated if there were at least one Hardcore server for us to play our preferred game mode on.

Thanks WC for producing a game we all love and please see about adding a Hardcore server (hopefully full cross-platform)!!

I would love to see Xbox/ps5 hardcore servers.

but if they add pc in there I am not playing, I absolutely hate pc, it’s so unfair. Specially in hardcore servers, not to mention a majority of the hacks and abuses come from PC players.


Please WC hardcore servers for consoles only 

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Dear @StudioWildcard @Dollie @Cedric!
The game is losing tons of players lately. But in here you have a pretty decent group of people who wants to play your game on official hardcore servers (far not everyone is bothering creating forum account to vote and had none prior due to no support on ASE hardcore servers, so there was no need for it really before)
But thats one of hardcore discord communities (PC only, there are a lot more console players), and only few of us have voted in this topic:

And still this topic is the most voted of all ASA suggestions

Our community was never toxic and hating on devs, quite opposite actually, we have been supporting you even through all legacy servers closures, no official support for us, ASE closure etc.

So once again we are asking you to open for us hardcore servers, so we can enjoy the game once more while supporting your team and your game.
We are not asking for tons of servers, 1-2 of each map in a cluster would be enough. And i really can not see a single point on turning us down on that state of the game.


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23 hours ago, s0na said:

Penso che stiamo parlando con una segreteria telefonica che ha ricevuto una sola risposta programmata LOL

C'è più che una buona richiesta. Soprattutto per la quantità di server che chiediamo. 1 cluster di ciascuna mappa per HC e 1 cluster di ciascuna mappa per ORP .

E sono totalmente d'accordo sul fatto che questi server dovrebbero essere più visibili.
Le persone non erano istruite sull'intero spettro delle mod server presentate. Molti saltavano sull'hardcore e continuavano a chiedere cosa significa hardcore, e quelli nel gioco spiegavano tutto. Molte persone hanno trovato HC per errore e sono rimaste lì per mesi e persino anni. Ma cosa accadrebbe se quelle modalità fossero state più evidenti, più discusse, in modo che i giocatori non dovessero scoprirle da soli in un elenco di migliaia di server? 

A partire dai server hardcore, molte persone lo vogliono duro, vogliono giocare a un gioco SURVIVAL, quando il normale pvp (nemmeno parlando di pve ) non ha più nulla a che fare con la sopravvivenza oltre alla parola nel nome del gioco.
Guardati intorno: molte persone là fuori vogliono giochi difficili. Non tutti sono fiori che hanno paura di un leggero soffio di vento. Molti giochi là fuori ascoltano e ascoltano effettivamente i giocatori. Anche Rust (che sta andando molto meglio di Ark) ha dato la modalità hardcore ai giocatori 2 anni fa perché la gente la voleva. 

Dare a quelle persone che sono disposte a giocare un gioco duro un posto nel tuo gioco vale molto. Soprattutto quando non ti costa niente di speciale. 1 casella di controllo corrisponde alle impostazioni del server. 13 server per cluster in totale. Rendili visibili e osserva il risultato.

Potrei approfondire il marketing adesso e portare alla luce molte cose per dimostrare che la domanda è alta, ma non lo farò, perché temo che nessuna delle persone al potere presterà attenzione a questo post e sarà un duro lavoro fatto per niente. Ma se qualcuno sta guardando:

Basta fare un singolo sondaggio in Ark Discord con una domanda se le persone vogliono giocare in modalità Hardcore con una spiegazione completa di cosa tratta quella modalità. Senza possibilità di risposta negativa, perché il punto è vedere quante persone sarebbero effettivamente interessate, e rimarrai sorpreso.

E affermare che non c’è abbastanza domanda senza analizzare anche solo minimamente la situazione è poco professionale. Ma sarebbe giusto portare all’attenzione dei supervisori 2 degli argomenti più votati della sezione. 

friend, don't blame the moderator, he's not the one who makes the rules, in fact I appreciate that he reported WC's particular point of view, where I come from, we say ambassador, he doesn't bring any pain, I don't know if it also works in English. 

the idea of a poll here on the forum would be excellent 

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I dont know how u could say there is not enough demand when on smalls tribes most of time u have 6 to 10 accounts max logged in at once on servers lol. when u can have one of every map on hardcore and guarantee to have the same population. The fact u have 40 up vote for hardcore servers should say that enough. Also no crossark servers to... Hundreds of people played crossark servers and they dont have them still. Sooo there has to be other reasons besides demand because the demand is there just not the servers. I know dozens of americans australians and europeans that would jump at cross arks and hardcore. They just dont want to play with or fight mega tribes on smalls and official. BTW everyone knows small tribes have multiple people log on to 1 account so thats why I consider them mega tribes also..... I have 9k hours in ark survival evolved I know these things.

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Hardcore was the only servers I actually felt at home at. Regular official is too easy and too boring. There’s too much drama and it makes me want to quit the game. Hardcore never had those problems. If they don’t make hardcore servers I’m probably going to quit playing asa. It’s a shame. They forced us to all start from the beginning again and they can’t make a small change for their audience.

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